View Full Version : The P10 mistery

07-22-2001, 08:45 PM
ok as many of you know, p10 is a secret product for those pros out there, and I definetely agree with Bruce about not buying it if you are not a pro. I\'m planing on buying it when my huge supply of pheros get used, so I wanted to know what exactly does the kit include?, what kind of pheros does it contain?, I\'m asking this because single pheromone products like andro do not work for me, so if p10 is single pheromone based, there\'s no point buying it in my case.

07-23-2001, 06:25 AM
P 10 = androstenone + androstenol + androsterone . . ( new ) formula

+ the ethanol to mix . . with 3 fragrance bases . .

07-23-2001, 07:39 AM
just what I needed, so any sugestions on how to mix the stuff and create cool ratios, any succesful stories? and by the way what are those base fragances? do you get to choose them?

07-24-2001, 05:12 AM
What if you just mix the PHEROS, skip the base fragrances, and just use them with your own cologne / oil?

Seems to me the only concern is to not douse yourself in the stuff...


07-24-2001, 05:13 AM

Mix equal parts? I\'m leaning toward 2 parts of the one that makes the girls giddy, to one part of the \"power image\" stuff.


07-27-2001, 05:03 PM
keep the combinations, applications and experiences coming!!!!!!