View Full Version : What aura does each of the pheros give off? (ex: -none = "manly" or "macho", etc...)

03-30-2002, 01:15 AM
I have seen different descriptions of what kind of emotion is brought forth by the different pheros, but not for all of them.

I guess I would like to know what each of them do in order to use them more effectively...


03-30-2002, 01:43 AM
-none - masculine, good mate for women in the right phase of there periods

-nol friendly, feel good factor

-rone - enhancer of phero effects

-dienone - mood elevator in women

-copulins - attract males, have been used (by straight males) as a counter to the tendency for -none to cause aggression in alpha males.

03-30-2002, 08:55 AM
Since we have started on this type of discussion, I would appreciate it, if somebody here who had enough time, would tell us which phero products has which one of those (none rone, nol, copulin, dienone) for each one of the products sold on this site.

When you read the info about each of these products, it doesn\'t say what top of phero it has, it just says, that it has a guaranteed 5mg, or 3mg amount of pheromone, but it doesn\'t say the type of phero it has.

We would all appreciate this info.


03-30-2002, 09:43 AM
I found this on this forum...Its a list of the products with what they have in them...Very detailed... SOE is not on here, though...

Products, Abbreviations and contents (11/13/01) (\"http://www.pitt.edu/AFShome/r/j/rjm/public/html/phero/pher_web_nov13_01.htm\")

03-30-2002, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the chart. It seems very useful.
But it doesn\'t have the \"Scent of Eros\".
Do you know what is SOE made of?


[ March 30, 2002: Message edited by: albus2k ]

03-30-2002, 12:35 PM
ok albus the info is around 5mg all up

consisting of
4 mg nol
1 mg rone.

Hope that is of help thats whats in SOE.

03-30-2002, 11:01 PM
SOE (scent of eros) is -rone and -nol