View Full Version : Petition to BRUCE: Please help us avoiding Customs!!

04-19-2002, 08:38 AM
Please, Bruce - just tell us: Is there a way or not to get around Custums ripping off your clients.
As you could see in the thread before, quite a lot of your customers are concerned.

Sorry for insisting on it, but everybody hates spending money on custums and VAT. Its just a lot of money (additional 25 to 33%) thrown out of the window and much more time to wait for the stuff!
BTW: If there is a solution to that problem, I\'d like to order some A-1 and PI/w.

04-19-2002, 03:37 PM
The only way to get around it is to mark the value of the goods being sent at about $20-$25 no matter how much the order originally costs. The packages are usually small and even if HM Thieves and Excise open them up, they won\'t dispute the cost of something they know nothing about.
Bruce, it might be worth down-valuing on the customs declaration to avoid giving our theiving chancellor any more cash to finance his aspirations to be prime minister (and if that happens...I\'n emigrating....to Iran!!!! Have you seen the women there? Stunning!!!!)

04-19-2002, 04:44 PM
I\'m in the U.S., but I definitely feel bad for you guys (and gals) in the UK and Australia, as I\'ve dealt with other commodities with people over there and believe me, they have nothing nice to say about Customs workers! images/icons/shocked.gif
Aaron, I hear ya about the Iranian women, they\'re definitely doing something right over there images/icons/laugh.gif Plus Iran is one of the more civilized/cultural MidEast countries.

\'Slinger out.

04-21-2002, 05:56 PM
Ok now Im curious!! Where could we check out some of these women from Iran?! lol
serously! They must be super fine for me to move to a middle eastern country!

04-21-2002, 07:43 PM
The women who work in the warehouse mark the customs tickets down, but they are restricted by the regulations of the company that brokers their services to Love Scent. They can only go so far, and it seems like every time I ask them about it, I always get the stock reply about that. I am not sure what that % is, but I think it helps quite a bit. Probably the folks who are receiving these parcels can give us an idea what it is running.

Here in Japan I order a lot of stuff from the States and I am careful to keep the total under $100. The tax free limit varies from one type of product to the next, but that seems to be the magic number in most cases. Small orders are never taxed. There might be some limits like that in Europe. Anybody know about that?


04-22-2002, 12:41 AM
I live in Italy (and have had some orders shipped to Austria as well as i study there) and never had to pay any tax... even if i ordered above the 100 bucks mark


04-22-2002, 03:01 AM
Every european country has it´s own taxation regs and limits. Sending stuff from one european country to another is not much of a a problem. BUT when a package comes from outside the EU that´s when things get tricky. Customs automatically open everything and have ramble through. I know that in Germany this is really bad. It´s because the government is gagging for the money more than the last one apparently. And I know that the limit is very low indeed. 20 euros or so.
CJ images/icons/smile.gif images/icons/frown.gif

04-22-2002, 10:05 PM
But when custom\'s limit is 20 Euros whether to search a parcel or not it is in all cases a lot lower than the average price of pheromone products.
But as Bruce said quite clearly now: there is nothing he can do about it as the people are not his employees.

Bad new for many of us.