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06-28-2002, 02:55 PM
I met a girl a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Amanda. I am beginning to like her a lot, but I have doubts about her ever liking me. I am hard on myself, so a lot of the doubt may come from there. We have been out a couple of times, but I have never made a move or anything. I don\'t really know how to make a move anyways, but oh well.

I have decided to see if I can use mones to my advantage. I will keep you all updated on how it goes. In the meantime if any of you have any suggestions feel free. I am ready to try anything.

06-28-2002, 03:07 PM

Sqaush your reactive mind. No matter what it takes. That is the part of your brain that always responds with negativity and tells you that you can\'t do something, or that a girl won\'t like you, etc. If you can\'t calm your negativities, no amount of pheromones in the world can save you...

06-28-2002, 03:50 PM
www.fastseduction.com/guide/ (\"http://www.fastseduction.com/guide/\")

Lots of free info for guys having a hard time with the babes, you WILL thank yourself for reading it, I\'ve tried some of the stuff in there, it is incredibly powerful knowledge!

\'Slinger out.

06-28-2002, 04:09 PM

Dragon is right. Negativity is very bad. In fact wearing mones will only amplify this. Think of pheremones as a very good blade sharpener. Your physical appearance a bladed weapon. And your dating and lovemaking skills, martial techniques. If used right the mones will make you even deadlier. If you are lacking in the other two departments, no amount of mones will help. For example, the women could be throwing themselves at you, but if you don\'t know what to do you can seriously hurt yourself.

My first suggestion is that you need to take it easy and not act desperate. Desperation is a big turn-off. Second if you are going to get a pheremone product get Scent of Eros. The androstenol (-nol) in it has a relaxing, calming, and chatty effect on the wearer and those around. Third stay away from the heavy -none products. ODing tends to have very negative effects on the wearer and anyone around them. If you want to try a -none product try APC, but play around with SOE first. Hope this helps. Oh and good luck.

06-28-2002, 09:17 PM
If you have serious attitude problems try reading Six Step Reframing to boost your self confidence these are NLP techniques.

I myself have very bad inferiority complex especially on very very beautiful HB\'s. But once i wear a clean shirt, new hair cut, cracking jokes and wearing mones i become already confident. Wearing mones while being unfriendly is like opening the doors for others, and losing your oppurtunity.

Remember that when a girl is exposed to Androstenol all the men that is within her range becomes handsome in her perception. So that if you don\'t do something to approach her she might just go to her old boyfriend.

06-28-2002, 09:46 PM
This is another topic I would like to see go on. It seems to me that \'mones cannot be considered in isolation from other aspects of, for want of a better word, the dating game. Wish I had some insights for you other than to agree with what the others have said - easier said than done, I admit

06-28-2002, 10:32 PM
I have started reading this and its pretty good. It made me realize some of the stuff I do wrong, etc. I am going to have to read it a few times though becuase I doubt I will remember everything after the first time. Thanks!

06-30-2002, 07:45 PM
what exactly are the negative effects of a -none OD upon the user? thinking I may have OD\'d.

06-30-2002, 07:58 PM
I\'ve experienced irritability and headaches. At proper doses, I feel confident and energized.

07-01-2002, 06:32 AM
Ditto here. ODed on PI once; thought I was going to kill someone in traffic. Very reduced tolerance for even the little anoyances of life.

07-01-2002, 07:43 AM
www.pickupguide.com/layguide (\"http://www.pickupguide.com/layguide\")

that is the ultimate, very true for the average college girl and how to deal with em...you will be amazed

07-02-2002, 12:35 AM
ummm, the projects over. Apparently I have been trying to hard. To make a long story short its never going to work out. Cya