View Full Version : -nol and -none hits

06-27-2002, 02:41 AM
Anybody of our fellow male pherofreaks ever laid a hit on -nol ?
Hmmm ... that\'s it already .. simple question. I do have a idea in mind and need some report to make a theorie of it.

06-27-2002, 07:26 AM
There were some products out by Jovan that only had \'nol in them - Andron and Musk2. These did produce chatty hits although the Andron had lots of classic perfumer\'s animal oils in it so was a mix of old techniques and new. Still, they were nothing like the power of modern formulations like NPA.

With SoE, I\'ve gotten very giddy, chatty hits too but no hair-flipping, DIHL, do-me types.