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View Full Version : Need Advice About Pheromones Help In Marketing Sales:)

05-02-2012, 10:22 AM
Hi, I have stock of jewellery for men, cufflinks and similar. I Want to use pheromones, so men find them more attractive and buy better. So question is - what pheromones I should use
to attract men ( women pheromones), or
to attract women ( men pheromones).
Thank you all for your answers in advance.:)
P.S. Any advice will be good:)

05-03-2012, 03:34 AM
There were anytime a study, where dead articles were sprayed with androstenol and the goods have been sold within few days.....

05-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Thanks for answer, but what about women, if I want to sell something for women?
Also I am going to auction, what pheromones I need to get better bid, I mean, other people respect me and do not try to rebid me.:)))
stupid question, I saw how my friends get angry at me at me after I use packet pheromones.
Thank you in advance:)