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05-21-2002, 10:53 PM
Well, I just figured we\'d start this one. Okay. So I want to hear about JB hits as always but what about this Rogue Male. It\'s being compared to Jambat #1 and I want to know what you think about it.

My first impression is it smells great but I\'m not to pleased with the fact it\'s alcohol based. It\'s a very thin mixture, but I may try to remedy that by adding some other stuff to it. But first I want to finish field testing SOE and JB #1 (JBDD). It seems pretty cool, but I usually field test everything at the club so I\'ll go there (hopefully soon) and see what happens.

Also, what do you think about the SOE gel? You think it\'s good as SOE? I never used SOE so I wouldn\'t know the difference. It smells okay and it does seem to get the women talking.

Also, I want to hear from anyone whose tried SOE or RM at work. I usually ask for JB mix stories but I want to hear what\'s being said about RM and SOE.

05-22-2002, 02:04 PM

I\'ve been thinking about mixing RM 50/50 with some vegetable glycerine. This should both give it some viscosity to make it easier to handle, and tone down the scent a little.
I like the fragrance, but it\'s a whole different animal than APC. A bit TOO concentrated fragrance-wise in my opinion. It\'s just begging to be mellowed out a bit.

I make a variation of JB#1 at 4:1 instead of 7:3. I find the scent of the APC sticks around longer at this ratio. But at either ratio, APC/NPA ends up smelling nicer than RM does straight out of the bottle. RM doesn\'t seem to undergo any radical scent change the way APC mixes do.
I\'d really like to sweeten the RM up a tad. Maybe the vegetable glycerine will help out with this too. I\'ll let you know. images/icons/wink.gif

Oscar images/icons/laugh.gif

05-22-2002, 08:00 PM
Impressive. I have a bottle of that right here I use to cut stuff with. I used to get e-oils (just the base scent) and mix it making an oil based fragrance.


05-22-2002, 11:54 PM
I have NPA now so i will try the JBDD mix (SOE 70% and 30% NPA) of course in a small batch as always so not to waste all the pheromones at once.]
Also allows me to wear them individually where i so desire etc etc.

05-23-2002, 07:37 AM

If you want to \"sweeten\" RM, may I suggest you add the essential oil benzoin. It is listed as an ingredient in APC and I project that it will blend well with RM although I haven\'t experimented yet.

05-23-2002, 11:14 AM
...I thought JBDD was JB #1 plus SOE? Wasn\'t that you\'re first sugguestion?


05-23-2002, 12:39 PM
OH yeah sorry im thinking of DD#1 which is 70% SOE and 30% NPA or vise versa for those looking for a heavier none component (alpha male impact)

05-23-2002, 01:24 PM
DD1 (30%NPA and 70%SOE) has been quite effective for me recently getting a new job. I\'ve been wearing it for a few days now and every one at work seems to be responding well to me. There are a couple of girls who came into the lunch room to strike up a conversation with me when they walked by me a little bit earlier. They smile, flip their hair, and seem a little nervous. It\'s GREAT!

05-23-2002, 02:10 PM
Good to hear marz, i stumbled across it while mixing (actually i used the original jambat mixes as a baseline and with what it had in it figured that it would work great at the type of combination.

It gets them talking and is not to offensive and unlike spmo it actually has a recordable amount of nol and rone. So it is actually containing some androgens after all. Good for conversations. And doesnt break down into anything offensive and the two scents actually go well together and OD is possibel without to many side negative type of stuff happening.

05-23-2002, 09:19 PM
I think I might try RM saturday but I\'m not sure.


05-24-2002, 08:45 AM
Came home from work and the SO was grippy about being sick and sore, yada yada yada. I\'m thinking \"Not tonight.\"

Fixed her a stiff Bloody Mary then slathered on the RM - two full dabs. Rather quickly, she got really friendly, forgot about her complaints, let down her hair, and we had a very enthusiatic and mutually satisfying party. Covered her in PCC too which we both enjoy greatly.

Of course, it was a full moon and she was ovulating so the None in RM seemed to have it\'s full effect.

05-24-2002, 09:17 AM
As PCC is a womens product for attracting men does it have any effect on women when worn by men, basically Im wondering whether it would be complimentary to my existing phero arsenal.

05-24-2002, 09:31 AM

Getting hits from strange women is all well and good, but products that can turn a cranky wife into a desirable lover are worth their weight in gold!
Congrats! Nice work! images/icons/laugh.gif


I tried out the SOE gel for the first time last night and was very pleased. I used a bit more than half the packet, but I don\'t think it would have been too much if I\'d used the whole thing. The fragrance is great, and the effects seemed to be right on the money. Hats off to JVK again!

Posted in some detail (perhaps too much) on cutting RM with Veg-Glyc on another thread, so I\'ll not go there here, except to say that it appears to work well. Next goal is to sweeten it up.
So, I\'m off in search of Benzoin today. Funny, I\'ve sniffed and sampled many an oil at various shops, but never remember coming across Benzoin anywhere. Any suggestions?

Oscar images/icons/smile.gif

05-24-2002, 12:02 PM

Yes, once a month it\'s fish-in-a-barrel time.

As to benzoin, you might find it labeled as styrax or gum benzoin. Off the tree, its a thick resin so look for a dark viscous fluid as a sign of quality. If it\'s thin, then its been cut. Check you private mail.

05-24-2002, 12:14 PM
Well NPA by itself is getting good feedback, i love the smell cant get enough, but then it has always been something i have used quite extensivley (expensive though)

05-24-2002, 07:09 PM
...thanks for the feedback.

...I\'m a fan of NPA but the scent alone is a bit much for me.

05-27-2002, 09:02 PM
Is anyone out there getting hits with RM? I found it to be not so hot. I used SOE gel and RM. I got one reaction from a half drunk chick at a bachelorette party.

-The Bat

05-27-2002, 10:23 PM
I\'ve been using RM for a while and so far I have noticed only subtle hits so far. Nothing like the wild hits that I have had with PI/m (both good and bad). I was on a crowded bus last week on the way to a class. I had about two drops of RM on, behind each ear. I started to notice as the bus filled up that the seats in front, behind, and too the side filled up with women. A guy came by and started to sit in the seat next to me, then suddenly froze. After a couple of seconds of looking around he went for a seat in the back of the bus, LOL. I also noticed that all of the women around me were playing with their hair, although no one approached me. Then again I had my earphones on. I have found that I get the most interesting responses to the mones that I have on when people think I\'m not listening (I do have the music turned down or off ;-) ).
I also was testing it out at a Swing Camp this weekend. Nothing really noticable, then again there was this one cute brunette that seemed to really like it when we were dancing balboa together. She complimented all of my moves even though I made some pretty noticable mistakes. I also think that I got a DIHL from her. Her eyes were really dialated too. Hmm. Anyhow I plan to up the dosage to see if I get more interesting reactions.

05-28-2002, 04:49 PM
I found it to have a nice smell but it surely didn\'t get the hits I\'m used to with JB #1. I didn\'t know if it had something to do with the SOE or RM itself. I\'ll try JBDD (The JB #1 plus SOE mix the Donald Duck made up). That seem like it has power potential.


05-29-2002, 12:30 PM
We gotta agree jambat on a name for this mix

Then DD#1 for NPA+SOE on its own is that a good idea.
DD#2 for 30%NPA+30%SOE+30%AE

05-29-2002, 11:05 PM
Sounds good to me (although that\'s pretty much what I\'ve been calling them). I am curious, what do you think about the SOE gel versus the SOE bottle formula?

05-29-2002, 11:10 PM
Havent had a chance to try the gel packs yet saving for a important occasion etc etc. Although being disposable and concelable that is handy plus it is a good marketing and distribution ploy and can be used as sample for promotiion so im all for it. I think there wouldnt be much difference though ??? would there. Cheaper to maybe.

05-30-2002, 02:40 PM

I\'ve formed some opinions on the SOE gel packs. I think that each pack should contain HALF of what it now has, and be priced accordingly.
While there really hasn\'t been any definitive OD level established on Androstenol that I know of, it seems that the contents of one gel-pack has WAY too much phero as well as way too much carrier.

Looking at the math, if the total phero content of one packet is .13mg, then each full-packet dose gives you .104mg of A-Nol, and .026mg of A-Rone. That\'s at least double what I\'d want to apply.
Also, you better find a LOT of pulse points in order to be able to spread out 1.5mL of gel.

I used a half of a packet and thought that it was just about right. Spread thinly, it nearly covered my chest with enough left to hit a bunch of pulse points.

Unfortunately having to carry a pill vial to store the unused half of a gel-pack defeats the purpose of \"single use packets\".

I think it\'s great stuff! The gel spreads and absorbs beautifully, and the fragrance is perfect.
There\'s just too much product in each packet!


05-30-2002, 04:05 PM
Thanks for all the valuable feedback.

I think someone else mentioned on the board that the packets are good for two applications. A lot of the expense of manufacturing them unfortunately goes into the packet itself and filling it, but I\'ll see if I can get some numbers on what a half-size would work out to.

Myself, I am normally very conservative with fragrance espeically here in Japan (the don\'t invade anybody\'s space nation), but I have been using a whole packet or nearly one wiped over my entire upper body (chest, stomach, arms, neck) I probably am not expressing 100% of the gel from the packet though, as this is usually done in haste at home if you catch my drift. But I have coated myself like this a couple times before going out and even gone to the gym once without feeling like I was blowing everyone away with fragrance. I suspect the reason I am getting away with this is that I am not really around people for an hour or so after application. To me this applying gel over large areas of soft skin (sort of massaging in in) is a completely different animal from doing the oil on the wrists and neck thing. I have a feeling that a LOT of the gel is getting absorbed and an hour after application the fragrance is fairly tame.

All that said though, I am happy folks are getting more mileage out of the packs; maybe we can come up with a more affordable version. They are a little pricey.


06-02-2002, 11:39 AM
I have to admit the SOE gel and JB#1 seems to be pretty good. JBDD #1 Seems to be a hit. A friend and I were in a situation where we were dealing with some women in a semi business relationship (it was a social meeting but also had some business elements) buts basically my friend and I had just met these women for the first time. They were very comfortable with us and I did notice DIHL when I shook hands with the first one. My friend only had JB #1 on but we both did fine. They felt really comfortable with us and had even invited us to hang out in a none business setting at some point. Now usually my friend has no problem with women but women usually don\'t take to me well right off the bat so this was a good experience. Once again I managed to have a small arsenal of of mixes but I think I\'m going to play it a little smarter this times so I won\'t run out so fast. Although I have to say, I\'m not seeing a lot of hits with RM and I was thinking I would. Anyone have any strong success with RM?


06-02-2002, 11:53 AM
SOE does it again it is a good product. Anything from james kohl has to be. But it works great on its own and also very good mixed up in a small batch with NPA also. Re JBDD1 or DD1 mixes.

06-02-2002, 11:50 PM
I\'m thinking about getting a bottle of SOE in the future.
-The Bat

06-03-2002, 10:14 AM
Jambat, depending on your personal taste SOE has what I feel is a strong fragrance, my wife said so to. I have to go easy on it. But that being said the first day I wore it I had my wife smell my wrists at dinner and by the time the evening was over...lets just say it did what it was supposed to! I have been mixing with PI and PI/w as well, I am not sure how it is on its own merit. I think if they could mellow out the fragrance I would probably wear it more often. I enjoy different scents for different occasions and you know, the latest and greatest in colognes, so I love mixing PI and PI/w unscented with the cologne I will be wearing for the day or evening.

06-03-2002, 07:26 PM
The scent is a tad strong it does fade but it\'s a good scent overall.

Okay guys I\'m planning on doing some RM test soon because either RM is the least tested new product I\'ve seen or Hit Squaders are holding out on us.

06-03-2002, 08:03 PM
Jambat another reason why i chose NPA as the other part of the SOE mix it is sort of strong and can sometimes be to strong for to long so to balance it out i chose NPA it reduces the scent plus also makes it a five way mix. Nol and rone in SOE and none a1 and couplins in NPA (sorry my thoughts are now made up as to what is actually in NPA none couplins and a1 which would make it the five way phero mix i have ranted on about for song long and it seems to do the trick.

06-04-2002, 07:19 PM
Whatcher, what made you come to those conclusions about NPA?
-The Bat

06-05-2002, 09:18 PM

06-06-2002, 05:33 AM
Bump for an answer.

NPA (sorry my thoughts are now made up as to what is actually in NPA none couplins and a1 which would make it the five way phero mix i have ranted on about for song long and it seems to do the trick.



06-06-2002, 09:58 AM
I must say it is a curious statement.
-The Bat

06-06-2002, 12:01 PM
Especially since I thought NPA was out LONG before A1 was even known about.


06-06-2002, 02:14 PM

A1 has only become available to US recently. It\'s what Erox has been putting in Realm for women since the early 90\'s. I\'ve also speculated that A1 might be one of the secret ingredients in NPA for some time.
LaCroy\'s Pheromone Additive has only become the \"New Pheromone Additive\" within the last couple of years, if I\'m not mistaken. Perhaps that\'s when it took on the two \"Mystery Ingredients\".
But unlike Watcher, I don\'t think that LaCroy would try to sneak Copulins past us in a men\'s product. My guess for the second secret ingredient would be AndrosteRone.
Again, just guessing.

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-06-2002, 07:33 PM
A lot of people are guessing that it\'s A-rone but I think A-rone is in other products. I doubt it\'s something to keep that much of a secret.

-The Bat

06-07-2002, 06:53 AM
Thanks Oscar!

Obviously I still deserve my \"NEWBIE\" status! I had no idea A1 had been around that long.

Take care bud,


06-07-2002, 11:49 AM
Ok well the idea of couplins in NPA i had posted a thread but it disappeared so therefore couplins are in there because of the nice nice reaction from males of it could be a1 and then none of course.

06-07-2002, 02:09 PM

When PA became NPA I don\'t think that any other products had A-Rone.
But then, I may be a bit foggy on the chronology.

Oscar /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-07-2002, 07:57 PM
I\'m trying to create a new mix. Hear me out on this...

...RM has been compared to JB #1 on occassions, but JB lovers might question the idea of this \"Premixed\" JB mix considering it\'s all A-none. In theory, RM is PI with a nice scent. I have a theory, and my theory is if we mix RM and NPA at 70/30 (70% RM and 30% NPA) we will have the strongest Jambat mix ever created. The New JB-X. Remember how the old JB-X sucked? (I don\'t know if anyone actually used it but if you don\'t know, I\'ll tell you it was bad.) But if we add NPA\'s secret ingredients to RM.

The problem is I have RM but not NPA and I know some of you have both NPA and RM. So what I\'m asking is that you mix a small batch of this and report back here to the hit squad. This could be the mix of mixes. This could be the new Jambat Extreme. Basically the old JB-X (NPA, SPMO, PF and TE mixed at 25% each) was really bad. This one has the power to be the next big thing. The closest thing to love potion #9.

-The Bat

06-08-2002, 06:18 PM
I\'ve got one person. Aaron\'s willing to try the mix.

-The Bat

06-08-2002, 08:29 PM
I don\'t know Jambat this looks like a massive none OD.

06-09-2002, 01:31 AM
This sounds like something i used to do not any more though.

06-09-2002, 02:10 AM
How can it possibly be any more of an OD than either product alone??????

06-09-2002, 05:47 AM
I had a nice night out yesterday, including two girls sandwiching me on the dance-floor. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

I wore three sprays of TE, plus some SOE, A1 and PCC (on neck, face or wrists).

I started with only one spray of TE, because normally that gets the job done, but apparently not in a nightclub, so I applied two more sprays to really get the attention. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-10-2002, 11:21 PM
TE get the job done for you? Lucky guy. So is anyone besides Aaron going to try the NPA + RM thing?

-The Bat

06-11-2002, 11:30 PM
Anybody got an RM experience they care to share?

-The Bat

06-12-2002, 08:59 AM

I\'ve been wearing the RM/NPA mix for a few days now with added PI(w) at a ratio of 7:3:3 in a variety of environments.

Wore one spray to a friend\'s 40th b/day dinner in a restaurant. Plenty of people. All of them late 30\'s to 60\'s. No noticeable effect with the majority of women there.
Met a few who I hadn\'t seen for about 20 yrs. One (married and with kids) was very chatty when I started reminiscing with her about a summer camp we were on back in \'79, until she said...\"remind me who you are again!\" Her hubby came over in the middle of our conversation, pissed as a fart, looking the worse for wear with a \"why you talking to my wife\" look, only for a DIHL to hit him, and sat down as if he\'d been pole-axed....weird!
Met another lady (early 40s) who was on the same camp with me, and had a good reminisce about old times and what we\'ve been doing...nothing that could be considered as a \"hit\".
Third lady (mid-late 30s), unmarried and single/unattached, very attractive. We hadn\'t seen each other for about 20 yrs as well!!!!!! Very positive reaction from her. Very \"touchy-feely\" as in \"wonderful to see you again\" *kiss* *kiss* etc. Nice and chatty and \"we really must keep in touch...it\'s been toooooo long!!\" Could have left with her telephone number, but disappeared before she got too friendly.

Wore one spray to church on Sunday. A few glances from some of the younger women there (in their early 20s I\'d say), but nothing else.

One spray to work on the Monday and Tuesday. No reaction from the staff. They know my phero signature by now, except one 18 yr old who was walking around like a zombie all day (but then again, she is so out-of-it usually, it doesn\'t count ).
Working somewhere else next Mon-Wed where they haven\'t seen me in quite a while, so I\'ll see what happens there.

Two sprays today when I was in town shopping...no visible or remotely noticeable reactions from anyone at all that could be construed as out of the ordinary for me, from shop staff, people in cafes or people in the street/supermarket. No one chattier or friendlier.
Smiled at a few ladies as we passed in the street, they smiled back, but I get that reaction anyway, even without pheros.

That\'s it. Nearly coming to the end of the contents of the atomiser. Enough for a few more doses, since I didn\'t mix too much up.
Next time I may mix up RM and NPA(w) in a 7:3 to see the effects, rather than NPA(m) and PI(w).

One thing I did notice was that the atomiser I\'d mixed it with, was one that had APC in it before, which I\'d cleaned out with a rather \"whiffy\" surgical spirit. Did this a few weeks ago, but the smell of the spirit seems to have lingered and totally masked the odour of the RM. Had to mask the alcohol smell with Chanel Allure that first time.

Anyone else have anything to report on RM mixes? It doesn\'t seem to be that special, but it\'s early days yet to form an opinion.

06-12-2002, 09:45 PM
Great work! I\'m seriously waiting to hear all that happens. I wore JBB to a job interview along with some SOE gel. The woman talked to me and was very open and candid something that I think JB #2 and JBB with the SOE bought out. People are usually kurt on interviews, but she was very nice. She read my resume, crossed things off of my resume. Told me to rewrite it the way she specified and fax it back to her, (this was an interview mind you), and she\'d get it to the proper people.

-The Bat

06-13-2002, 07:33 AM
Haven\'t posted much hit stories lately as I guess the \"novelty\" of the \"hits\" I get with pheros has worn off somewhat but figured I\'d post the most recent hits I had this past weekend. Was over at Home Depot wearing PF - got DIHL from this older woman - literally staring like she\'s seen a ghost then I\'m in a different aisle forgot about her and suddenly feel someone is looking and there she is again staring at me :-) - went over to another aisle as I couldn\'t find the product I was looking for and then experienced what I\'ve come to think of as the magnet effect - these three ladies somehow all are drawn to where I am and crowding me. Could be that it was something else, but I dunno, this stuff happens when I\'m wearing pheros. This is actually the first time in awhile that I wore PF although it has always worked well for me, but my phero of choice for everyday use is my NPA/Drakkar mix which brings good consistent hits for me. JB#1 I save for when I go out to clubs/date etc. Speaking of JB#1 - it has caused this gal I\'ve been casually dating (i.e. we are not a couple as I don\'t want any ties right now, but we see each other fairly regularly) for a couple of months now to develop this very strong sexual fixation on me. How do I know? Because I can\'t count the times she asks me what cologne do you wear and I tell her again it\'s Drakkar (I mask the JB#1 with Drakkar) and she says she luvs it and it never smells like this on anyone she knows and it smells so good, and
etcetc :-) . As a result she is practically insatiable - I posted an account of when I first met her when I ODed on JB#1 and she has been hooked on me from then. Never had a gal who has been like this with me so it\'s unique enough that I think it qualifies as a definite phero-induced phenomenom.

06-14-2002, 07:25 PM
PF works for you? Have you tried JB #3? It\'s NPA and PF (70% PF 30% NPA). That might be pretty good for you if PF works for you. JB #3 nor PF do it for me, although one or two people like JB #3 and say it got them some nice hits.

-The Bat

06-15-2002, 06:54 AM
Yeah PF works great for me even though I know this is not the case with most folk that post here from what I\'ve noticed. I did try JB#3 when Jambat first mentioned the creation of his new mix, and initially I seemed to be getting good hits, but the results seemed to be the most inconsistent of any of the pheros I\'ve used. I tried using less and using more but could never find the right amount to cause consistent pos. results. So I pretty much stick with JB#1, NPA on it\'s own and PF or Yes/PF. Interestingly, the only major neg. OD experiences I\'ve had with pheros have been with JB#3 and NPA so maybe it has something to do with the amount of NPA.

06-16-2002, 08:25 PM
I say dump JB #3. Who needs it when there\'s JB #1 and #2, JBM #1, JB-Bootleg is a great mix especially for a mix with TE in it, JBDD is the hot new mix Donald Duck (a.k.a Watcher) is pushing and JB-X seems to be getting good responses, in fact I\'m betting on it getting better responses that RM alone (But I\'m waiting to hear from Aaron\'s testing to before I say what\'s up). This is a good time for JB mixes.

-The Bat

06-17-2002, 07:53 PM
Does anyone still where JB #1 to work or has everyone been freak out by harrassment problems?

-The Bat

06-19-2002, 09:23 PM
I been wearing this RM and nothing happening. Any hints? Premixed JB #1? I don\'t think so. But I can\'t deny the scentl is nice.

-The Bat

06-19-2002, 10:29 PM
Yeah, nothing on RM so far. I don\'t think it was ever mentioned that RM was a pre-mixed JB#1. I think the smell was mentioned as comparable to JB#1. It can\'t be like your mix because it doesn\'t have the secret ingredients of NPA.

06-20-2002, 07:34 PM
Nor does it seem to get nearly as many hits. Maybe it does and I\'m just not noticing because JB #1\'s hits are so noticeable. I had a girl in a copy start get DIHL, run up to me with a huge smile and waited on me hand and foot while chatting me up. All the signs were there. RM hasn\'t done it yet, but I\'m trying with SOE and soon I\'ll probably mix up JBX and do some of my own research. So RM and NPA seems to be the thing. My theory seemed to be dead on. But we\'ll see what happens.

-The Bat

06-21-2002, 12:11 PM
By the way (I\'m sure I\'ll get someone to bite) is anyone still wearing this stuff to work?

-The Bat

06-21-2002, 03:41 PM
Jambat: at present I\'m not using pheros since I\'m almost 100% busy with summer exams and I spend most of my time at home /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif But some months ago I got really into JB#2 and was wearing it almost everyday, including the days when I worked part-time as a programmer. The difference between w/ and w/o pheros was really there.

Usually the boss (male, late 50s) has always to complain about how things are done, that we need more organization, blah blah. This happens every single day. When I started using JB#2 I noticed that he was really more relaxed and it was more a \"hmm, ok, let\'s talk about this project\" attitude than a \"THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE WITHIN NEXT WEEK!!!\" one. The funny thing is that, as I left the room, he would quickly restart acting nervous as usual with my fellow colleagues /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

06-21-2002, 08:24 PM
Yes JB #2 is pretty good and I believe there\'s more nol in SPMO than anyone\'s letting on, either that or NPA is boosting the small amount of nol that\'s in there.

-The Bat

06-22-2002, 02:08 AM
Further experiences with the RM/NPA/PI(w) mix this week were very inconclusive.

Wore it to work all week, and despite some friendly and positive attitudes from people that come for advice (I\'m a pharmacist), there didn\'t seem to be any overt responsiveness from females. Obviously if I smile at them, they\'ll smile back, but no \"hair flips\", DIHLs or anything that can be considered a \"hit\".

I had a blind date on Wednesday evening. Wore JBX and a sachet of SOE gel applied to pulse points. Not one of the better dates I\'ve had. She was lovely, attractive and what could be considered as \"sexy\" (though I\'m not too keen on that term). But there were a lot of uncomfortablre silences before she loosened up a bit. I wasn\'t going to offer her my number, although I half got the impression that she wouldn\'t have objected if I did (perhaps that\'s my male ego talking), and she didn\'t offer me hers.

Friday night I went out with a few colleagues from work into a pub in town (one 45 yr old lady and two guys - in their mid 20s...I\'m 40). No reactions from anyone at all in the pub or anywhere else that evening.

I\'m not one for pubs & clubs anyway. Most of the places around London are like a zoo. Too loud, too much cigarette smoke (bleah!) and full of neanderthals...the men aren\'t much better

I seem to get better responsivenesss from -nol products such as JB#2, X-cite wipes, PF, AE (has an interesting effect - need to try it a little more often). SoE doesn\'t seem to do much for me, which is odd, despite the nice smell. Maybe need to try it a little more often and regularly.

As for TE, PI(m) or NPA alone....not too wonderful. Let\'s face it, London\'s a \"happening\" place, but it\'s really hard to meet and get to know people, make friends here. The attitude here\'s a lot different than in the US where folks tend to generally be a little more open and friendly.

06-22-2002, 03:09 PM
You are confirming my suspicions - I have thought for a while that the reason PF, which is a Brit product, was created, was to loosen up London girls.

06-23-2002, 11:57 AM
Addendum to my last post:

Forgot to add that Saturday night I had a bbq at my place. Not too many folks just bro & sis-in-law, her friend, mum and two male friends, one of whom I was trying to match up with sis-in-law\'s friend.

Only it didn\'t turn out that way. Was wearing JBX.
Mum said: \"What\'s that smell, you\'ve bought some new cologne, I don\'t know that one.\"
Brother was not bothered, neither was his wife (just had a baby, so her hormones must be all over the place).
My two other male friends were chatty with me and the other girl.
But....instead of matching the girl with my friend, she was giving me sideways glances, trying to shift her chair closer to mine, and when we all went swimming in the pool, she twice brushed up against me as if by accident underwater.
The freakiest part was that after getting out, I put on my bathrobe...huge thing like a tent....and she literally tried to climb into it with me, everyone else looking on in disbelief.
It was at that point I made a run fur the house and locked myself in the toilet for 10 mins.
So much for playing matchmaker. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

Sunday. JBX in church for evening mass: strange looks from mum, sis-in-law, and quite a few 20 something girls in the congregation (it\'s a youth mass on Sun evenings). What\'s really bizarre are the DIHLs I got from two penguins sitting in the pew about 10 feet away /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

Reactions to this mix are really unpredictable, depending on the environment.

06-23-2002, 05:26 PM
Won\'t the pheros get washed away by the water in the pool? Just curious.

06-23-2002, 09:24 PM
That\'s X for you. It seems like X is good with the younger girls. Could that be possible? I\'ve heard other reports mention that they\'ve gotten hits from 20 something girls with JB-X. Maybe that\'s it or maybe it\'s how you put it on. All in all it sounds like the mix is working and isn\'t as nearly as unstable as JB #3 or just bad like the original JB-X.

I wore JBDD #1 on the train saturday and struck up a conversation with a beautiful cat owner who was carrying food home to it. It\'s easy for me to strike conversations with women on the train now. With this stuff. I might go back to just using JB #1 and spraying it on instead of dabbing, because I get more straight on hits, but JBDD #1 is surely the one for conversations. Another cool thing was this hot Indian girl smiled at me, just out of the blue. Very nice. A lot of looks and glances my way. I liked it.

-The Bat

06-24-2002, 07:01 AM
INdian girls are hot. Now I\'m 20 Indian girls check me out often, random ones come up at the mall even when i don\'t wear the pheromones. So what mixes should i use? I ordered DD#1 (SOE/NPA) gonna try that but what\'s this JB-X?
Is that good for young girls?

06-24-2002, 09:18 AM
A few people have reported getting hits from young women (around their 20s) from JB-X which is a little different from most heavy A-none mixes. JB-X is 70% RM mixed with 30% NPA. It my newest mix and it seems like the next big hit but it\'s still in it\'s testing phase, although DD #1 has the makings of a pretty good mix. NPA on the NONE side and SOE on the NOL side.

-The Bat

06-25-2002, 08:05 PM
How\'s it going out there? Any hits to report.

-The Bat

06-25-2002, 10:55 PM
hit: chat with given phone number in the end
target: blonde caucasian early 20s, really cute
phero/mix: experimental mix number 3 (EX3) [1p PI/m 1p NPA 2p Attraction 3p alc.denat]
location: city center @mcdonalds
daytime: early evening short after 07:00 pm

I bumped into the target while leaving. I excused myself, smiled at her, she smiled back and said \"no problem\" and I went out. I\'ve seen her flipping her hair and staring after me in the corner of my eye. I stopped on the outside right behind the door. She walked up behind me, left through the main exit too and took a deep breath. I said \"It\'s a really nice warm evening\" and she agreed. She took up the talk-line and we talked a little about the weather of the past days and found ourselfs sitting on the stoneborder of one of those \"green isles\" in the city right in front of McD. We must have talked for about half an hour and she flipped her hair alot and was sometimes really DIHL-like fixed to my mouth when I talked. Suddenly she looked at her watch and jumped up. She apologized and told me she has to go, because she wanted to meet a fem. friend (it\'s strange but she even used her prename). She told me that she was already late and that she has to got. I told her that I enjoyed talking with her and that I\'d like to continue this some time. She agreed and I asked her for her phone number. She went quick and straight back into McD and returned with a small post-it with her name, home- *and* cell.number written down.

Life is just sooooo nice.

06-26-2002, 04:24 AM
Learn from Andy guys /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif if your getting megahit signs from a woman asks for the phone number, don\'t let your target just walk away she could be your future wife. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

06-26-2002, 01:25 PM
Follow jose s advice dont let them slip away otherwise you may regret it but if you do start getting emotional once the women are gone they are gone, realise however there are more fish in the sea if it comes to this and she has found someone else you will have to get over it(advice to anyone reading this thread)

06-26-2002, 03:58 PM
I have been experimenting with PI, SOE, NPA (DD#1 in 7:3, 3:1, and 2:1 ratios) I would like to try a dab of PI with A1 alone, and then try it covered lightly with coolwater. The fruity scent of the coolwater blends nicely with the steathy none from the PI (which has more of a friuty musk scent compared to the harsher none component of the NPA). I am sort of trying to create a quasi-NPA but with a higher A1 percentange and a smoother steathier smell. Any input as to where I can obtain some A1 would be helpful.

I\'ll keep everyone updated on results.

Thank you.

P.S. Thank you Bruce for such a phenominal site.

06-27-2002, 12:07 AM
People have talked about this A1 but I have no idea where to get it. I\'m sure someone knows where to get it.

-The Bat

06-27-2002, 02:37 AM
Try it here :
http://love-scent.com/kits/extra/order.html (\"http://love-scent.com/kits/extra/order.html\")

It\'s the pure chemical frome stonelab.

06-27-2002, 06:17 AM
I wear JB1 to work with no problems whatsoever.
As for RM, it hasn\'t done anything for me anywhere, either on its own or with something else.

06-27-2002, 07:12 AM
I have the A-1, and have used it a little bit, but so far nothing... Right now I\'m playing with the 70/30 mixes of SOE/NPA, and will use my RM/NPA next week. So far, not a whole lot going on with looks, but there aren\'t that many people I\'m dealing with right now...

06-27-2002, 09:15 PM
Well you know I\'m always here waiting for those elusive hits stories. It kind of cool now because people understand how important those stories are to new and old phero users and they seem to have started telling them and I mean indept reports many time, so that\'s good.

-The Bat

06-29-2002, 09:46 PM
Well its been interesting at the Hardware store. I have one girl whom i found out has a crush on me. Unfortunately, i only like her as a friend. I think its the PI/m but im not to sure. I listened a lot to her problems in the past, but i do that with everyone. I have another girl who is really fun to talk with cause she is like one of the guys when it comes to talking about sex.

We talk about orgasms, bjs, and all sorts of crazy things along with another girl that works there. Now, take into consideration that all these girls have boyfriends, yet they feel very normal talking about their sex life and letting me know when they are on the rag, lol.

Well one of those girls showed me some text messages that the other one had sent her about me. Some of it was actually quite cute. Its always great to have a girl \"spy\" who lets you know exactly what other girls are saying about you behind your back. Kind of elimenates some of the guessing aspects if you choose to pursue.

Their is one girl out of all of them that i like, but she has a boyfriend. What i like about her is that she is very loyal to him and doesn\'t flirt around like these other girls do. She is fun to talk to and very nice, but she doesn\'t go around asking you to pull it out, like the other ones, lol.

As far as the one that has the crush on me. She told me today that she had something to ask me, when it was slow at the store and nobody was around. I am almost dead sure she was going to tell me her feelings about me. I kept away from the front and concentrated more on work till the day was over, and got away from her question somehow.

I\'ve never really had to turn someone down, so im not to sure about what im going to say to her. I hate the fact that we work together and it might get awkward being around her knowing how she feels about me. One of my friends told me to bang her for fun, but thats not what im about.

I don\'t want to lead her on and after watching Vanilla Sky, i don\'t want to end up flying off a bridge either, lol. I don\'t recall flirting with her but i do remember her calling me a tease from time to time. Either way, just something interesting i thought i would share with the Atomic one and the rest of you.

06-30-2002, 12:56 AM
Well .. I thought a long time about telling you the following story and I decided you\'d have to know what I experienced.
As I mentioned before I am in a relationship, but my gf is living about 500 miles away from me (work), so we kept up this relation really open, because we both know, this will be the only way to keep it up till we can be together again.
I\'ve been at a club yesterday and wore a nice really hefty od of -none (PI/m 2 complete drops on wrists/neck). I just wanted to test if -none really repells young girls and won\'t have a positive effect on them.
I\'ve been in there for about 1h, no noticeable negative effects. I approached a girl I had eyecontact with before (21 Years old, brunette, about 1,75m tall, really cute with a well shaped body). It took about 30mins till we sat in my car heading for my home /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif . Ok ... after 2-3h we liked to get back to the club (her friends were waiting there). Ok .. nothing really special. Do you remember the girl I met some days ago at McD ? She was also there, but with her boyfriend (that\'s what I found out later) ?!?!?! Well this guy was gone meanwhile and she was alone. I\'ve been sitting around at a cornertable and had some softdrinks (drink and drive sucks guys /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif ). As soon as she has noticed me she walked up to my table and kissed me on the cheek. She sat down and we talked a long time. Mostly about her friend and that he betrayed her 2 days ago. I am not sure wheter she just wanted to get even or not, but about 10 minutes later I sat down in my car again heading for home. She\'s gone for 5 minutes now (It\'s 10:50am here) and we had a really interesting night and a nice chatty breakfast. She wrote down my phonenumbers this time too. I think well will meet again.

According to this night I don\'t think high doses of -none affect young girls negatively.


06-30-2002, 12:15 PM
Mr. Freon, simply say what you just said. You can tell her you wouldn\'t feel comfy dating someone from work. That usually is universally understood, and I think she will be able to handle that. Not complete rejection.

06-30-2002, 08:17 PM
Dragon\'s right. Dating at work can be a problematic thing. Some people have stopped wearing pheros to work all together (Even though I love to here about those that do wear them at work).

-The Bat

06-30-2002, 08:37 PM
Thanx for the 411 guys. I did think about using the work \"card\", and thats where i will go, if she pursues. But i\'ll still keep wearing them at work, lol. Its to much fun =) You should see some of the girls that come into this store.

07-01-2002, 06:07 AM
Guys, I wrote the following the other day:
\"I have the A-1, and have used it a little bit, but so far nothing... Right now I\'m playing with the 70/30 mixes of SOE/NPA, and will use my RM/NPA next week. So far, not a whole lot going on with looks, but there aren\'t that many people I\'m dealing with right now... \"

Okay, well, this was a bit strange, but makes for a grin-filled story, and more sales for Bruce:

This girl I was crazy about, about a year-and-a-half ago, has been e-mailing me with her \"guy-problems.\" I got annoyed and said I wasn\'t going to just sit by the phone waiting for her call. This past Friday, she leaves me a note to call her, which I do. She comes over and starts talking about nothing she said she wanted to (problems).


She\'s laying on me, and looking TOO closely into my eyes, and resting her head on me and all that.

The conversation is WAY too sexual, even for her!

She suggests that she and I become \"roomies.\" She wants me to \"try it for 6 months; if things don\'t work out, then (I) can move out.\"

She tells me that grocery shopping would be fun, buying lots of fruits and chocolate sauce. (!!!)

This is the girl who walked away from me in late \'00.

Here\'s what I had on:

Two 2-3-inch stripes of SOE/NPA in the 70/30
Two drops of RM/NPA (one in hair; one rubbed on face and neck), also at 70/30.

*I* thought it was an OD, though I LOVE the smell of RM (the product, though of me too!). Maybe it wasn\'t.

07-01-2002, 09:58 AM
A lot of guys are deathly afraid of \"OD\'ing\" and somehow putting some women off from too heavy a None dose.

I\'ve argued for some time that high doses can drive off the targets that aren\'t likely to become sexually active with you in any case - that\'s can be a good thing since they will just be wasting your time.

A real alpha male is proud of his scent - look at the stereotypical tycoon toking on a cigar. Everyone agrees that cigars stink; the alpha is just marking his space - if you don\'t like it the true alpha male\'s response is \"what the hell you gonna do about it, punk?\"

Same way with heavy doses of NONE - if you want to attract good-to-go honeys, the NONE will find them and they will respond. Sure, you may scare the timid, offend the cold, and aggitate the bleeding but do you really care? What you want to find is the ovulating females with a bit of alcohol in their system to lower their inhibitions.

Now, I wouldn\'t go heavy on NONE at the office since aggression has to be carefully calibrated in the work place but if I\'m clubbing and looking for a new friend for the night, a good bit of NONE is what I wear.

07-01-2002, 10:10 AM
yea...but i\'m a small dude and i don\'t really look so threatening and all that....right now i\'m working out

07-01-2002, 10:17 AM
I am sorry Whitehall, but if you put on a heavy dose when you go to a club you are NOT OD-ing IMO as long as this amount of none is going to GET you the chicks, instead of driving them away.

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

07-01-2002, 10:52 AM
I think that there is a dose response curve to NONE.

At low levels (natural or a little above), no extra attention will be received. Increase the dose a notch and now you start becoming more worthy of female attention (in their limbic system) and will start getting a bit more respect from males.

At higher doses yet, negative hits start happening - usually menstruating or pregnant females although you now come across as more of a challenger to alpha males - weak ones can react to that challenge. On the other hand, females who are looking for a lover start to have a higher probablity of noticing and becoming proceptive.

At higher doses yet, the probablity and range for responses from really ready females become greater yet but likewise the same increases for people that will be put off. The \"really ready, good to go\" females are few and far between although they do congregrate at \"leks\" - places where individuals interested in mating go to find each other. For certain African antelopes, that is well-defined meadows of ancient use; for homo sapiens, that is nightclubs and beaches like Daytona and Panama City.

There may well be a dose where EVERYONE is put off by NONE - I haven\'t found it. Bigger doses just draw fewer but more focused reponses - which is my point.

07-01-2002, 11:21 AM
Hell yeah .. that\'s what I experienced in the past. I didn\'t know how to put my experiences together, but that makes sense.

I\'d even top this ....

Younger females are more offended/attracted by higher doses of -none, because they are seeing themselves more in the target-role than older females. They are more vulnerable and inexperienced, what makes them unsure of their behavior sometimes. That causes a \"push away\" reaction unless they are really attracted to what (the male) they are dealing with.

This would mean that the so called OD is just narrowing the filter and you\'ll keep just what you want (well, in case you want a sexual oriented encounter).

This has to be field tested though.

07-01-2002, 01:26 PM
You do have to somewhat OD in clubs sometimes. I remember going to a club and having this woman fall all over me. She didn\'t want to stop dancing with me. The thing is women who travel in groups, if they don\'t like the guy the their friend is dancing with they\'ll pull her away from you. It\'s happened to me before. Like girl will be standing there. I\'ll walk up to one, get a nice dance on and then all the sudden her friend grabs her and says \"let\'s go.\" Maybe some ladies could shead light on this.

Is it a tactical thing, like you want her to dance with guys you like so you can steal him later? I don\'t know. It doesn\'t makes sense. A guy would get cursed out for doing something like that to another guy.

-The Bat

07-01-2002, 01:54 PM
One of my first big-time hits was at a packed club. I was giving myself sprays of TE all day long - to my chest, to my armpits, to my hair, enough that conventional wisdom will say I was grossly OD\'ed. Yet, I had attractive women bottom-bumping me, boobing me, yelling at me from across the room, butt-presenting, and so on.... Guys were definitely deferential too.

Yes, I had one negative hit - a too cute young blonde tested her mojo on me by insisting I move my table into someone else\'s lap so she could dance - HA! I dissed her and was applauded by bystanders - people need alpha males to provide leadership, just ask any troop of gorillas.

The point is, situations and intent dictate dosage.

07-01-2002, 07:51 PM
Good call dude. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

-The Bat

07-02-2002, 08:52 PM

07-07-2002, 07:56 PM
Went to a book show today. (I\'m a writer and I self publish some stuff). I wore JB #1 and SOE and did a lot better than what I thought. Not only were women but men also very receptive. I also put a little on the table cloth and that seemed to help. I think you might want to try this.

The cool part is since this was a fantasy show alot of the women dressed in hot costumes. I asked to take a picture with one model. I stood behind her with my arms around her and she press her butt against my groin. Also I did meet a girl down there and she\'s already called me, but I don\'t think we\'ll date. She\'s about 19 and kind of immature. But either way the stuff works well. I still want to test JB-X

-The Bat

07-08-2002, 04:42 AM
Whitehall: I have never read a more right on description of the effects of none...i especially like the part when you talk about how none drives away the undesirables...that was funny but soooo true. I would love to read any more insights you have on none as i agree with what you said completely, sometimes my best hits have come when i smelled like a none factory that a giant cat had pissed on...ha

07-08-2002, 07:51 PM
That\'s just strange and funny all at the same time.


07-11-2002, 11:45 AM
I, being so anti TE, am always floored when people have big hits from it, but in the intest of fairness (considering all my TE bad mouthing) I thought it only right to add this post to the squad hit list of hits. (Frankly this is where you\'re supposed to post your all your hits so it should\'ve been here in the first place /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif )

This came from a post titled RIDICULOUS week in Ft. Lauder
The orignal poster was Jwheatly
\"I am going to try to keep this short...

I just spent 5 amazing days in Ft. Lauderdale, FL for a big huge reunion type event... Hits Galore.. Its funny really that I am now only starting to recognize the abundant amount of hits that i recieved during the trip.

The most massive of them all... occured during a banquet when i got really dressed up. I was decked out in a very nice italian suit, gold watch, the entire package. .. I put on about 4 sprays of TE and proceeded to have females go absolutely [censored] nuts over me. At one point female after female were just basically waiting around to take pictures with me, as if i was some sort of [censored] celebrity (excuse my language ,i am still overwhelmed). One girl for example posed with me for about 5 pictures... very very wierd... and to top that of I was with a group of my friends, and none of them were getting any attention.. infact 3 of my friends are the biggest chick magnets in the world (very handsome guys with very muscular physiques.). They usually overshadow me in the female department by ten folds. This time they had absolutely no attention. And i could see the jealously welling up inside them...

The biggest hit of the night happened when a (ridiculously)beautiful female had to send someone over to ask for a picture with me. She was too afraid to ask herself! WOW!. When the guy she asked to come over pointed her out, and she started coming over, her eyes were soooo lit up - like she just found a million dollar pair of earrings or something. When taking the pictures, she coudn\'t stop giggling... and I ended up taking the pictures in pretty erotic poses . Infact after some more females saw my antics they requested the same poses for thier pictures - and for the first time in my life, I felt like i had *groupies*. This type of thing happened for the entire night, and i gave out numerous happilly accepted invites back to my hotel room .

The entire trip mirrored this type of activity, although banquet night was the absolute peak of everything.The wierdest thing I noticed about the trip, and my reactions with females were that the same females who shunned me during the early hours of the day, turned into animals around me at night time, after i got spiffied up, and had my TE on... It was really wierd to wake up, and see these females who were all over me, almost act as if they didn\'t know me in the morning even tho i still had the TE on... like they had been under a spell or something FREAKY!!!!!!!!

At one point during the trip I woke up to a phone call from a group of the females that had been all over me the past night. I decided i would invite my friends so we could all go out get some lunch.. Wierd thing that happened was that females were all over my two friends (the adonis\'s). These females practically forgot that i had existed. We spent the entire day with them, and later on during the night, they came back to our room, with 2 more of thier friends. Again they paid me absolutely no attention, and they proceeded to play dance with my friends with freakily... I almost decided to leave the room, and let my friends have some time with them. I decided i would take a shower, put on my night clothes , and put on a few sprays of TE, and maybe try to find something else to do. Immediatly i came into the room, One of the girls stopped dancing with one of my friends, and asked me \" why aren\'t you part of dancing competition\".... After that i danced with her, and proceeded to get all types of wild sex for the rest of the night... My friend ended up sleeping in the lobby . WIERD STUFF!!!

I guess pheromones for me work when i am at my absolute best physically, and mentally, and for the trip that was during the nighttime when i had on my best attire, and a few loosening up drinks ). There is so much more i want to share....I just wish some of your had been there to share my absolutely wildy crazy creepy experience. The only two things i think could have caused my experience are 1. Divine Intervention 2. Pheromones....

Edited by Jwheatly (07/11/02 02:36 AM) \"

Even though I use TE in JB Bootleg it still never really did it for me alone, but obviously somebody is making TE work for them.

-The Bat

07-11-2002, 03:30 PM
you know, come to think of it...TE was the very first product i ever used from Lovescent...and it remember it worked very well...except for the horrible time i OD\'d with like 5 sprays and then went to a barbershop to get a haircut..with a male hair cutter givign me a cut adn getting a whiff of the mones..he became extremely aggressive while i was in the chair, grabbing my hair hard and pulling it while he cut ,like he was extremely agitated and pissed at the same time..i was glad to get out of there..so be careful with edge..can cause aggression in other males

07-11-2002, 07:45 PM
It\'s only worked to cause aggrevation in me when I wore it. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

-The Bat

07-11-2002, 08:03 PM
By the way, I hate TE scented even worse. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif But like I said before it does well with APC. (But not the scented stuff). PF wasn\'t bad though. It wasn\'t great but it wasn\'t bad. I used that to make JB #3 (even though JB #3 is about as questionable as it gets pherowise).

-The Bat

07-12-2002, 04:14 AM
Mr. Bat: i just now realized the hit squad was here..i willhave to start doing some posting here...i was wondering if you have ever mixed apc with pi? i had a new bottle of apc and poured bout 6 drops of ylang yang scented pi in it, and now if you smell the bottle of apc, it smells just like...like a beer...it smells just like i was sniffing the open can of a miller lite..i hate that cause i love apc\'s smell, but do you think it will still be effective? like maybe i made a homemade rogue male? also, what are your thoughts on the roll bottle with the jb#1 combo? i think you spray your stuff on, right?

07-12-2002, 06:59 AM
I use the roller bottle. It works beautifully!
I use the spray bottle for JBB-1.

07-13-2002, 01:33 PM
People have been looking for evidence of the effectiveness of Rogue Male.

I just had some pleasant hits from wearing RM that I\'d thought I\'d share.

Saturday morning I got up and headed to the local health food store without showering for coffee, muffin and maybe some supplements. The supplement section was being tended by the department manager, a nice woman in her 30\'s - not a hottie but by no means a dog. She and I have had some interactions in the past so vaguely recognized each other. She came up to me, as she does to all patrons, and asked if I was finding everything I needed. I come closer and ask about an item. She starts serious hair flipping and looks a bit confused and \"bothered.\" I continue the conversation, all the while she\'s just flipping away. This woman is usually rather professional and properly distant but not today. While I\'m there she can\'t even foldup an empty box!

I was wearing maybe three solid dabs of RM to the neck.

So, not as exciting as group sex, but still a classic example of a hit behavior and one directly attributible to RM.

Later that day, bought some shorts. At the checkout, the young lady clerk was very chatty and started stroking my new shorts (they\'re linen and have a nice \"hand\".) I tell her, \"At least wait until I have them on!\" To that she got really flustered and really giggly. We both had a lot of fun with that. I think the RM helped break the ice but the flirtatous remark I made capitalized very well on the openng. This is an example of how to exploit the pheromone response.

07-14-2002, 10:01 PM
I don\'t know. I think RM is maybe too subtle, kind of like TE. JB #1 and others are so noticeable that people may just not be down with slight hits. A lot of people report no hits with RM but I\'m thinking they just may be getting slight hits. And have you tried RM and SOE, I heard that was pretty good but I forget who said it.

-The Bat

11-17-2002, 09:22 PM
Hi All,

If we view what is the most post which people view it. this is the top of the world. and next is another HSMU.

So I hope the next Database by Abductor can replace the sharing style from sharing at the forum to sharing in the database. which is more easier and also less possibility to miss some data.
and easier to make see the statistics


11-19-2002, 12:23 AM
Hey Tom, you dug up the HSMU. Cool. We used to kick butt here with our hits stories and all. I got my atomizers a few days ago and they\'re hot. Nice screw on caps that won\'t come off. Cost me $5.00 a piece. A nice blast of pheros and I\'m good for the day. Too bad I\'m not working again. Ah well, whatcha gonna do.

-The Bat

01-01-2003, 03:02 PM
Bump, some interesting reading.

01-01-2003, 04:36 PM
OH yeah good old bump on the interesting threads. This masters thread makes really good reading. Well im getting hits from a combo of PCC and AE right now.

02-09-2003, 09:01 AM
Used 1/2 pack of SOE gel applied on my chin cheeks forehead under my nose and on my wrists, and then on my shirt and pants.

height - 6\'2
weight - 200
Build - medium-heavy muscliar wise
Ethnicity - alot of crap primarly Jamaican and Irish some more euro stuff too.
Looks - I rate myself as having pretty good looks but that sounds egotistical.
estimate Test level - As I look at my hands, facial structure/hair, voice, and ability to add on new muscle I would guess it is in the high average.


The Power of SOE - social wise.

I first decided to use the SOE gel pack on Friday at just before school, I used about 1/2 of it applied to face and clothing. In some ways it seems like the effects were a bit subtle but then obivous. I think it takes some repetition to get into the groove of this.With the SOE I noticed what I was looking for, which was better social hitting of all kinds. The first thing I noticed is it seems like people in general are more open to talk to you whether you are really in a position to talk or not.

Here is how my day went Applied the SOE before I went to school, I noticed in my first class which was gym, which has alot of wannabe tough guys that I would love to smash, in general it seemed like people were either talking to me more or closer to me just as in wow this guy must be really cool. I also noticed after I swiped this stuff above my nose I had a confidence and happy boost. I am usually good at making people laugh and they way I use my words but today I was on fire laugh after laugh.

In gym we were playing paddleball, its basically where you hit the ball off the wall but there was not enough room for everyone to play, so he had alot of free time. There is this hugely obese kid in my class who is sort of a hick too so I don\'t always get along with this kid nothing hateful just can\'t stand him.

Anyways we are disagreeing about the Michael Jackson special so he wants to argue about it behind the gym room in a little corner (really unusual) anyhow after talking for about 10 minutes in which I really dont give a flying [bad word], I walk out of the door and these three girls from the other side of the gym in the girls class are watching the game. Anyhow we are still disagreeing about the whole thing and the girls are looking at me not as obvious but I could tell, kind of like a you\'re a great guy/wonder look.

Even at the end of the class some girl I have been sitting behind in spanish class seemed like she was eyeing me for quite some time. Later on I went to my next class where it was primarly guys and I saw what the SOE can also do, It seemed whatever I was talking about I had the whole tables complete attention and all my jokes hit the spot, it was also easier to get someone\'s attention, usually you have to say hey like 3 times now I am like hey and instantanious.

At lunch I really noticed the effects, the SOE combined with my good joke telling and communication skills was excellent. At lunch I had everyone\'s attention it was odd the whole side of the table I was on was looking directly at me when I was talking and all my jokes ended up with louder responses.

I am sure this has some effect of the SOE also, I was walking to my locker all the hallways were empty except some girl coming directly my way, This is girl I talked to very little like 2 years ago etc... Anyhow usually the other person would just pass you maybe a hi but that is rare and you would not hear from them at all. Except this time she was like hi (and said my name) very odd I had a hard time remembering her name and she started on telling me where she had to go and stuff and it ended there after a see ya.

Another weird response that I noticed is I was in the library on a computer, and at first this girl sits right by me with her friend not loud at all by the way. In like 50 seconds she gets really really giddy and starts talking like a flirty type of kiddy talk to the computer (she is playing a game) I thought maybe that was just her until her friend kept asking her to quiet down or they would get kicked out, it seemed like the SOE highs you can catch people on.

Sorry for making this so long guys I was excited about using the SOE and I will try my TE later I just wanted to seperate them and see how they worked seperately. I still have to do some more experimenting before I am completely sure of the effects of SOE.

02-09-2003, 01:40 PM
Nice post, tallmacky! Haven\'t read a hit post in a long time... /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

BTW, how old are you? Are you in college?

02-09-2003, 03:33 PM
Used two full sprays of TE (The Edge) On spray directly on my upper shirt in the center of my pecks, another spray on my lowers stomach just about right on my junior headsman this spray was directly on my skin..

Height - 6\'2
Weight - 200
Age - 17
Build - medium-heavy muscliar wise
Ethnicity - alot of crap primarly Jamaican and Irish some more euro stuff too.
Looks - I rate myself as having pretty good looks but that sounds egotistical.
estimate Test level - As I look at my hands, facial structure/hair, voice, and ability to add on new muscle I would guess it is in the high average.

The \"Bad Motherf#$ker effect of TE\"

This post is basically what I observed when it comes to respect by others. Today we as a family decided to go to the mall today so I could pick some clothes up, I didn\'t think I would be flirting or hanging around alot of girls at all so I decied to try TE today by itself alone.

When we were driving to the mall my little brother first says Is that a new AXE body spray you are wearing it smells weird. That alone is odd cause he never ever mentions anything like that. On the ride back we were fighting so he just admited it and said your body spray smells bad. I was like WTF!!! hahah

Anyways I was almost certain that he had smelled the -none in the TE. So when we got home I was like, so how did I smell different he was like I don\'t know, I was like it was like a feeling or a impression rather then something you could really smell right, he was like yeah, he then said its not a real bad smell its just that the longer I was around it it just got on my nervous, so I then said kind of like anxious or scary right he was like yeah.

I then said did it make you feel like I was much older and ALOT stronger, he then said yeah and it seemed like he had more respect for me then.

I asked my other brother who is just about as old as me first he was shaking his head no, then he said yeah you did have this scary thing about you today but I knew it was the pheromones (he knows about the mones) and begins to tell me of how much a puss I really am hahaha.

I also noticed when I went to buy some shirts at a store and I went to pay for them, the cashier who was a guy seemed really nervous and respectful /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif It was like a muscle bound guy with a knife walked in. He was overly nice but seemed intimidated, at one point he said have a nice day but I did not hear him so I said, WHAT? at that point it was like someone kind of gently yeld in his face etc....

I didn\'t get much time to test and see the reactions from women but I noticed I was getting eyed by woman that seemd pretty far away 15-30 feet so I am not sure if it had any effect. I wish I noticed more of a reaction out of women but I got a sense as if I was a bad ass from just about any guy I passed. I think the reason why some find phero\'s do not work is they do not look for the clues that others drop, most people are not going to just scream if they see this -none heavy dude but they will make obvious hints of it. I may have OD on the TE but I will keep it down to 1 spray for now on.

P.S.This stuff is going to gym class with me hahah!

thanks for the compliment Lutz

03-06-2003, 07:28 AM
I thought I would revivew this thread, we don\'t get many \'hit\' related posts lately.

I got an interesting hit last night. There is a girl in my class (graduate school) who in the beginning of the semester used to sit next to me, but after a couple of classes moved (don\'t know if it was because of me but whatever). Anyways, we had to break into groups last night for a group exercise and she ended up sitting next to me in my group. I had a few dabs of Rogue Male and one drop of PI/W. She kept on flirting with me, also brushed against me a few times. Then when the professor started the lecture after the group activity was over, she started writing notes to me.

Anyways, hopefully others will post more hits.

03-06-2003, 07:29 AM
<<she started writing notes to me.>>

Very cool. /ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif Did you ask her out yet?

03-06-2003, 07:32 AM
<<Did you ask her out yet?>>

No, not yet. I have a feeling she changed seats earlier in the semester because of me (maybe thats not the case who knows). But now that she is flirting with me, I think I will just play along for a couple of classes and see if she gets more aggressive in her flirting.

Or do you think I should just go for it? I want to play a little hard to get, you know.

03-06-2003, 07:35 AM
<<I want to play a little hard to get, you know.>>

Just a little....you don\'t want her to think your aren\'t interested.

03-06-2003, 08:01 AM
Good point, play a little hard to get but at the same time make sure she understands that I am interested.

03-06-2003, 10:35 AM
\"but after a couple of classes moved (don\'t know if it was because of me but whatever).\"

Why would you think she moved because of you?

Did you insult her?
Grab her boob?

Just wondering.

03-06-2003, 10:42 AM

So you tried TE standalone - success (though OD)
also tried SOE standalone - success all the way !

Now try them combined 1 spray EDGE + 1/3 - 1/2 SOE gel.

Report how this worked out for u . I really enjoy your hit stories. They sound very authentic and mirror what I experience myself sometimes. SO I know for sure you are not making anything up !

Keep the good work up dude !

03-06-2003, 10:50 AM
<<Why would you think she moved because of you>>

Well, actually this girl wears very revealing clothes most of the time (you know belly showing, undies showing every time she moves a little etc.), and I am sure that I was checking her belly and undies out (hey if she is displaying it then I assume she wants to be checked out in that manner). I think that my checking her out may have led to her moving seats.

03-06-2003, 10:55 AM
One would think a girl likes to be checked out when wearing such clothes, but that is not always the case. One of the reasons why we can\'t figure out women ....

03-06-2003, 11:09 AM
behavior like that really gets to me.I mean make up your mind as to how you wanna be looked at.If a guy views you as slutty, maybe it is because thats the image you bring across...If it irritates you for guys to be oggling then dont dress like that. Its like if I went into class wearing very tight pants that really showed my package and Id get mad that girls stared hehe.I personally dont bother with girls like that for that same reason...but everyone\'s tastes are different..just venting a little...its been a tough morning fellas...

03-06-2003, 11:11 AM
It can be difficult, but it also makes life interesting ....

Franki /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-06-2003, 11:22 AM
Sonny- I like to dress very sexy and that doesn\'t mean I am or should be viewed as a slut. I happen to enjoy men looking at my body. It turns me on. Don\'t you like when women look at you?

03-06-2003, 11:24 AM
I guess Ive never been about games. Thats just it.Plus I never date girls that are trying to make too much of an impression on all guys in general. That means she needs to much attention and even if I end up dating her and becoming her boyfriend, she will always be starving for that attention from other guys...probably from low self esteem /self value...who knows.I prefer to date the quiet shy girl who sits in back of class but has an awesome attitude...

03-06-2003, 11:29 AM
<<I happen to enjoy men looking at my body. It turns me on.>>

Well, you have the right attitude. I have a problem with women who dress sexy and don\'t enjoy men looking at their body. Just because a man is checking out a woman dressed sexy doesn\'t mean he is viewing her as a slut. At least I know that I don\'t have that view, I enjoy looking at beautiful women, just like I like looking at other beautiful things (nature etc..)

03-06-2003, 11:29 AM
Sonny- You would never survive in a big city. The women would eat you up alive. /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

03-06-2003, 11:31 AM
hoodas...you can look at my body anyday, and I won\'t move away from you. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-06-2003, 11:33 AM
whys that... I mean I just dont like dealing with slutty girls.Why deal with them if there are nice girls with good values all over the place. The kind you \"can\" take home to mother so to speak. I was always raised up very strict and with very high moral values. Its just the way I am...

03-06-2003, 11:35 AM
<<hoodas...you can look at my body anyday, and I won\'t move away from you.>>

On my way to Miami as we speak, you don\'t have to ask me twice!

03-06-2003, 11:36 AM
<<I mean I just dont like dealing with slutty girls>>

Are you saying that women who dress sexy are slutty?

03-06-2003, 11:40 AM
no i didnt. you just said that...please don not put words in my mouth as it creates confusion and makes me look bad to the other forum members. I was merely reffering to the \"attention whores\" as Watcher lovingly calls them..not sexy girls in general

03-06-2003, 11:42 AM
Sonny- I think you deleted what you said in your original post, but I still believe that you didn\'t mean it like that /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-06-2003, 11:51 AM
There was a study published not too long ago that said that for a man, looking at a woman\'s breasts for 10 minutes provided the health benifits of a 30 minute work out.

The magazine the study was published in?
A fly-by-night rag called \"The New England Journal of Medicine\"

03-06-2003, 11:53 AM
I\'m glad I can help get the world into better shape. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

03-06-2003, 12:28 PM
<<I\'m glad I can help get the world into better shape>>

I haven\'t had a good workout in a while, Elana would you mind assisting me in getting in better shape?

03-06-2003, 12:41 PM
Mtnjim -

What kind of \"health benifits of a 30 minute work out\" did they equate this too?

A rise in natural Test production?

Can you provide more info or a link to this study?

03-06-2003, 02:19 PM
\"What kind of \"health benifits of a 30 minute work out\" did they equate this too?\"


It\'s probably searchable on their web site...it\'s been a while since I saw the reference to the story.

03-06-2003, 02:41 PM
lol come on guys, everyone knows that nothing turns a guy on like a girl dressed very sexy. Think about it what type of guy doesn\'t enjoy a hot tone female body dressed sexy. The human body is the greatest work of art! You should enjoy it i know i love sexy women. IF you don\'t enjoy a sexy woman you should be asking whats wrong with you.

04-27-2003, 10:46 PM
Hi Everyone,

It has been a little over one year ago that I first heard of pheromone and decided to try them. At last year\'s local Swing dance competition I opened up and tested my first bottle of PI/m. Since then I\'ve so much on how prominent pheros are in the art of attractions, went on trips alone for the fist time in my life, had wonderful adventures, made many friends and meet many \"interesting\" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif people (They definately seemed very interested in me!). THANKS BRUCE!!!!

Now I\'ve come full circle. This time I head to the competition with about 8\" of KR#1 plus two drops of WAGG on. Can\'t say that it didn\'t do anything for my dancing (in fact I made a big mistake that cost me a trip to the finals in the event that I was in /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ), but I had a hand full of women (about 5) that I knew that either gave me a big long hug and/or sat down next to me and rub up against me /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif . The weird thing was that only a few people I knew wanted to dance with me /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif , but it seemed that every follow that I have never seen before (about 20 in all) made it very easy for me to ask them (sit close to me, make eye contact and /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) or come up to me outright and ask me. The other wierd thing (I\'ve noticed this when I was testing KR#1 by itself earlier) was that I keeped on being asked if I was part of staff (five times). One time I was even asked if I was a judge /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif .

09-26-2003, 03:55 PM
</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

&lt;br&gt;I had a nice night out yesterday, including two girls sandwiching me on the dance-floor. &lt;img src=\"/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif\"&gt;
&lt;br&gt;I wore three sprays of TE, plus some SOE, A1 and PCC (on neck, face or wrists).
&lt;br&gt;I started with only one spray of TE, because normally that gets the job done, but apparently not in a nightclub, so I applied two more sprays to really get the attention. &lt;img src=\"/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif\"&gt;
&lt;br&gt;Franki &lt;img src=\"/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif\"&gt;

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

TE get the job done for you? Lucky guy. So is anyone besides Aaron going to try the NPA + RM thing?

-The Bat

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

09-26-2003, 03:58 PM
Some of my other stories are in the Archives, so I can\'t bump them up. You can read them however on the \"testimonials page\" :

http://www.love-scent.com/product-testimonials.html (\"http://www.love-scent.com/product-testimonials.html\")

(all posts with abbreviations beginning with \"f\")

03-10-2004, 01:37 PM
so here it



03-10-2004, 02:49 PM

11-29-2005, 11:22 AM
Well, since you posted a new Hit

Squad, I thought I'd BUMP this one for the newbies!!

11-29-2005, 04:01 PM
Nice bump.

11-30-2005, 11:42 AM
There was a study

published not too long ago that said that for a man, looking at a woman\'s breasts for 10 minutes provided the

health benifits of a 30 minute work out.

The magazine the study was published in?
A fly-by-night rag called

\"The New England Journal of Medicine\"

With gems like this one I'm gonna have to start digging in

the old threads and archives again...

whoo hoo...:smite: :rofl: :box: :LOL: