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View Full Version : Pheromone backfire

07-13-2002, 01:57 PM
This is really interesting... This morning I woke up, wore some JB#2 and dressed up for a quick trip at the local supermarket; I was not looking for hits, just filling my shopping cart with the items I needed.

At once, I smell something very particular... Nice and sweet fragrance near me. I turn around, and there is a girl who\'s looking at me. In that moment, I felt really attracted by her, but there are two points... First she was maybe a 5, and second I felt my thoughts running wild: a thing that usually doesn\'t happen with such a girl.
From her side, her attention was heavily caught too, and we stood there for almost 10 seconds without telling a word, just DIHL\'ing each other. I finally introduced myself (I know, I know, I broke 3 seconds rule, ok, but definitely I wasn\'t interested), and had a little conversation before leaving...
I guess she was wearing pheromones too, since it\'s the only possible explanation for my feelings. Having felt what happens to a \"victim\" of the products, I have to say that it\'s really pleasurable! BTW, during conversation, I said \"I like your scent very much...\" and she replied \"yours is nice too; seems that we know how to work in this field\" /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-13-2002, 07:51 PM
Keep in mind chicks are chicks. What that means is provided the girl isn\'t like totally unattractive there\'s always a chance for attraction. A woman taking interest in us is great for the ego and that makes us feel good and sometimes we go with the flow. I remember asking a girl out that I wasn\'t even interested in simply because she took an interest in me at the time. We made a date but luckily something came up and we never tried to hook up again. Maybe she felt the same and just blew me off but that left me open to take a chick I actually liked.

-The Bat

07-14-2002, 02:13 AM
Hmm, you are right about the ego theory... But I assure you, there was some \"magnetism\" that I never experienced. Too bad I never smelled PCC, PPA/w or another women-oriented product, so that I could be sure of what she was wearing.
It\'s also possible that she just had a women\'s cologne on, and that her natural pheromone signature was enough to put me in that mood... Anyway, really weird!