View Full Version : Will someone please help me??

07-10-2002, 03:55 PM
I really really want to find an effective product, for women, no matter what the cost is......will someone please reply???

07-10-2002, 04:39 PM
PI for women seems to be a very effective product.

07-10-2002, 05:33 PM
You definitely want something with heavy copulins, and a little of the other pheromones. Try to avoid -none unless in micro doses. If we focus too much on one person, pheromones or not, we usually scare him/her away.

07-10-2002, 06:27 PM
You might want to get both Passion Copulins Concentrate and PI for women, if money is no object.

Ladies? I believe this is your department.

07-10-2002, 07:29 PM
\"Primal Instinct\" for women.

07-11-2002, 07:12 AM
Yeah, I\'m thinkin\' PIw too. If you\'re willing to spend the extra $, then the PCC.

I\'ve never tried the PCC, but if it\'s Cop-heavy, then it may be a bit hard to disguise the \"aroma.\" -Nol is scentless.

So... Ya just met the dream guy?

07-11-2002, 11:34 AM
well, it\'s actually my hubby!!! I\'ve tried PCC but it didn\'t seem too effective....so I should go with PIw???

07-11-2002, 11:35 AM
How about you tell me what the problem is and I\'ll tell you if you really need pheros or not. I mean they can\'t hurt but maybe you can better your chances before you even go for the \'mones.

-The Bat

07-11-2002, 12:01 PM
well, there isn\'t really any problems, I would just like things to be a lil more spiced up.....ya know?? he\'s very timid, I guess I just want him to open up to me more.....I mean, I\'m not talking about wild and crazy sex or anything....just more spiced up and more frequently.. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-12-2002, 06:36 AM
Well, you probably should have discussed this stuff with the hubster at some point, BUT, this is gonna open a whole new set of thought processes around here. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif (Check the \"Lots of articles...\" thread.)

Is there an anniversary coming up? Maybe you could do something special? Spencer\'s has \"naughty\" pasta... Covered with a creamy alfredo sauce... Not too much though; a full-stomach will just lead to him wanting to go to bed -- to sleep. Maybe add some sweet, red wine, candles, the whole bit. Get one of the \"Glamour Shots\" pictures taken, but in your OWN dress; put it in his breifcase, and be wearing that when he gets in from work. Hell, put it in his lunchbox, if he\'s a construction worker! It would be even more of a surprise if there isn\'t a special reason beyond \"It\'s the first Tuesday of the week!\" You get the idea...

You may have to take the initiative from start to finish... You\'re MARRIED to him, remember, so there are NO BOUNDARIES for you two, other than what the two of you have imposed on your own relationship.

Just had a thought -- maybe if you take all the initiative from start to finish, that may REALLY awaken him /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif and you may turn out to have a whole new husband! BTW, the wild stuff is acceptable nowadays! /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

There may be some issues, however, in the way of upbringing, religious beliefs, etc., but you\'d know those...

Back to the pheros though, I\'m thinking go with a Copulin product, such as PCC (others aren\'t coming to mind right now...). And apply some to the special places you want to draw his attention. You can assume the smell is gonna be there, but if you use a good perfume, it shouldn\'t be much of a problem.

I think I\'ve just revealed my own marriage fantasy! WOW! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

At the risk of sounding, well, bad, let us know what you decide to get and how things turn out! Maybe it\'d be helpful to the rest of us.

07-12-2002, 07:23 AM
Make him jealous. He will not ignore that and will respond.

Also, you may want to check his diet. Too much phytoestrogens can sap the vital life force of a man. That\'s stuff like beer (from the hops), soy products, licorice, and so on.

PCC should help too but the more so the more mature you are.

07-12-2002, 07:29 AM

I hadn\'t read anything about PCC being for the more \"mature\" people; I thought that if you\'re a guy, you\'re goin\' for it...

I did neglect to ask -- how old are you two?

Oh yeah -- NO HEAVY MEALS! /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

07-12-2002, 08:42 AM
Babygirl, Alot of women here like PI/w. I have PI/w and the Edge/w. With the Edge I have noticed that my boyfriend has openned up more. I haven\'t tried PI/w enough to know for sure the effects. Good luck and let us now how it goes.

07-12-2002, 08:51 AM
My thinking on PCC for more mature women is that younger ones produce plenty naturally. As women mature, they product less. Ergo, an older woman should benefit more from PCC than a younger woman. Of course, individuals differ as do any particular male\'s responsiveness to the copulins. Also a peri- or post-menopausal female would benefit the most.

I will say that the fragrance in PCC is very effective in covering the copulin scent - it doesn\'t smell at all like you-know-what. But I suspect that it doesn\'t mix easily with other perfumes - at least I can\'t imagine a good combination. More sophisticated smellers may have other ideas.

07-12-2002, 09:41 AM
wow, thanks for all the posts...well, I am 23 and my hubby\'s 31.....hmm....let me see if I can sum up everything for your guys....he\'s always told me the way he brought up didn\'t allow him to be all crazy and sexual, and well, his parents lives with us and I can see where that is coming from......I know that there could be many many many factors that could \"effect\" his mood......I guess I jsut need something to give it the extra \"push\"..........I\'ve already tried PCC and it seemed to have a negative effect for some reason, I donno why...maybe it\'s my imaginations.....I wanna try something else.......any suggestions?

07-12-2002, 11:14 AM
give PI/W a try.
androstenol seems to be an attractant for both men and women.

07-12-2002, 11:49 AM
and well, his parents lives with us

Wow, you are living with his parents, that doesn´t sound very nice. Maybe you have to go on a holiday or something like that to loosen up your husband.

07-15-2002, 07:46 AM
Okay, so PCC didn\'t do it; go with the PIw.

As for the background, THAT\'S the root of the problem! First, you have to convince him that you two are married, and you can do what you want together. This is your marriage, and your life together.

Now, you phrased it that his parents live with you. If so, it\'s your house and you can do what you wish. If, as Franki phrased it, you\'re living with them, that\'s a different story, and you may just be stuck until you move out. You could take a weekend trip, though... /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

If all else fails, get him drunk out of his mind! I\'ve found that those fruity coolers have a nice taste, and if you spike it with some 151, it\'s no longer a \"girlie\" drink!

The religious upbringing is another issue. As a former Roman Catholic, I can tell you I was brought up with the same set of \"No.\" That\'s the hard one to get past... Maybe a nice long overnight talk will help, AWAY FROM THOSE WHO CAN BOTHER YOU. That alone may lead to something... Here\'s a tip that I know *I* enjoy, that not enough girls do: sit between his legs, with your back to him, and just lay back against him. It\'s a great way to just get cuddly and comfortable, and I find it one of the more romantic things. The simple stuff.

Too much info, perhaps? Oh well. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-15-2002, 05:08 PM
Id still like someone who has experience in using couplins who is a male as far as is it effective on males and females and what sort of responses have been noticed etc.

07-15-2002, 07:28 PM
Well darlin\', until I read that his parents lived with you I was going to suggest that you try the shock effect, i.e., seduce him. Unfortunately, you\'re going to have to keep it quiet and that may be a killer. How long are his parents going to be with you? Egad, he\'s probably afraid that Mum and Pop will hear their son doing the deed that they can\'t imagine him doing and have always told him was naughty.

It\'s hard to not still feel like a child when your parents are around. I suggest that you do all that you can do to make him feel like a man. Hopefully, you can get rid of his parents soon (or you can both move out) and you can greet him at the door with nothing on, wielding a can of whipped cream, and take the iniative yourself. My husband loves it when I jump HIM /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif and yes, I do believe it makes him feel very manly. Afterward (or before), you might want to tell him that you can\'t resist his cute bubble butt, his eyes, his smile, his personality, whatever turned you on in the first place. Then, watch him glow.

Best of luck to you /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-15-2002, 07:41 PM
I think I understand the situation now.

Sounds like he could use a bit more aggression. Does he eat much red meat? I bet he doesn\'t eat enough. One essential element of red meat is an amino acid called l-arginine. It is really the part of red meat that accounts for male aggression and sex drive. Some primative tribes only have sex after the males have made a kill of red meat! Think of cowboys, gauchos, and vaqueros - all big time red meat eaters. Its also needed for semen production. I\'ll take some after a big sexual experience to \"recharge the batteries\" so to speak.

The way to use l-agrinine is get the 500 mg capsules - its really cheap! I just bought 50 caps for $4.50. Have him start by taking one capsule twice a day. If you take it right before bed time, it is said to increase human growth hormone production. He may need even more, say two capsules twice a day. Its harmless, being an essential amino acid - really just a food. You can take lots of it - 10 or 15 capsules although that much might give one gas.

One caveat - l-arginine can stimulate viruses so if you have AIDS or herpes, do not try this.

Give this a try - it does increase the sex drive in men and maybe women too.

07-15-2002, 08:08 PM
I like Ginny\'s idea. Primal for women sounds good for the pheros; mix that with a new sexy perfume. My wife has one we picked out together at Victoria\'s Secret that works for us. It was fun picking it out too.

Check the bodybuilding sites for over the counter testosterone raisers. www.vrp.com (\"http://www.vrp.com\") has a quick acting spray of some sort.

If your in-laws don\'t open your mail, you might want to try the Alexander Institute \"educational video\". In fact, I\'ll throw that in for free if you let us know if it worked for you; just in general of course.

I wouldn\'t do the \"make him jealous\" thing. That may work great on some guys, but it can backfire on you tragically. You are really playing with fire with that ploy.

Drop me an email if you want to take me up on the free video offer.


07-15-2002, 09:55 PM
I think the PCC is better if you want to increase your sex appeal. PI/W would be good if you want closeness or bonding

07-16-2002, 04:30 AM
I LOVE that idea! I wish ANY of my exes had taken the initiative! It wouldn\'t have stopped the death-spiral the relationships went into, but it would have made them memorable in a good way...
Assuming Babygirl and the husband can get away from the \'rents, even if they have to buy them tickets to something to send them away for a few hours, I like Ginny\'s idea the best.
I still gotta go with totally opening up the communication between them to work past his taboos.

08-15-2002, 05:10 AM
Hey, Babygirl, so how did things turn out?I\'m a big advocate of watching a naughty movie together...make it a weekly date, even - and let him pick the movie.Hope you\'re getting better and more sex - here\'s to you!

08-15-2002, 02:58 PM

Do you know of a website where i could get hold of some capsules?

08-15-2002, 03:14 PM
Most definitely get out of the house. If you can\'t afford a hotel room, take him for a drive and go parking somewhere. Parents around are a buzz kill for anybody, especially if they\'re his and especially if they\'ve been repressive about sexuality.And sometimes just a change of scene works wonders.