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View Full Version : Deer In Taillights: Aft NONE Application

06-18-2002, 06:05 PM
Although I don\'t find that NONE smells like cat pee, it disturbs me anyway: I get headaches, I feel listless, unfocused and anxious. These negative reactions haven\'t diminished noticeably in the past months; perhaps I react so badly because I\'ve never seen myself as an alpha male and they\'ve usually tended to treat me like dirt. (I can use SOE and other NOL products without distress.) But I can\'t put out of my mind how many users swear by NONE--the countless hits from JB1 and so forth. I\'ve posted before about the possibility of phero wearers blocking their own VNOs to avoid negative effects; got no replies. So, I experimented.

I applied PI and JB1 (and on one occasion, A1) to the back of my shirt and to the waist of my jeans, also in the back. Although I infrequently caught a whiff of the stuff, it didn\'t affect me as badly as before. The results were not astonishing, but I got a few definite hits from women in their 30s after I\'d walked by.

I\'ve taken to calling this the \"Deer In Taillights\" look or DITL.

Considering how much better other people can sometimes detect dog poo stuck to my own shoe than I can, maybe it\'d be good to put the NONE all the way down there.

Any other \"Deer In Taillights\" stories?


06-18-2002, 06:12 PM
I have been using these products for years now, and I am a big aNONE fan, but
A. I keep it away from my face.
B. Stirctly limit the amount.
C. Have a good wash at the end of the day.

None of these precautions apply with NOL products, even strong ones like SOE. Again, I love my PI, but I use a very small amount and MUST wash it off before I go to sleep.


06-19-2002, 06:19 AM
the craziest DIHL look i had was so obvious and almost freaky. i was sitting in class and then i turned around to talk to this girl i knew, and when i turned back, the girl next to me stared right at me, point blank range! and she just kept fidgeting and acting really nervous and dazed. our eyes just locked for 5 seconds, only 2 feet away from each other. very very weird. she started talking to me, but the behavior she showed was the way a nervous guy would act around a hot girl. I\'ve had much more success wearing the same combo, that was just the best DIHL.

06-19-2002, 12:37 PM
JPGR (John, Paul, George, Ringo...?) --
Thanks for your reply. I\'m curious: just what was the winning combo?


06-19-2002, 12:47 PM
yes i love the beatles
the winning combo for me was an application of lots of SoE with several drops of NPA mixed in and a spray of TE and a little bit of issey miyake cologne...but really it\'s the SoE and NPA that did the trick...just try out the combo in a 7:3 ratio

06-19-2002, 02:03 PM
That would be my mix DD#1 i had to have something to my credit and its good to here that it is actually working for some people.

06-19-2002, 04:31 PM
That particular mix seems to work great for me. I used it today at a local mall and while I was eating at the food court I noticed a mother and her daughter looking at me. At first it felt weird cause I\'m not used to DIHL with that mix but My idea was to test it out in the open. Anyways, after they finished eating they came over to my table and introduced themselves and just felt the urge to be friendly. I\'ve never had complete stranger\'s approach me like that. Has anyone else had as much luck with DD1 as I have had? Perhaps you should start a separate thread on DD1 hits, Watcher.

06-19-2002, 07:00 PM
I\'ve never used DD#1 on purpose, but may have accidentally simulated it by dabbing on a bit of NONE-type product when already wearing SOE. Looks like I should give this a whirl.

Nothing is Beatleproof!
