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View Full Version : Strange reaction

07-11-2002, 11:41 AM
Ok, a strange thing today. the SOE and NPA mix seem to work. Grabbing a coffee today and this beautiful girl, about 23 or so had to remake the latte 3 times as she kept making mistakes. The thing is she is always super efficient no matter how busy it is. I was standing about 3 feet away as she was doing this and she kept saying how she suddenly felt distracted and kept looking at me in the eye and then laughing. I walked by later and got a smile and little wave from her and one of the other girls working there too. Before this I only got \"thanks\" and \" here you go\" from them.

This is fun stuff.

07-12-2002, 06:53 AM
Dude, you may have found your mix!

I\'ve put that combo on my arms, with SOE gel in my hair and RM-NPA on my chest & neck.

People do seem far more chatty when using it, but I can\'t can\'t say I\'ve had overt DIHLs from it. Maybe I just have the proportions wrong.

I have had a number of people make mistakes around me though, so maybe it IS having its effect.

But whatever you\'re doing in the office, keep on doing it!