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View Full Version : hot girl,real close,need advice from xperts like u

06-29-2002, 05:37 PM
there is this really hot girl, who i am sort of friends with, well at least we say hi when we see each other. she is in the popular group, i am popular with a lot of people but not like her. the only reason i am trying pheromones are to get this girl to like me like me. i am wondering if pheromones will help me get this girl to at least show some interest in me in a relationship-like way, or will they do nothing since i already know i her. if they will help what is the best technique or strategy to get her (where to place the pheremones, what kind). if you could help, please post a follow up and i would be extremely thankful. thanks.

06-29-2002, 06:34 PM
I\'M NOT AN EXPERT.... nor have been yet using pheros yet (waiting for better finances), but read pretty much every post in here and have known the page for a while, so since no one answered yet, I will do it.
First of all read the cookbook by nimbus so you have some understanding of how pheros work (its the latest reference and easy to find in the forum), other reference is the product table which you will find in the love scent home page.
The fact that you already know the girl doesn\'t mean they won\'t work, it is just that with people who already know you WELL, they might not cause such an impact, exactlly because they already know you, they know what to expect. Pheros are not going to make the girl fall in love with you...... they might open the door, but the work is still up to you......
From what you said I imagine you are young, probably below 20, so you\'d better start off with nol heavy mixes, if you would like to try some none go easy on it since it might have a deterrent effect on younger girls....... You might wanna try something like SOE which has some pretty good reviews.
JB 1 seems to be one of the most consistent mixes for \"sexual\" attraction, but since its none heavy it might not be the best one for you unless you spice it up with nol, as in JBM 1......... of course it all depends on how much you can afford too........

anyway before you get anything read through the forum ........ getting informed is the best way to make a choice....
hope some of the experts answer you too...........
Hope this helps...
see you around and welcome aboard.........

06-30-2002, 01:24 AM
Wow!!!!! Sense of deja vu here....I thought I\'d replied to this....must be stuck in a timewarp....

06-30-2002, 11:46 AM
Yeah, -nol products are the way to go, but i havn\'t noticed the the bad side of using -none (as a young person) for younger women/girls. I like SOE, and i would recomend DD#1

06-30-2002, 01:01 PM
By the way, DD#1 is SOE:NPA @ 7:3

Another possibility is JBX (RM:NPA @ 7:3). Try to experiment, if you can afford it.

07-01-2002, 07:26 AM
Though I\'m not really offering anything else here, dittos - MEGAdittos on CptKipling\'s. This stuff is amazing! I used both mixes together. The progress report is over on the hit squad thread, I think on page 8.