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05-30-2002, 11:14 AM
I\'v been lurking for a few days and i thought it was about time to make my contribution.
Im new to pheros and i have a small collection (APC, TE, SPMO, and the RM set on the way).

I\'v had some hits already, i\'v been using APC mostly because girls who i know say it smells nice, although TE should be interesting. As will RM, if what is being said on here is true.

Anyway, back to the point. Does anyone have any ideas for good mixes?

If RM has -none will it work well with SPMO, which is supposed to have some -nol?

I\'m tempted to try APC/TE aswell, anyone else tried it?

I\'m 16 so i figure i\'ll be needing -nol somewhere.

I\'v read about the JB, JBM and DD mixes, but im not sure what they are exactly, could anyone help? concentrations aswell please.

Thanks, the cake maker man

05-31-2002, 06:52 AM
Well seen as nobody offered any help /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif i tried my own mix.

I did the usual TE/SPMO mix (christ TE really does stink on its own! Not quite BO, but maybe one of the elements in it. Bit of a tangent this, but iirc BO is the smell created when bacteria form the ester butanoic acid, correct me if im wrong.) TE was 33/66 with the SPMO, but i could still smell TE, so i added some APC. So it was 1:3:3. I felt i had a good mix of pheros, but the smell wasn\'t quite there. I added some cologne (Hugo Boss) and i ended up with something that smelled really good after it dried, but i thought the pheros would be a bit dilute, so i played around a bit until i got:

TE, SMPO, APC and cologne at 3:5:4:4 (phew)

Will test tonight and report back. One question though, what the hell is a DIHL?

05-31-2002, 08:45 AM
How about TE, SPMO and CK (calvin Klein)?or is it just the edge and SPMO. it is so confusing when u mixed them to gether then ended without a good result and ruined the original

05-31-2002, 12:09 PM
DIHL is an Dear In Headlights Look. It\'s when a girl gets the feel of your pheromones, and her mind goes blank while she stares at you for a few seconds.

06-02-2002, 06:48 AM
Not quite sure what you mean Bernard, but i\'ll try it with CK.

As for friday night, was it was very eventfull. On the advice of a friend i went to a local ice rink, and sure enough there was a lot of good looking girls(some of them a bit young though, not sure if i\'ll go back). I had two sprays of the above mixture on neck and chest area, and two drops of SPMO rubbed between my rists. As i was getting my skates on( im sure there\'s a joke in there somewhere), i noticed a lot of unusual attention, namely me sitting away from other people, and then girls sitting around me, while boys tending to avoid me. I accidently elbowed this huge guy in the back and he just turned around and appologised (i had seen him kick the crap out of people for less). Anyway, as i was skating around with all the prowess of a newly born three legged fawn, i was getting a lot of eye contact, which im sure wasnt to do with my skating skills. Then i got my first hit, but there is no way of knowing if it was caused by pheros. A girl skated over and started talking to me (cant remember what about), and ended up asking for my number. The next one was when my friend got asked for his number (i noticed that he seemed to be getting a lot of attention aswell, more than would be usual), and he asked me to go and give it to her. So i did and she wasnt that nice. When i was talking to her mates though, i noticed a nice looking blond girl. She was standing next to me and staring strait into my eyes, far too long to be casual (DIHL?). Eventualy she started laughing at what i was saying and stroked my arm. Needless to say i carried on talking to her and were kissing for a while (i noticed that my friend wasnt getting any attention any more- ha!). I met the first girl that asked for my number yesterday and we ended up lying in a field, doing...er...stuff!

I noticed that the smell was very strong on friday, so it probably still needs some fine tuning. A good weekend though, i cant wait to try pheros out again!

06-02-2002, 07:51 AM

Any time that you actually mix two or more fragranced products together, you risk the dreaded \"cucumber-dogshit sandwich\" effect. Most mainstream commercial fragrance products are carefully balanced for overall effect, and when you add another scent you can be asking for olfactory trouble. Even the often simpler, less sophisticated scented phero products like SPMO don\'t always blend well with other \"single malt\" type scents. So as a rule of thumb, I never physically mix two fragranced products together.

That doesn\'t preclude my USING two or more fragranced products at one time, but I\'ll have them \"zoned\"; applied to different parts of the body, such as wrists and neck.

To the extent that you can keep your products (both fragrances and pheros) separate, you can maintain their versatility, since different occasions call for different applications.

While there is a great deal to be said for having the magical, all-purpose phero mixture ready to spray on, there are very few who have found this elusive recipe. I know I haven\'t!

Think of your body as a canvas, and your pheros as paints. Keep the hues on your palate separate, and you won\'t end up repeatedly painting yourself the same shade unless you KNOW you like the \"color\". Mix in small batches and you\'ll minimize waste. Once you\'ve mixed fragrances together and the resulting product is not appealing, it\'s rare that you can fix it by adding more fragrance to it. Sounds like you got great hits, but you don\'t want to blow them away with an assault of what may be non-harmonious scents.
Experiment, but do so cautiously! It\'s easy to mix stuff together, but it\'s impossible to get them apart.

Good Luck!
Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-02-2002, 11:22 AM
Thanks oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif.

I was worried about the different scents clashing, but i was curious. I only mixed a small batch(well, kinda) and i think i\'ll try something different next time. Still no advice/ideas on mixing though /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif I think it would be a good idea to compile a list somewhere, for newbies like myself who need some pointers.

06-02-2002, 12:09 PM

You can come up with almost all of the mysterious mix recipes by going to Archives 1 and entering \"Jambat\" in the search block.

But I\'ll repeat a couple of tidbits of my own here:
-If your phero product is already scented, don\'t mix it with another fragrance.
-There should only be one fragranced component in any mixture.
-Go lightly on the pheros. 30% NPA mixes aren\'t for everyone. Try variations, like 80% / 20%.
-Mix in small batches to minimize waste.
-If you end up with a mix that doesn\'t suit you, don\'t add stuff to it to make it better. This rarely works.
-If something you\'ve mixed isn\'t something you\'ll ever want to wear, dispose of it by putting a little bit at a time on a paper towel or napkin, and throwing this in the trashcan at work or school where you can see if there\'s any reaction to it without having it directly associated with you.

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif