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View Full Version : A quick question about TE

04-11-2002, 04:28 PM
Since the makers will not give exact ingredients to TE , does anyone know exactly what it\'s mainly made of ???
Until I know , I\'m not sure how to use it yet so I am not comfortable doing so . I smell nothing but alcohol , when it evaporates , I can barely smell something unnoticable .How do you use it?

04-11-2002, 05:32 PM
This product table (\"http://www.pitt.edu/AFShome/r/j/rjm/public/html/phero/pher_web_nov13_01.htm\") says it\'s got 2.4mg of -none in it, or about 2.5x the concentration of APC, for frame of reference.

04-11-2002, 11:17 PM
its the same stuff as NPA, as said above mostly -none with a tiny hint of the infamous special secret ingredients. TE is just more dilute