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05-04-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted in \"The Hit Squad: Masters Unit\"

JBM-1 Results

To quickly clear things up, JBM-1 is a mix of 30% NPA with 70% of PI/w named after Jambat and myself (marz). I mixed this ratio into the atomizer that Bruce provided from a previous order and tested this out over a span of 5 days Mon. to Fri.

I noticed while mixing these two products together that they don\'t necessairly mix well (bubbles formed). However, one curious observation is that when shaken around, the contents blend into a \"myst\" like colour. The best way to describe it is to compare it to \"fog\".


WOW, is the only way I can describe this. The hits were extremely consistent. People, especially women became very friendly around me. Both men and women would open up to me out of the blue. Their reactions to me were surprising. There were so many hits, I\'ll just describe a few:

- A girl I work with who is very reserved and shy would start talking about sex. She\'d be jittery around me, flirting physically and with her comments. This is quite unusual for her. It\'s like a side of her I\'ve never seen before.

- There is one guy at work I don\'t get along with at all. Yet when he sees me, he initates conversations and tells me about what he did the night before, how he met this girl and that etc. almost as if asking me if I approve of his actions.

- Standing in line at McDonald\'s, a woman standing behind me began standing beside me to get a better look at me, while the ones to the sides did the DIHL.

- Passing by women in various stores in close proximity would result in them whipping their head around to get a look at me. Had numerous DIHL this way too.

- When purchasing something at the check out, female casheirs would initiate conversations, and had one actually ask me for my number.

- Had an interview for a job the other day, there were two of us being interviewed at the same time, yet the interviewer payed 80% of his attetnion on me. Plus I got a call back for the second interview.

- Went to a club Friday night. Had 6 girls approach me to try to make small talk and one actually just grabbed me and took me on the dance floor to dance even though she told me she had a boyfriend. One that sat beside me put her hand on my lap, one kept returning over the course of the night and another one didn\'t want me to leave when i wanted to go home.

These are just a few of the encounters. Not to mention I had a couple of days of quite the opposite effect. People all around me didn\'t feel too comfortable. The reason...OD. The best observation I made was that it\'s very, very easy to OD using JBM-1. Two sprays from the atomizer or anything above that resulted in an OD. The best application is either only 1 spray OR 2 dabs on your thumb spread around behind the each ear. Apparently the spray applies more than a dab would. Be careful, I repeat, never use more than the recommended dosage, it is VERY easy to OD on this, and there is absolutely no need to re-apply this over the course of the day. It lasts around 12 hours at least if not longer.

Hope this helps, I encourage everyone intrested to try JBM-1 out to see for themselves. Just be carefull of the OD.

05-04-2002, 03:03 PM
I\'m very interested in JBM-1, even though I don\'t have either of the ingredients. I thought both PI/m and PI/w are scentless. What are you using for cover? This is a very concentrated phero mix (PI/m = 0.5 mg/ml -none, PI/w = 1.1 mg/ml -nol). I think a drop or two might be a better dose.

05-04-2002, 03:34 PM
Truth ;

I\'m wondering if you\'ve seen anything definate in regards to \'results\' in using any product or combo yet ? Last time we \'spoke\' here, you still hadn\'t.

I\'m still trying though it\'s now well over four months - still without noticing anything more than if I used dabs of vegetable oil instead of pheros.

I\'m wondering if you hit on something that finally did something for you ? It blows my mind that I read unbelievable accounts of so many wearing the same stuff I yet with me it\'s like I have nothing at all on. If ONE of the stories happened to me in a month I\'d be convinced but some of these guys can make LISTS of their hits - weekly.

Have you noticed anything at all yet ... anything that can \'MAYBE\' be considered a \'hit\' that you think wouldn\'t have happened without the phero ? After over four months, I can not.

05-04-2002, 04:25 PM
\"Have you noticed anything at all yet ... anything that can \'MAYBE\' be considered a \'hit\' that you think wouldn\'t have happened without the phero ?\"

Well, if the criteria is just \"maybe\", I would have to say yes. However, I haven\'t had enough \"maybes\" to be convinced. Even if I apply vegetable oil, I\'ll get some \"maybes\". :-). So, you haven\'t even had a single \"maybe\"?

05-04-2002, 04:50 PM
Truth ;

Even if I exaggerated and was on drugs I couldn\'t say I\'ve noticed anything at all. I\'m sticking it out to see if the warm weather and lighter weight clothes makes a difference, but after that if there are no results I\'ll be convinced positively phero use isn\'t for me.

05-04-2002, 06:53 PM
Jim, I can\'t remember if you already told us all this. How are you testing the pheros out? What do you do for a living? How often and in what situations do you interact with women?

05-04-2002, 10:03 PM
This is a question for Marz. I don\'t have APC, so I am using Andro 4.2 and PI/w as an alternative version of what you are doing. What you are describing as an OD does not seem like much to me. I am not mixing mine two products, since the Andro is an alchohol spray and the PI/w is not. I am using a spray or two of Andro(for smoky bar environment), and 2 or 3 dabs of PI/w spread around. I don\'t know if I am ODing or not. Different people on the forum seem to go with greatly varying amounts of application. Basically, my experiences are about the same when I am combining any of my various -none and -nol products. When I go minimal as some forum members suggest, nothing happens, and I don\'t feel any different or any more confident. Only when I go with a couple of sprays of this and that, or a couple of dabs of this or that, does much happen. Basically, I\'m a bit confused, on one hand I don\'t think I am ODing, but on the other hand, there is no doubt that generally older rather than younger women really warm up to me. That makes me think that maybe I am ODing. However, when I turn things down, I get nothing.

Any suggestions on ideal application rate for a combo of Andro 4.2 and PI/w?

05-04-2002, 11:51 PM
So my initial theory was right. The ultimate JB mix just may be JBM! It\'s got all the A-nol and all the A-none that one could need. I\'ve been experimenting with something too. Read my Rogue JB post.

I\'m glad you did this experiment Marx because I didn\'t have the cash too.

-The Bat

05-05-2002, 04:57 AM
Truth :

At first I didn\'t think what I expected from pheros was unresonable. I think now that I might be asking more from it than it can deliver.

From what I read here it seems to me alot guys who try it sort of needed something to break the ice and install more confidence in conversing with women and to get an edge or a jump start they didn\'t seem to have for whatever reasons. The guys get a big confidence boost wearing the pheros and things starts to happen that didn\'t before, mainly due to their attitude being much better - an attitude change like that being a major break through - and the rest helped by the chemical thing that happens with the pheros. This is all good.

My situation is alittle different. At my age of 49 most women are married. I don\'t lack confidence and interacting with others isn\'t a problem. My \'Ralph Kramden Idea\' was that pheros might trigger the eligable, single women to approach me first ; helping me avoid the uncomfortable, conversation killing ... \"I\'m married\" ... something that never gets less embarrassing the more you do it. It should be a strictly enforced law that attractive, married women have their rings - LARGE rings with blinking, red lights - surgically attached to their fingers and supplied with life time batteries. images/icons/tongue.gif

As far as work, I build and intall Corian counter tops which has me in touch with enough women ; secretaries, real estate agents and homeowners of all ages, from first measurements/estimates through installation. Though most are married I think it\'s still a good situation to test the pheromones for reactions. My other own home business is conducted through the mail (I supply photos to publishers and photo agencies for books, magazines, etc) so contact face to face seldom happens. Outside of business, my contacts with women would be the usual stores, restaurants, and gym.

Little things mentioned and counted as \'hits\' on the forum as chattiness and friendliness I wouldn\'t notice as \'different\' because of wearing pheros - thats \'normal\' behavior from people, IMO. The simple \"Good Morning\", \"Thank You\", and waitress filling my coffee cup without asking aren\'t \'hits\'. Some of this stuff is really a stretch and are being calked up as phero-generated reactions from some guys. Unless before the phero use, women were pushing the same guys away with ten foot poles, dropping the groceries and running away or calling security images/icons/shocked.gif, these common, everyday greetings and behaviors are not \'hits\' images/icons/crazy.gif !

Looking back at it now I\'m just wondering if interactions have to be pretty quiet before phero use to really notice changes. I\'m now thinking I might have been expecting too radical of a change though it didn\'t seem like it at first. I thought pheros could maybe help me get by the \'I\'m Married Crash and Burn\' by getting the single woman to make the first pass. Now I realize that may be too much to ask as most women aren\'t going to do that no matter what. Hmmm, so much for the liberated woman in 2002 , huh ?

I mentioned the warmer weather coming up is an element I haven\'t tested pheros in so maybe I\'ll see something. We\'ll see.

Sorry for the long post but hopes this answers your questions about my own trials with the stuff. Good luck to you with yours.

05-05-2002, 01:06 PM
Yeah, even if pheros worked (and I\'m not yet convinced that they do), expectations have to be tempered. Where I\'m at, even the best looking guys and most eligible bachelors don\'t have girls coming up to them right and left. The best I can hope for is pheros to increase my attractiveness, but I still need to flirt with girls and make some moves to see an effect.

I wonder if that\'s one major reason some of us see absolutely no results. We actually hold back our flirting in our effort not to bias our phero experiment. Unfortunately, the flirting and moves are important. Others flirt more with pheros, and they see huge results both due to pheros and placebo.

05-05-2002, 10:06 PM
marz-was the hits all in 1 day ?

jambat-do you think jbm-1 is the most powerful jb mix to get a lot of hits ?

05-06-2002, 09:24 AM

So what\'s so bad about married women? Sure, you don\'t want to waste time or create trouble, but mild flirtations (\"attention without intention\" is one useful definition) can be a most pleasant and gracious social interaction.

Nothing wrong with showing and voicing appreciation - if you get the \"I\'m married\" stoplight, certainly show your respect for her status. I think most married women appreciate that a man thinks her still attractive and can be quite the ego boast. It should be painless on your part and pleasurable for everyone.

So, my advice is lighten-up and flirt away. If she\'s married, so what? Maybe she has a sister....

05-06-2002, 02:08 PM
Right on whitehall. I am married and I enjoy the ego boost from women who are flirting with me and I do flirt back. But all is harmless fun. Is it possible for Jim to have had \"hits\" and not noticed? Some of them can be subtle. I know DIHL has ocurred at least once for me. I have had women approach me as well, the \"do I know from somewhere\" a couple of times. I do not wear pheros to be picked up by women, I wear them to get the edge, break the ice with tenuous people. I am as confident with them as without. I interact with a lot of people on a daily basis and I try to have positive results with these interactions. I think if Jim tried to approach a stranger and start a simple conversation he might see that to his surprise that he is not turned away. I find this is the best way to test pheros.

05-06-2002, 06:16 PM

I\'m sorry but I\'ve never tried Andro 4.2 As far as PI/w goes, anywhere 2-4 drops have gotten me results when used alone.


The hits were spread out over 5 days. The ones I posted were just some of the one\'s I shared. There were a lot of others but I\'d end up writing a book instead of a note images/icons/wink.gif

05-06-2002, 06:21 PM
Only problem with flirting with married women is if something goes wrong in the relationship you could end up being targeted as the fallback guy which end up getting men and women in all kinds of bad situations. And it\'s not always easy to say no if that occurs. And what are the remifications if you do. When a woman\'s emotional state gets screwed up everyone she has any kind of emotions for can become a target in some way shape or form. Women are scary people sometimes. images/icons/shocked.gif

...as far as hits go all mine happened in one night. As for JBM #1 the theory behind it seems to be working out. It\'s like the best of both worlds, like if you could mix JB #1 and #2 with maximum effect.

05-06-2002, 07:11 PM
Hey Jambat,
Once again you relay the married women downside. I love my daughter dearly but my my wife was sillily attracted to immigrants.
Lots of them. I now pay $762 a month for one child. I personally look for widows then singles. My ex in three married years has destroyed most of what I accumulated in 35 years. Friends,, beware how a selfish woman can destroy your life.. Sorry to be up on the soapbox but a PieceOfSh.. took my middle-middle class life into a lower-middle class life...
Bat, Thanks Again......

05-07-2002, 03:43 PM
Ah...Jim..Your problem would be just like it is at my school..(I\'m a Sophmore..going to be a Junior soon.. in high school..

Even the hottest girls and guys don\'t get talked too..It\'s really true..Because people just try and treat you normal...

However, if the good looking dude is flirting..he\'ll get the number..versus the bad looking dude flirting. However, you have to initiate the flirtation.

Here\'s a test to SHOW you what I\'m saying is true...

Ask like 15 girls for their numbers on day 1 with nothing on..maybe even put on some vegetable oil, I don\'t know.

Day 2..Put on the mones..Fucking put on the stuff strait from the chem kits for all I care..You\'ll see, they\'re be intimidated of you..and won\'t say no..I mean, there\'s a lot of girls WITHOUT the influence of no..that won\'t say no..But if noone asks them then nothing\'s going to happen..of course..

Yo, Bruce...Pheromones...I use the none from the chem kit now...drop behind each ear...some leftover on the neck..and I\'ve just gotten some Cool Waters cologne..and use that...Holy shit..If I hadn\'t visited this site..I work at the Wendys drive through...Hot girls...They flirt with me..I get their number, damn, it\'s fucking great, it really is. Something I have noticed though, you have to ACTUALLY flirt with them..and than you\'ll be like, well, than that\'s not the mones, you\'re just more confident..No, because when I did it before they would treat me as if they didn\'t want anything to do with me..And once you are in a good mood, etc..It\'s all just in the motions..


05-07-2002, 05:11 PM
First of all... fantastic thread. If I had the time, I could spend all day on the forum the way it is running now. thanks to all.

I think you misread the JBM formula: It\'s NPA/m not PI/m with the PI/w, the way I read it. You have the npa or will soon. Probably you could use your chem set aNOL with the npa, although I have gotten several emails from PI/w users who swear they smell the copulins in there and even go so far as to describe it lke... well..... like you would expect it should smell. So, that could be a factor with the JBM formula.

RE finding out women are married:
Being married and in Japan, I have no problem chatting with married women around my gym. I know this is not easy advice to follow if you are single, but I am a firm believer of putting a lot of energy into your social \"karma\" if you will. Be friendly, kind and helpful to everyone you meet, and when Miss Right comes along she will fall for you like a ton of bricks. IMO, nothing stinks quite as strongly as a pile of BS and it is hard to mask it even with pheromones. If you save all the jokes, smiles and \"you look great in that dress\" compliments for the babe of your dreams, you are going to be in pretty poor practice when she gets there.

When I was in high school, my sister who is a couple years younger than I am had a friend who apparently had a crush on me. She was overweight and I wasn\'t the least bit interested in her, but I got in the habit of complimenting her. She was very shy and my sister made it clear I had a girlfriend, but I took the time to help this girl build up her confidence as best I could. I ran into her some years later and she was a total babe. Not that I can take credit for that, but it was like something from a fairy tale to me, and I will never forget that. I think you have to LOVE women, really love them, all of them if you want to be sucessful with them the way most guys dream of. Witness Bart here. He doesn\'t have 100 dollar bills hanging out of his pockets, but I\'ll bet his eyes are twinkling like stars in the sky when he looks out the window at those girls. And why? Because he just plain likes girls and lets them know that. People like being liked, and they always come back for more.


05-07-2002, 05:16 PM
Its a balancing act these days being nice to some but trying to avoid being overused by those in the world who latch on and come along for the ride, it takes awareness.

Learning about human behaviour through NLP studies and then adding pheromonal insight and investigation into this allows massive flexibility to avoid being carved up by some guy or gal who is only out to use and does allow the tables to be turned to get the most out of any situation bruce has the right idea but some caution in dealing with some people is also recommened in some coutries. It really depends on the culture the japanesse are great but place like the US can be more aggressive in their dealings with each other.

05-07-2002, 07:15 PM
It seems like a lot of us originally took the phero plunge because we thought we found the magic elixir that would enable us to get into a woman\'s pants without having to work for it...and then we found out that 98% of the time, it doesn\'t work that way. Then we get frustrated with the product we just bought.

I have to agree with truth...pheros won\'t replace flirting, but it can (once we find the right combo) make flirting much more effective.

Let me use an example of the sales process, and you\'ll see how it relates to women, whether you\'re looking to get laid, or find a quality girlfriend.

1. You have to make contact with many \"prospects\" to find interested \"leads.\" In the world of sales, these prospects come from many different sources, like marketing lists, survey respondents, mailing list recipients, phone book, etc.

2. With your list of \"leads,\" you have to qualify them for their level of interest, ability to make a decision, and qualified with the necessary amount of money. We\'ll group them into categories called Red Cherries, Green Cherries, and Pits.

Red Cherries - Someone who is interested NOW, has a need, is the decision maker, and is qualified for money NOW. AKA - \"YES\"

Green Cherries - Someone who indicates mild interest, but cannot be pinned down as to when funds will be available or when a decision can be made. When an attempt is made to qualify for funds or decision-making opportunity, a typical response is \"Just send the information.\" AKA - \"MAYBE\"

Pits - Anyone who is uninterested, unqualified, and/or unable to make a decision. AKA - \"NO\"

Side note about Pits - a lot of salespeople will spend the bulk of their time \"Pit Polishing,\" which is trying to change the mind of an unwilling Pit from NO to YES. This single activity can drain you physically and emotionally, if you let it.

The only deals we can close right NOW are the Red Cherries (ironic choice of name), so the majority of our sales efforts should be spent locating and closing them, or \"Cherry Picking.\"

There is nothing wrong with being nice to Green Cherries, but wasting our time on them RIGHT NOW would be counterproductive. However, down the road they might turn into a good client. Instead, we\'ll just check up on them from time to time, and maybe they\'ll ripen into a Red Cherry, spoil into a Pit, or just stay the same. Remember, they ripen or spoil on their own schedule, not ours. To waste time conforming them to our schedule would be like farmers gassing a green tomato to become red faster - they might look ripe on the outside, but they\'re still not ready to eat on the inside.

Same exact thing with Pits. You just never know in the future, but there\'s no point in wasting your time NOW.

So, in essence, we want to spend the majority of our time \"Cherry Picking,\" and avoiding spending time doing everything else.

In my opinion, pheros will help you separate the Red Cherries from the Green Cherries and Pits much quicker, but you still need to become a skilled prospector and closer to get the results you want.

Morning Wood images/icons/smile.gif

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Morning Wood ]

05-07-2002, 08:12 PM
morning wood: i would have you on my sales team any day!! great analysis, although one such as myslef who is on a -none buzz may not be able to figure out a green cherry from a red cherry from a purple cherry, we all just bite the cherries!! but hey, good post!!

05-07-2002, 08:28 PM
Wingrider (sorry to others for going off topic).

Cheer up, think how much worse it could be if you lost the motorcycle in the divorce. I went through 9 years of marriage without one, and just recently learned (after a costly divorce) that there are few problems that can\'t be solved by purchasing and riding a nice street machine. Hope it turns out the same for you.

05-07-2002, 08:51 PM
Bart...You made a pretty good point. Even when you\'re using the pheros, you can\'t stand around looking like some kind of government agent with no facial expression. I work in a law enforcement field (Can\'t say the name here..lol) So, I keep myself in shape, I\'m 6\'01\'\', very muscular build, 190lbs, and a military-type hair cut. If I wanted to meet a girl and never cracked a smile, talked or flirted, I think they would be a bit intimidated by me.....I often get called \"Arnold Schwartzenegger or A crazy Marine drill instructor.\" LOL If I didn\'t assist the pheros by smiling, talking, or flirting, women would probably do their best to avoid me. lol Anyway, good point, and good luck with your remainder in H.S. images/icons/tongue.gif

05-08-2002, 09:01 AM
I\'m often amazed at how often Bruce\'s worldview matches mine - its not just that we\'re the same age, either, but it might help.

We all have a choice to make - everyday - do we want the world to be a better place or do we just want to exploit all we can from it?

That\'s the idea behind karma - what we do will come back to us, one way or the other. Positive karma can be a simple as being polite and charming to someone who\'s on a losing streak, like Bruce\'s admirer.

The observation that the US is a more rude and aggressive place in general than Japan is probably true although I\'ve never been to Japan. We\'ve certainly gone downhill in our civic manners and behavior in my lifetime. I too have had experiences where a simple, easy kindness I\'ve done has come back to me many fold at a later time, in unexpected ways. Likewise, those who have extended kindnesses to me are people I admire and respect and remember.

Still, everyday, you need to ask yourself, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

05-08-2002, 11:55 AM
Whitehall, you brought up some great points! You also got me to realize I omitted something important in my above post.

I know I\'ve been on the receiving end of both good and bad karma that I originally started, and I definitely have deserved both the good and the bad. Last year, at 29, one negative experience last year got me to finally change my ways, once and for all...

In my post above, I failed to emphasize that we want to spread positive karma to everybody we meet, including the Green Cherries and Pits, because we never know what will come around our direction in the future. We just want to be efficient with our time \"Cherry Picking\" Red Cherries for maximum results.

The two best books I know of for spreading good karma with others are:

1. \"How to Win Friends and Influence People\" by Dale Carnegie, and
2. \"How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People\" by Les Giblin

Anybody else have any favorites?

Morning Wood