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07-09-2002, 09:41 PM
Just to show you there is life after 50, I ordered TE a couple years back and seemed to have a couple nice hits from it, though I use it very selectively. It does have a strong smell so I usually put it on an hour or so before meeting someone, to take\"the edge\" off, so to speak.

Its time to buy some new, maybe try a change, so I thought I would get some suggestions from the high-octane brain power assembled on this board.

What would you recommend for an older man who wants to occasionally attract an older (40s-50s) woman? I know my own testosterone levels have dropped with age, so I think I might need to replace the \"none\" I produced when younger, but some of the other pheromones also look interesting. I\'m at an age and in an environment where we don\'t wear much cologne any more and I -- as an beginner still -- am reluctant to mix much. So I guess what I am looking for is something that gives off plenty of the sexual side, along with some nice relaxing \"chatty\" effect, without being too perfumey.

Any suggestions, people?

Thanks for your help.

07-10-2002, 03:14 AM
I would recommend either alter ego, which is a fantastic product of nol, none and rone, or the rogue male/soe gel special running, ....or, what i have found drives the women in your age range absolutley batty, is Primal Instinct...im only 34, but i have women in their 40\'s and older attack me like a rock star on tour when they get a wiff of PI, ....its the most consistent with \"older\" women..thats my two cents

07-10-2002, 06:27 AM
I\'ll agree with Rolltide on that, considering all the observations regarding who gets attracted to what. Try the SOE and RM; or maybe SOE gel with Primal Instinct - Men\'s formula.

Just a thought -- since there\'s been all this discussion about how to dress and all that, maybe an image adjustment is in order. I\'m not saying get silk shirts and disco pants, but maybe just a few new things to replace some clothes that you\'re just tired of wearing. I recently bought a few new shirts (the ones with the flames, dragons and all that), and even though I\'m wearing the same black pants or jeans, I fix myself up a bit, put on the new shirt and head out. I feel like a God with just this one change. People seem to sense when you\'re feeling good, and confident and alive, and they generally react accordingly.

Just my thoughts.

07-10-2002, 07:40 AM
I recommend \"Alter Ego\" it has a slight scent but that goes away in about an hour. You will get more reactions from women in their 40s to \'50s. Try to read as many posts(about AE)as you can, a little knowledge goes along way.

07-10-2002, 07:50 AM
I\'m 51, male, and I think the best general purpose product for attracting and impressing mature females is Rogue Male (RM) although TE annd NPA are also effective for all ages although they have much more powerful sexual flavors.

The SoE is better for social facilitiation without a sexual impression or undertones.

07-10-2002, 12:25 PM
If you wanted to increase youre natural testostrone levels the advice given here often is good. In conjuction with pheromones you could try.
Horny goat weed and tribulus
Zinc supplements and for those over 40 apparently DHEA is also effective (androsterone in internal tablet form) which is very widespread and effective even for us young guys.
The super horny goatweed is apparently from some reserach very effective at protecting against prostate cancer so it might be worth taking also.