View Full Version : suggestions for business interview

06-19-2002, 12:36 PM
I might possibly have an interview in the future for a nice job at a nearby college and although i would like to think that I got my job as a result of my own merit, any advantage I could get over the next (more qualified) guy I would like to have. Does anyone have any suggestions? Nol supposedly makes the chics more chatty and friendly (could be an advantage); what type of effect does it have on males? I haven\'t heard anything about this. I\'m about 5\'10 and average build but I look young so maybe a little \'none would make me looked at with more respect? Any product suggestions?


06-19-2002, 12:44 PM
It\'s my view that you can hardly go wrong with NOL. It doesn\'t seem to make anyone horny, just friendly. NONE is a real wildcard, in my opinion. Besides--you don\'t want to make yourself nervous or depressed, which is what happens sometimes to NONE wearers.


06-19-2002, 02:59 PM
Depends upon the job. I\'d save the NONE for jobs that require aggressiveness or strong \"guy-ness\" - bouncer, salesman, Chippendale dancer, prosecuting attorney.

NOL is safer in that it facilitates social interactions and that\'s what interviews are all about..

06-19-2002, 05:04 PM
Theres also the idea of none as somone who eats a lot of lead lol or the perverbial fat itilian mafia bastard. Sorry to any itilians here.

06-19-2002, 05:25 PM
I’ve gotten two jobs (each better than the last) wearing APC to the interview.

So I tend to think a SMALL amount of None helps you stand out and stick in interviwer’s minds. If you give a good show, a little None works in your favor. If you stumble or try to BS, it could probably work against you.

06-19-2002, 05:58 PM
what about -rone? Thinking about trying a SOE gelpack.

06-25-2002, 11:05 AM
What about a total OD on Attraction? Like 6 or 7sprays. Anyone have a hypothesis? Would I start a war in the HR department? Just wondering. Anyone have an idea on what would happen?

p.s. Heard Attraction has a strong \"pee\" scent. Anyone have any suggestions on what could mask it? I might wear some SoE, heavy SoE and light Attraction for the -none affect. Could the SoE mask it?


06-25-2002, 11:55 AM
Lol or you could try attraction at my \"OD\" level 20 sprays now that would start one hell of a way in a HR department. Seriously you could try unscented attraction which smells like andro 4.2 (same company) which is nothing. But it still works remember the phero component goes under the consciuos scent range unless in the OD range.