View Full Version : Best Pheros for Asian Targets

06-12-2002, 12:12 AM
I am wondering what combination and what pheromones work
best in order to attract asian females? Any asian phero users
out there who want to help?

So far, i\'ve been only trying Androstenol and Androsterone on
asian females. It seems that Androstenol and Androsterone
works best on Asian Females on their Early Teens. I have good response on High School Girls but not on above 24 yrs

06-14-2002, 02:28 AM
There are many types of Asian girls. (chinese, korean, indoesian, taiwanese, japanese, american-asian.....) Which ones are you referring to?

06-14-2002, 08:29 AM
Lots of things to consider here. First, how old are you? Maybe you are to young or old for a 24 year old. Also, I\'m guessing you are Asian also? I read somewhere that -none didn\'t work well if the user was Asian, but that is just what I read and not what I believe.

It\'s also really your approach to the target age. Maybe your technique works for young teens but for 24 year old, it\'s a whole different ballgame. So if technique is wrong, no phero can help you.