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View Full Version : SOE does not work

06-18-2002, 04:12 AM
I haved tried Soe with many possible variations and have concluded that Soe does not work as supposed to.
Having tested dozes from small to large quantities, with usually positive mood.

It still does have some effect, many people had asked me, was I more aggressive than usual.

Edit: I even tested the stuff with very close contact, sleeping (only) with a girl previously charmed without any chemical aid.

06-18-2002, 10:06 AM
SOE does work for me. I also personally love the smell. I have found that none products do not work too well for me except making males around me inexpilicably agressive. However, with SOE sometimes mixed with a little SMPO (smells terrible on its own) and TE m or f, the difference is like night and day.

I get people walking up to me in department stores talking to me as if I work there (that used to happen to me a lot 13 years ago) and in the supermarket women tend to crowd around my position - it\'s unreal. If I linger while looking at something - within 5 minutes 3 or 4 other women are right next to me or behind me. I also get alot of people bumping into me - stubbing my shoes or my shopping cart and saying excuse me.

It doesn\'t seem too weird, but these things do not happen when I\'m not wearing this combo. It\'s a repeatable phenomenon.

06-18-2002, 10:21 AM
How much do you use it and to where?
Does plain SOE have an effect?

06-18-2002, 12:31 PM

yeah the weirdest but coolest things have happened wearing SoE like a girl just randomly makes conversation while i wait for the bathroom, girls staring at me, and girls asking me to dance with them at clubs. or just backing up into me. it\'s effortless attention. i suggest you combine it with NPA

06-18-2002, 02:58 PM
Remember this stuff goes under the radar as far as affecting others unconsciously. Everyone will react differently i have a theory that when exposed to different pheromone signatures and strengths that the mind combines the reaction with a visual template so to speak of people it has encountered in the past and then sees if it matches what their phero signature should be. All this in a split section, then a reaction based on that on whether we can use this person, are they friendly or potentially a threat and also do will react friendly or negatively towards. Them that is why most retail \"customer service\" techniques dont work/why we dont get good customer service and get rude sales people in most retail places because they cant help themselves. Pheromones only make reactions more widespread.
Keep going with SOE at some point you will notice a positive reaction lets just say that past experience here indicates that but you could try another product if you wanted to keep using these products. NPA would be a good one to start with gets good friendly responses in most cases.

06-18-2002, 03:13 PM
Mato :

I think claiming \'it doesn\'t work\' is too general. It seems to work with alot of people here.

And this comes from someone who has been trying pheromones for nearly seven months without anything that would remotely be considered a \'hit\' - at least nothing that doesn\'t happen when I don\'t wear them. Only reason I keep on trying is I still have them - the stuff lasts forever - but I wouldn\'t spend another dime on it. It just doesn\'t work for me - simple as that.

I don\'t think this stuff works for everyone and anyone who is thinking about trying them should not be too dissappointed or too surprised if they don\'t. It\'s just the way it is.

06-18-2002, 03:36 PM
I know many of us can vouch for Jim\'s efforts - he has made every reasonable effort to make mones \"work\" but without success. He\'s certainly asked for enough advice!

He sure has tried hard!

However, he\'s definitely in the minority. While the miracle workers are another minority, the bulk of the people who post here do note some degree of success attributable to mone products. Some times it happens immediately but more often it takes some experimentation and sharpened observation to find what works.

Even more important is discovering what \"works\" means; that is, what others\' reactions are like to you wearing mones in the social situations that you put yourself into. That is sometimes the hard part.

06-18-2002, 07:30 PM
Sorry Dude, I gotta agree with the crew. I struck up a conversation on the train with this chick and she was actually interested. I talked about this before, how women will talk to you that normally wouldn\'t. With pheros, you get attention you normally wouldn\'t get and are treated better than you normally would be and SOE is surely a fav. SOE + JB #1 (JBDD) even better.

-The Bat

06-19-2002, 12:56 PM
I have actually been using the SOE gels that Bruce kindly sticks in as freebies with orders. Half of the gel included in the package smeared along my forearms and neck (it\'s summer- short sleeves). Two sprays of TE (m or f - usually f) on my shirt - and two drops of PI-f dissolved into 2 mL of water and sprayed all over the hair.

The crowding happened again in a computer store. Girls striking up conversations while waiting at the checkout. They usually don\'t initiate conversation, but any kind of action or half intelligent comment as an invitation and they start blabbering and smiling (if she\'s got cat food - say something like - is your kitty hungry, if she makes a face when she sees your beef jerky, say something - not a fan? Drop a magazine on the floor - just something to initiate dialog - I find it rare that a women will start talking without some kind of invitation).

These girls are not ripping off my clothes as most pheromone advertising (Bruce\'s site excluded) would have you believe. But it makes a difference in initiating contact - it makes it easier - after 5 minutes or so when we\'re into a real conversation, the pheromones are no longer the driving force, and if you say something stupid or act like a doofus, no amount of pheromones will save you at that point.

06-19-2002, 06:00 PM
Women don’t shamelessly flirt or blatantly check me out when I wear SOE. It’s more like they give me a “green light”. They smile when I smile, hold eye contact, forget about personal space, and are SO happy to be with me that sometimes they won’t let me go.

07-03-2002, 07:54 AM
Had some new tests.
Really don\'t get it.
There was a blind date with a girl in 20s. I tried (my only) pack of Soe gel this time.
She was wery distant and quiet the whole time, nothing as we had talked in phone before, many times.

Later, she told me that she had a nightmare of me, being mean to her. It could not be anything to do with
my real behaviour, since I was really nice to her all the time.

07-03-2002, 08:58 AM
I used SOE GEL in a recent planning sesson. Prior to use the sesson was getting nowhere fast. There were a lot of negative comments women in the group were in conflict. I decided to put the gel on for the next day sesson. Everything improved and we accomplished and set and met goals for the sesson. Everyone was more lighthearted and productive even supportive. Was it the SOE that made the difference ? I don\'t know? I havn\'t had any direct individual hits though.

Elk Dreamer

07-03-2002, 09:39 AM
Would it be possible, that my body naturally produces too
much different type of -nol /-rone than in the scent. So it would cause
a kind of \'skitchofrenic\' impression, being scary.

Or, maybe I have these pheros more than enought naturally (=>overdose),
lacking of something else (-none?).

07-03-2002, 09:41 AM
you gotta put a lot on and i think it has to be fresh...at least that\'s what i did before i got any huge hits

07-06-2002, 07:12 AM
Any more ideas?

07-06-2002, 10:33 AM
I dunno exactly about the gel packs, I use the roll-on bottle (and love it), but I believe that it was said elsewhere on the forum that the packets contained enough SOE for two uses. It could be that you used too much and overdosed and that caused the skittish behaviour. Ive had that happen before with Primal, and boy does it suck.


07-06-2002, 12:29 PM
I don\'t think you can OD on SOE at least on the gel packs. Just received my gel packs yesterday and they\'re pretty small, so I don\'t know who said you can do 2 applications of the gel. I tried on a whole pack and the smell when away after one-hour, not like the oil-based one which last longer even on clothes. Still had a lady talk to me in the store about not receiving her paycheck, a little bit too chatty.

07-06-2002, 01:51 PM
1) too much cologne, regardless of pheromones -- it is synthetic fragrance, which bothers some folks. you could try natural oils and/or some raw -ol with her.
2)or most probably there were other \"issues\" going on besides pheromones. -ol doesn\'t as a rule get neg. reactions. Keep the faith.

07-06-2002, 02:01 PM
I wonder who got the idea there would be synth. ingredients in commercial colognes. This might be true for lowcost products but afaik not for higher quality stuff.

07-06-2002, 03:11 PM
Sounds like a -rone overdose. I once wore the stuff straight (at .25 mg/ml) and it seemed like people were giving me mistrustful looks. One little boy at a check-out line told his parents that I was scaring him.

I’ve had similar problems with AE, but not with SOE. Maybe your skin chemistry is more reactive to the stuff. Do you have any SPMO to see if adding more -nol helps?

07-07-2002, 09:22 AM
<blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

I wonder who got the idea there would be synth. ingredients in commercial colognes. This might be true for lowcost products but afaik not for higher quality stuff.


That\'s just not true. There are many fragrances for which there is no natural ingredient - the flower doesn\'t produce an oil that can be commercially extracted. Therefore, synthetic substitutes are used. Read any good book on perfumery.

07-07-2002, 02:12 PM

Just did it, almost every substance used in colognes and perfumes is half-synthetic. The molecules of the natural samples are just produced synthetic. But our nose is not advanced enough to sense it. This would mean that it makes no difference for us, if a natural or half synthetic ingredient is used. We actually smell the stuff with our concious senses.

07-08-2002, 12:11 AM
The problem is, when used in large quantities there comes that scary image. When in smaller amounts, nothing really happens.

07-11-2002, 04:06 AM
Up\'n go.

07-13-2002, 01:27 PM
In my opinion, the androsterone in SOE is the problem.

In men who can benefit from androstenone (the shorter, older, less alpha-male types), I think androsterone is OK, therefore SOE is ok.

In men who are younger, taller, and more alpha-male, pure androstenol would work better.

I have no proof of this, but have noticed myself that if I add androstenone OR androsterone to any mix, it stops working.

07-16-2002, 11:39 AM
Then, what would be a recommended product for an instance?

(never really thought being an alpha male though)

07-16-2002, 01:05 PM
Look in this thread... here\'s my answer:

http://www.server2.love-scent.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&amp;Board=UBB5&amp;Number=21177&amp;Main =21110 (\"http://www.server2.love-scent.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&amp;Board=UBB5&amp;Number=21177&amp;Main =21110\")