View Full Version : SOE question

06-22-2002, 02:25 AM
I just stumbled upon this site 3 hours ago, and after much reading, my mind is spinning like crazy. I\'m ready to jump into the deep end of the pool and give this pheromone stuff a try. I\'m sorry if the questions I ask below seem simplistic -- I just haven\'t been able to figure it out.

I\'m a 22 year old shy male. I\'d like a pheromone that would get women to approach me. I\'m thinking of buying SOE.

1.) If I buy the 10 ml bottle of SOE, do I mix the whole bottle with cologne or do I just dab out little drops? If I dab out little drops, where do I place them on my body? You guys mention these important points on the body -- what are they exactly?

2.) Is SOE odorless? If so, I\'d like that since I don\'t have any cologne.


06-22-2002, 04:55 AM
SOE is a good choice for someone your age.

As for your questions:

1) Where did you read that you should mix cologne with SOE? Have not tried it myself, but if you wanted to it would be best to put a dab on your skin and put some cologne near it or on top of it. As for where, pulse points like wrists, neck (and back of neck), behind ears and chest, but not too much.

2) SOE is not ordorless (which is why im curious about where you got the cologne idea from), you will not need a cologne to mask the scent, because it is a nice one. You\'ve probably heared that some products need mixing to mask bad smells, but products labelled scented have already been mixed with a nice fragrence. Be warned though, and unscented product will almost always smell bad, because basically large quantities of certain pheros smell bad. But with SOE you should have no problems, also worth considering are the SOE gel packs, which are essentially the same product but in gel form.

06-22-2002, 10:44 AM
Heres a thought:
you could also think about trying Primal Instinct for women.
The reason I say for women is because it has a high content of
-nol. which is what SOE has. PI/w is non scented where as SOE
has a fruity musky scent (if that makes any sense). I have both
and like both of them. I\'m 23 yrs old and have found that -nol based
products along with a small amount of -none works for me. For ex.
7 drops of SOE mixed with 3 drops of NPA. Also 7 drops of PI/w mixed with 3 drops of NPA. Or 7 drops of PI/w mixed with 3 drops of
PI. When ever I use any of these mixes I usually only use about 2 to 3 dabs spread around by neck. dabs = turning over bottle of index finger. Covered up with a couple of sprays of Issy cologne. Since these are highly concentrated mixes you don\'t want to add to much. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

06-22-2002, 03:14 PM
A note about SOE - the working range varies _greatly_ by individual. The SOE gel packs contain 130 ug (? somebody correct me, this is from memory) of nol. For me, an application not too much different from the recommend dose of none (somewhere between 15-30 ug) does the trick. That\'s a huge range. Experiment to see what works for you.

06-22-2002, 03:19 PM
Bassman, you\'re right about the contents of the gel packs, though most people will have to do the conversions in their head first (like me). That\'s .13 mg, .015 mg, and .030 mg, to those non math minors. SOE does not need to be mixed though a great mix of SOE and NPA exists, and you can spot scent. This is where you put SOE on certain skin points and throw a spray of cologne on your shirt or something. It works.

06-22-2002, 03:40 PM
Thanks for the response. I\'m really new at this, and I don\'t understand what you guys mean by \"nol vs none.\" Anyone elaborate on this?

Also, does race matter in which product you should use. I\'m an Asian male (chinese) and I remember reading in one of the posts in the archives abour how race might matter.

Incidentally, I meet women mostly through sporting events such as volleyball. I tend to sweat a lot; will the effect of the pheromones be diminished by the sweat?

06-22-2002, 03:45 PM
Thanks. I was a chemist in a previous life. It makes sense to me to use whole units when possible. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

My point was that .015 to .130 is almost a 9 to 1 range. When I first got SOE, I bought into the conventional wisdom that 5-10 inches of roll-on was the way to go, and got no response from the stuff at all. Well, it\'s as concentrated as PI. I find that a couple of dabs (turn the bottle upside down to wet the ball, turn it back up and apply what sticks to the ball) rubbed in behind my ears works. In fact, I\'m on my way to a club to play a late show, and that, plus a little PI/m + PI/w (3:1) rubbed into my axillary hair (armpits and pubes) is what I\'ll be wearing. Wish me luck.

06-23-2002, 11:43 AM
If you wanna search heres some help

None = Androstenone
Nol = Androstenol
Rone = Androsterone

Just do a search but in brief nol causes the giggles response makes everyone at ease )reduced sexual responses
None works sometimes - gets more sexual responses but also provokes a lot of aggression in others - a leading cause of depression it has been presupposed is that most people have high none levels leading to everyone around them being pissed off and aggressive towards others.