View Full Version : Effects of pheros on wearer.

07-13-2001, 09:25 PM
Has anybody noticed any effects of the pheros on themselves?

I seem to be a wee bit calmer, not a lot mind you, but enough that it is noticeable to myself.


07-13-2001, 11:54 PM
A wee bit of the following ( a little bit more than a wee bit) relaxed more focused calmer, more confident, looking into the whole thing

07-14-2001, 03:32 AM
I\'m not sure if I can go along with the calmer part...when I first starting using APC I got very edgy...like I was intimidating myself!!!! images/icons/shocked.gif
Over the first two or three weeks I seemed to be very confident and almost aggressive around men. I definitely found myself standing my ground and watching other men defer to me. I\'ve since toned things down a bit but I do have 5 direct reports (all men) who show me a good deal of respect, which is good because I only recently became their manager.

07-14-2001, 02:57 PM
Usieng Pheros = A Fist Full of Ego! Self confidance went up, accertivness went way up. It seems it is a two fold product. For you (the hunter) and for your prey.

07-14-2001, 09:13 PM
Well at least I\'m happy to know that nobody has fallen in love with themselves by wearing pheros.

Can you imagine how ridiculous it would be if the DITHL was actually us looking at ourselves in the mirror? LOL
