View Full Version : Skeptical About Pheromone Products

07-13-2001, 07:04 PM
I just ordered Primal Instinct by phone from lovescent.com..this website. I am very skeptical but the guarantee seems great. I think that the greatest attractant a guy can have with women is to be friendly..but other things do count in the real world. I have recently started teaching group fitness classes to almost exclusively women from 18-60 years old. I am naturally a friendly person..life is more fun that way! In the past two months the women at the fitness club have made some pleasant remarks about my body also for which I graciously thanked them. No false humility nor arrogance from this formerly chubby mid fortyish guy. Now
it will be interesting to see if Primal Instinct pushes any of the women I exercise with over \"the edge.\" I will define that as them giving me their phone numbers to arrange
a fun filled time or \"roaming hands and rushing fingers\" on their part. I will report back after I\'ve given Primal Instinct a try. Daring D

07-13-2001, 07:59 PM
I\'d like to hear all about this. Take a hint from Lomo.

07-13-2001, 08:13 PM
welcome aboard, I don\'t think you will be skeptical for long. Just don\'t overload on PI the first time you use it. I look forward to your posts,look for the signs if their touchy feely with you. Are they hanging on your every word. They give you \"the stair\" or \"deer in the headlights look\". Good luck images/icons/smile.gif
http://home.earthlink.net/~joselg (\"http://home.earthlink.net/~joselg\")

07-25-2001, 05:44 PM
Followup Report..No phone numbers. I was scheduled for an \"after\" picture at the fitness class. One of the women suggested I take my shirt off..but the woman taking the picture said \"Please no..I couldn\'t take it!\" in a serious tone of voice. One of the other instructors pinched me above the waist and always seems to guide me hands-on..but that\'s hardly proof..One new woman in the class did get that \"deer look\" which was kind of fun to notice. Is it my natural friendliness or is it Primal? Hard to conclude at this point. Bottom line its fun to wearing Primal and doing this research..Daring D

07-25-2001, 09:10 PM
Okay, it\'s not something you can disect on a table. The question though, is \"Is this diffeent than the behavior of people around me before I started using this stuff?\"

You may not get phone numbers right away; people can be shy, especially if there\'s the recently-divorced woman who\'s wary of every male around her.

I\'d just keep being friendly and let things follow their own course.


07-25-2001, 09:25 PM
Pheromones and the responses that a user gets in my case has changed my perception over time i am calmer, more rational (level headed) open to new ideas and different people have a higher tolerance level to annoying people because i know that they can change the way they are on a biological intereaction level, and i have shed 15 kilos to be back at the weight i was at 19 im 21 now and was getting a bit of a waist but im ok now and i have more energy and i am more outgoing and referring back to the anglina activties that randy was referring to i am getting the idea that psychic abilities are directly related to information input, different types of information being open in life and on some level i think that it is a biological ability something to do with intelligence and consciousness and quantum theroy it is becoming clearer every day in the last 3 days i have won two competition this morning i had the chance to win 2000 dollars but i needed to focus more and i got the consolation prize of tickets to a musical on top of the 300 buck leather coke-cola jacket that i picked up two days ago life is definitley looking up, just have an open mind and things start to click into place everybody that is what led me to pheromones in the first place expecting to find some way of attracting women and then NLP and speed reading to enhance my learning if we \"expect\" something on an emotional level in life then it will come about in some way, it is a very interesting occourance but these psychics seem to have something about thier theroies which seems to be along the right path, cause and effect the amount of energy put out karma there has to be something to be there