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View Full Version : Job seeking and employment with pheromones

05-21-2002, 02:21 PM
Peoples stories experiences.
Tips on usage as far as pheromones go.
Resume application.
Which products work best in which situations.
Is none best or rone and nol are people using a1 or couplins as well.
Just a standard thread for further discussion.
It works well in sales anything else.
ANy input would be great.
NPA works great for business and work situations.

05-21-2002, 11:38 PM
Bump got a reply from one that they have no positions for the job i went for but would love to keep my file in case anything should become available soon.
Unusuall response, i used 1 finger dab of attraction scented. Although the letter would take 2 days to get to them so it should have worn the fragrence off at least which is good anyone else.

05-22-2002, 03:38 PM
Are you saying that them saying they will keep you on file in case something becomes available is unusual? It\'s a VERY common response. EVERY job interview I didn\'t get the job for, they claim to keep your file.

Anyway, good luck with the job thing.

05-22-2002, 11:47 PM
Sorry it was the response but the letter was personally signed (big company have applied for previous jobs - standard print out usually.)
Lets just say that the letter had very weird and unusall wording as well.
They also sent me back forms for a unrelated job i applied for but is similar level and qualifications needed thats all. Just trying to get discussion going its getting quite around here again.

05-26-2002, 12:29 PM
I was recently laid off and was job hunting for a few weeks. The first combo I was using was JBM-1 (30% NPA and 70% PI/w). For one job opportunity I was asked to step into the office with another possible candidate. During the interview I noticed that I was getting most of the attention as opposed to the other individual in the office with me. More eye contact, more intrest was shown to me. I eventually got a second and third interview wearing the same combo, got the job, but decided to turn it down because I had some more interviews to go to.

The second job opportunity I had I wore just SOE. The way I wore it was 4 dabs on my hand with 2 squirts of unscented lotion rubbed together and spread over my face and arms. The interviewer really seemed into me and granted me a second interview with the president right away. The second day I wore the same application and must admit the president liked what he saw and heard (as he put it). I got this job as well and this time didn\'t turn it down knowing it was what I was looking for. Hope this helps.

05-27-2002, 05:28 PM
I have a theory about business pheromones: Use -none to make you stand out in a competitive environment. Use -rone to gain trust and respect. Use -nol to make people happy to work with you.
My previous job was in research and APC had enough -none to help me stand out. My current job’s office management and SOE gets the perfect reaction.
I’ve used APC in all my interviews. I think that’s just enough -none to make a lasting impression in interviewer’s minds.