View Full Version : why none works?

06-19-2002, 12:11 PM
Hello. This is my first time posting, although I\'ve been on this message board before and read quite a few of the posts.

I had this idea today. I tried Datemate 2000 one time; I went out to a nightclub and pretty sure I had one \"hit\", possibly more. From what I\'ve seen, it seems like DateMate has both none and nol. None supposedly makes girls \"chatty\", but nol is actually indicated scientifically to be something of a turn-off. But several people have indicated that nol actually makes them more aggressive or something along those lines. So I\'m wondering if what makes nol work is not actually the scent itself, but it\'s effects upon the user. When I used the DateMate 2000 product, thinking back I think I was much more sexually aggressive than I normally would have been.
Anyone else have similar experience? Thoughts? JVK?


06-19-2002, 01:24 PM
Your post is confusing, and a bit misleading. It is actually the -nol that makes people more chatty. It seems that most people indicate -none as the agressive phero. I don\'t know if it makes the wearer more aggressive, but it does account for the aggressive sexual hits from others, and even more aggressive behavior from other males. But to answer your other question, it is not the scent that does the work, but the effects the chemicals have on the unsuspecting person\'s brain.

06-19-2002, 02:20 PM
oops yeah I got them mixed up.
If anyone else is confused, what I meant is that maybe it\'s not the effects of the \'none upon the target, but upon the user.

06-19-2002, 05:44 PM
Wearing None makes me feel more confident, which gives people a more positive impression of me. But this is pretty subtle compared to the way it makes women sexually attracted to me.

06-25-2002, 10:48 AM

does anyone else have any thougts on this topic?