View Full Version : Beta-androstenol - how to dose?

04-05-2012, 04:56 PM
Two weeks ago, I have got my packet from LoveScent with the beta-androstenol which I have never used before as yet. Now I have the 10ml-bottle but no idea, what could be the right dose of it?

Should I use 5, 10, 25 or even 50 mcg? May I use the betanol alone without other mones (to see what THIS mone do for me), or need the betanol other mones to work? Should I cover the betanol with a coverscent (betanol = stinky mone?) or may I use it uncovert? For me betanol has no smell, but with androstenone I can detect no smell too :blink:

Thank you very much for any advices!!! :)

04-06-2012, 10:38 AM
I can't think of any particular guidelines to the use of beta-nol. As far as I can recall it's very similar to regular -nol dosing. I understand it's supposed to have a "deeper" effect that regular -nol in that those affected by it don't just become more talkative, they talk about things that are more private and personal. Supposedly. If I recall this was the primary ingredient in a product called "Instant Honesty."

I've never noticed much of a "stink" to any androstenol product, but then again, I don't notice much a stink to any pheromone product (perhaps because I use very small doses...).

Also note I never had much in the way of strong results with B-nol. I know with regular androstenol products I started to wish some people would shut up and *stop* talking...

04-07-2012, 11:45 AM
The dosage should be the same as the alpha version. Experiment and let us know what you think.


06-26-2012, 04:06 PM
Just got Beta -nol myself. I don't know about its effects on others, but as one of those people who is sensitive to the pheros they wear I find it puts me in a *fantastic* mood. Frankly, that's enough for me even if it doesn't affect anyone else ever - some of the other pheros make me a little grouchy sometimes if I don't use them in really small doses.

06-27-2012, 07:46 AM
Both NOLs are good for mood I think. Do you notice a difference between the alpha and beta versions?


06-28-2012, 10:07 AM
Can't say exactly, because I haven't ordered alpha -nol by itself in the past, but as I assume it's probably a more common ingredient in various products I can say to *some* degree I guess. I think the big difference (for me) is that while they both put me in a good mood, the beta variant seems to put me in a *relaxed* good mood. For me, this makes a huge difference in my social confidence levels.