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View Full Version : 3 Step SureFire Way to test if SOE or -Nol works

07-15-2002, 10:27 PM
So far this is the test that could easily verify SOE or -Nol mixes if they work. I call this the \"FerroMone Test Ver. 1.0\".

Step 1. Initiate a conversation by asking open ended
questions and with a smile on your face.

Step 2. As much as possible don\'t talk about yourself, the
topic of your conversation must be all about her or
her experiences.

Step 3. Check your watch if the your conversation gets longer
than 15 min. or you are getting tired chatting and she
still wants to chat then you get a Nol HIT.

Any feedback or comments would be nice :-)

07-15-2002, 11:48 PM
Basic idea but it should be effective.

07-16-2002, 05:54 AM
Who knows? I\'ve got a nice dag ahead of me, some gel packets in my bag... We\'ll see what it gives...

Have you tested it yourself already?