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View Full Version : Various Observations After 2 Weeks Of Use

06-28-2002, 07:08 PM
I\'ve just got a few thoughts that I felt compelled to pass on after apx. two weeks of using pheromones, and trying different things.

First, I read a lot of times that people say they didn\'t get any hits with a certain product. No doubt this is true. We do live in a society where everything is so fast...instant coffee, instant photography etc. And if a person expects total strangers to throw themselves at you the minute you meet them, then no doubt the pheromones don\'t work.

But, I\'ve come to the conclusion that often the pheros DO work, but we just don\'t see the results of them immeidately. I\'ve been keeping a spreadsheet of what pheoromes I\'ve worn and where I went, and what I experienced. I discovered a situation about a week ago where I was in contact with a woman but I didn\'t think the pheromones had any effect on her. In fact, I thought I might have OD\'d that particular night. However, I was in the same situation a week later where this woman that I didn\'t think had really reacted to the pheromones actually saw me from a distance and approached me to chat. She made it a point to point out that she remembered me from the week before, and I was surprised to learn that she remembered every detail about me that she had observed from the week before. So, this tells me that I DID make enough of an impression on her for her to remember me....it\'s just that she didn\'t give me a DIHL or anything the week before. Perhaps it wasn\'t the pheromones..and this would have occured without them. Who knows...but since this kind of behavior is unusual for me...I tend to think they played a part.

So, it may be that the pheromoes do make an impact at times when we don\'t think they do, and the woman may just be too reserved to let on right away. But, they might mike enough of an impact where she\'ll remember you and approach you the next time she sees you. So, I think this is something to keep in mind if you plan to use your pheromenes around people you see more than once.

I have another observation regarding the use of none around younger women. I have been experimenting with different products in going to one restaurant and have come to see this as a \"frog in boiling water\" experiment. I eat at a restaurant farily regularly. There is a really attractive woman who works there. This woman is Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition attractive. I am also 43, she is probably 20-21. She never ever noticed me in the past. However, the day I got my first packet of pheromones, I wore a considerable amount of SoE into this restaurant. When I got there, this woman immediately smiled at me and was a bit chatty. Then during my time there, I found her several times looking at me. When I made eye contact with her, she smiled at me very sweetly.

Since then, I have gone in several more times. Each time I have tried different products when I\'ve gone into the restaurant. Each time I have added a little bit more none to the mix. Each time, I\'ve discovered that her initial reaction to me upon seeing me has been different. The big smile on initially seeing me seemed to disappear as the none dosage increased. When I discovered this at first, I sort of figured that her friendly behavior and and smiling the first time was a fluke. However, in these subsequent times, I\'ve discovered that this woman has ultimately warmed up to me after I had been there for a while...and the eye contact and smiles then came around a litte bit later. And, each visit has resulted in her getting enough courage to actually come over and start up conversations with me, with a little flirting at times.. On subsequent visits she has now gotten to where she has started touching me on the arm as well..

Now mind you, this woman easily 20 years younger than me. It is possible that she is just a friendly person and she recognizes me as a regular customer. But, I don\'t know, I somehow believe the pheromones are playing a role in all of this since she never even spoke to me or so much as noticed me in previous visits. Now, I must say that while I am 43 years old (and still single BTW), most people tell me that I can easily pass for someone in his mid to late 30\'s. So, she may not realize how much older than her I am...but perhaps with the pheromones it may not matter. I just don\'t have enough experience with this kind of thing. If I were maybe 10 to 15 years younger I would be tempted to pursue this a little further just to see if my pheros are really making a difference, or if this woman is just friendly person with people in general. But, I\'m quite hesitant to pursue flirting with her too aggressively at my age. But who knows, perhaps over time she\'ll wear me down. :-)

However, my little experience gives me some thoughts for those who talk about none scaring off younger women. Well, this younger woman seems to be getting more and more \"firendly\" with me each time she sees me, and I have been gradually turning up the dosage of none each time. This is why I call it my \"frog in the boling pot\" experiment. If I had worn heavy none the first time she saw me, I might have scared her off. But, having worn nol, she seems to have taken to me...and the friendly pheros broke the ice where she saw me as a freindly and approachable guy. Then, in subsequent meetings, I always had a little more none on me each time. I think this is why I gotten initial neutral looks from her at first rather than a big smile like I got the first time with nol only...perhaps the none kind of caught her off guard, and she felt like there was something a bit different about me that kind of hit her at first. But since she had a prior history of me being friendly and approachable, then she would eventually work her way up to approaching me with the none on and the results became more and more impressive than the time before. And finally it got to where the last time I saw her, I was wearing the full recommended dosage of none (aloing with my full SoE dosage)....but since I had established myself as an approachable guy, the none didn\'t scare her off like it might have to a young woman if I had hit her with it at first.....and she has now taken to touching me when talking to me...showing that things seem to have progressed.

So, I\'m wondering if anyboidy else has ever tried or considered this approach with younger women? Start out with nol to establish yourself as approachable, and then gradually shift your formula over time to gradually \"turn up the heat\" on the boiling pot until she gets acclamated to the none. This gradual approach might be an effective way to use none on younger women without scaring them off right at first.

One final thought about the cost. I\'ve seen a few posts from people talking about the cost of the pheromones. People want something inexpensive, or talk about how they don\'t want to spend too much. I can understand this....and I\'ve spent a considerable amount at first to try different products to see what works best for me. But, after seeing some results these past two weeks....this talk about cost made me think that Bruce could make one of those MasterCard ads with his pheros:

1 bottle of NPA $29.95
1 bottle of AE $49.95
7 SoE Gel Packs $9.95
Finding the right mix of products that works for you: PRICELESS!

06-28-2002, 10:33 PM
Nice and interesting post.

I too think -none can be used for the younger girls, actually a little bit of it could be a very effective attractant, as long as you take care the threshold is very low. You have to either apply enough of SOE or make sure you are someone the girl already feels familiar with.

Maybe this doesn´t make a lot of sense, but it is still early here so ... /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-29-2002, 03:54 AM
Interesting observations upsidedown, thanks for sharing your report. This could be a good starting point for the new guys who say they never have any hits. Exactly how much Pheromones did you put on upsidedown in the first second and other encounters with the waitress? I have not tried what you have been doing but I usually do combinations of NOL and NONE with good results. I\'ve put them on separately in parts of my body instead of mixing both. Just recently got Hit on by a 51 yr. old(who\'s a aerobic instructor, so she\'s in great shape). We\'ve only met a few times as she was always friendly and chatty(the nol working). We had a conversation about relationships yesterday and out of the blue she tells me \"I haven\'t been with a man for 6 years.\" Why she told me this I have no idea,(probably the NONE working). I can tell she\'s attracted to me(touching my arm, accepting my \"cocky and funny\" attitude). Who knows that young 21 year old will probably asks you out on a date or give you her phone number. Keep us posted on more results. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-29-2002, 10:37 AM
Hi Jose:

You asked: \"Exactly how much Pheromones did you put on upsidedown in the first second and other encounters with the waitress?\"

First let me say that I am new to this, and this was only my initial expreiments. It may be that this woman at the restaurant is one of those young ones who could have handled a full dose of -none right off the bat. But, I\'ll never know since I worked my way up in dosage each time. So, while my results are not to be taken as scientifically proven, I at least felt the need to pass on my results for what they are worth to anybody else.

With that said, I\'ll answer your question about my dosages on each visit. For my dosages, I followed input from Oscar and other archived posts which indicated that the maximum effective dosate of -none should be in the .015 to .02 mg range.

1. I put on apx. 75-80% of an SoE gel pack, plus one dab of SPMO about 1/2 hour before going in. -Nol only.

2. I wore 1/2 SoE gel pack on arms, and abourt 1/2 of a full dosage of JB#1 probably 1/2 to 1 hour before going in.

3. I put on 1/3 of an SoE gel pack about an hour before going in, and added a little more once I was in the restaurant. I put on apx. 1/2 to 2/3 of a full dose of JBX (RM/NPA 7:3) on sides of neck…1-2 hours before going in.

4. 3 drops (full dosage?) of AE..2 drops on arms..1 on neck 1 1/2 hours ahead of time. 1 drop SPMO put in my hair gel. 4 dabs or so of SoE on arms and neck.

So, that\'s what I\'ve done so far. I\'m trying to decide now what to try the next time I go in. I might try DD#1 the next time as I\'ve yet to try that combo.

One thought though on the young woman.....a friend I told about this situation sort of brought me down a notch, although he doesn\'t know I\'m using pheromones. He said that his brother in law had this kind of thing happen to him a few years ago too...where a much younger woman seemed to be giving him flirting smiles. He found out from talking to her later that she said he reminded her of her father. OUCH!

06-29-2002, 11:21 AM
Women tend to to be attracted by men that are reminding them of their fathers, concious or subconcious. So that\'s not a bad thing at all. The question is, how far this comparison goes. It\'s fine until it\'s not the \"he could be my father and looks like my father \" thingy. Well on the other hand ... some women love older men.

06-30-2002, 03:23 AM
I agree with Andy, It\'s not a bad thing for a woman to be reminded of someone that acts or looks like their father. If they\'ve had a good relationship with their fathers they are looking for someone with those same traits. Just a general question here have you tried to get to know this woman on a personal level? What school she goes to, or anything else about her besides what\'s the special on the menu? Keep us posted.

06-30-2002, 02:19 PM

First, as far as whether I\'ve tried to get to know her on a personal level....the answer is no I have not. Since I seemed to be getting some results from the pheromones the first time, I\'ve been hesitant to do anything that would possibly influence her behavior...as I kind of wanted to just see if the pheromones did anything by themselves. Because of her age, I never seriously considered her somebody I would be interested in. I have been friendly, and have smiled at times and made small talk....but I haven\'t made any kind of move to get to know her personally. Once again, I\'ve been hesitant to make any effort to take it a step further because she is just so much younger than me....and I\'ve really just been experimentiing with this stuff before really trying it out on some 30 somethings that are my real target age interest.

However, with that said, I have recently thought that for the sake of scientific research :-) I might just crank things up a notch and try to be a bit more forward in talking with her on a more personal level....just to see if the pheromones have set me up for something, or if she\'s just friendly in general.....or if I just remind her of her father. :-)

So, we\'ll see.

As far as the talk about a woman thinking you remind her of her father.... again it was something a friend told me happened to his brother in law and he mentioned this to me. I got the impression from him that his \"father\" response wasn\'t a positive thing to his brother in law. But, I\'ve actually not faced this myself from anybody, and this young woman I\'ve been encountering hasn\'t told me this either. But, the thought makes for some interesting discussion. I appreciate the comments on it.

06-30-2002, 08:15 PM
I always wear small doses of -none (two small dabs of JB1 max). So I never have trouble with younger women. I don\'t get many hits from thirty-somethings, but they still have a positive impression on me.

It seems like you\'re testing this girls OD limit. Three dabs of AE is a reasonable phero dosage in itself.

06-30-2002, 09:32 PM

Thanks for your input.

So, when you say that 3 dabs of AE is enough of dosage itself, are you saying that applying additional -nol (SoE) is an OD in your opinion? I\'d like to know as the last thing I want to do is OD around anybody. I was under the impression that you really have to watch the none for OD, but that it\'s pretty much safe to add quite a bit of nol before ODing. So, I welcome your insights from your experiences..

I guess your saying this is testing her OD limits due to her age of apx. 20? Or, do you think my dosages with the additional nol would be pushing the limits of all women or all ages? Of course, I\'m really intrested in the 32 - 40 age range. Do you feel then that my dosages are more appropriate for them, or still a bit too much?

I appreciate everybody else\'s inputs that you\'ve given as well. I\'ve been testing, and learning as much as I can....and want to get a good feel for what works for me before I try it out around someone I\'m really interested in, and around people I know.

06-30-2002, 10:33 PM
Too much AndrosteNOL can give people a headache, but it takes a lot to reach that point. AndrosteRone, on the other hand, can get really stinky in combination with AndrosteNone.(Not to mention it intensifies the Alpha Male vibes.) So when you add SOE to AE, you risk an Androsterone OD.

The IDEA of gradually adding more -none sounds interesting. But I\'d go about it by changing CONCENTRATIONS of -none within a reasonable dose of pheromones that remains fairly constant. Say 1 SOE pack today, 3 dabs of AE tommorrow, 2 dabs of JB1 the day after, JBX after that, and finally RM.
Or, to be scientific, get a chem kit and gradually add small amounts of -none to a simple formula.

Just some thoughts.