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View Full Version : SPMO is strong?

06-16-2002, 02:54 PM
We all know the smell is strong but the amount of -nol or whatever is in there is unknown.

I wore some today, without anything else, and I normally don\'t do this. Now with SOE or PF, I usually feel extremely relaxed or chatty, but not too much from SPMO. However, when my mom noticed my smell, she commented she didn\'t like it because it made her \"really sleepy\". She didn\'t necessarily say it smelled bad. But there has to be a very good amount of -nol in the SPMO to make her sleepy. Also, I was driving both parents out to lunch, and they both fell asleep within 3 minutes of the car ride.

I\'ve also noticed people were chatty with me to the places we went. For the past week, I\'ve been experimenting with 2 or 3 drops of SPMO on my arms and just a couple of small dabs of TE...working really well for me.

For one week, I used just RM...many males respected me but nothing different from the ladies. I\'m getting way better results with a dominating SPMO combo with TE, if not used alone. I guess I found something that works for my \"pheromonal\" body chemistry.

06-16-2002, 06:28 PM
Maybe, you can try just SPMO without the TE for a week. By the way, has the SPMO worked better for you than SOE and PF?

06-16-2002, 06:58 PM
I don\'t know if SPMO actually worked better. My idea was to get the secret ingredients of TE mixed in with a -nol heavy product. TE didn\'t seem to mix decent enough with PF. Nothing mixes well with PF. I\'ve tried SOE gel, and I love the smell, but the hits aren\'t as cool for me as a SPMO/TE combo.

I\'m going to try SPMO alone this week. TE alone, I know doesn\'t work quite as well cause maybe I OD or something. PF, I haven\'t tried enough times to see if it works. I have lots of products and so little time.

06-16-2002, 08:07 PM
I think we all need to remember that before JBM #1 there was JB #2. The first JB mix to combine the power of NPA and the NOL in SPMO. JB #2 has been sited for getting pretty good hits. Chattiness and and such. I don\'t know about SPMO alone but I know mixed with NPA it\'s a hit. I just made some up recently.

-The Bat

06-16-2002, 10:55 PM
Makin me wish I had some NPA....

06-17-2002, 07:34 PM
NPA is a must. Everyone should have a bottle.

-The Bat