View Full Version : Can SOE and TE be used together?

05-15-2002, 05:38 PM
I got my newbie set today.. i also got some SOE gel packets too. I test the TE and SPMO combination at the mall 2day. I got NO reactions. I put one spray of TE on my exposed upper chest (i was wearing a v-neck vest) and dab some SPMO on it. I also tried another spray..but nothing. Now i want to try the SOE gel packets 2morrow. How do u properly apply that.. do i just rub the whole gel on my clothes and skin? also.. can i also slap on 1 spray of TE? thanks.

05-15-2002, 10:41 PM
Hi Jersey..try using the Edge on your clothes and rub the SOE on your skin..arms ..torso..neck..good luck