View Full Version : NPA -- what are its effects on YOU?

03-22-2002, 09:45 PM
I just got NPA in the mail today, and tried it...

it may be a coincidence, but I feel rather depressed and anxious... not a normal state for me.

Have you guys noticed any effect on yourself from wearing NPA or otheres?

I tend to put the stuff on my upper lip (based on experience with Athena 10x)... maybe that\'s not a good idea with this?

Also, I don\'t notice much smell at all from the NPA. I asked a girl to tell me what she thought of the smell (from the bottle) and she said \"smells like something that would be used in a hospital. Some people have said it\'s very strong-smelling?

Anyway, just wondering.

03-22-2002, 10:02 PM
I have occasionally used NPA as a subtle \"pick-me-up\"... and it tends to do nicely when I need to stay awake on work days when I don\'t get as much sleep as I should.

03-22-2002, 10:32 PM
Athena 10x directs the user to put the phero on the upper lip?! That strategy would be consistent with maximizing the phero effect on the user, and not necessarily the female recipient.

03-22-2002, 10:45 PM
I don\'t think they say that, but they tell you to wear it at least 3 times a week if not every day, for maximum effect. I decided that this meant it was having some effect on the wearer, perhaps causing them to secrete more pheros... so I took to wearing it on my upper lip!

03-23-2002, 12:19 AM
I think none, and perhaps some of the others, increases arousal. If you are engaged in something physical or very simple mental activity this can be a benefit. If on the other hand you are doing something mentally challenging, it should have a negative effect at some point. Several forum members have reportet difficulty in concentration etc., while others state that they are able to work out harder. Also, as Technologist said, it has helped him stay awake. This is probably due to such effects.

The attraction part of this is then probably due to a misattribution, i.e. the target suddenly experiences an increase in arousal for no apparent reason. If the phero-wearer or someone else close by is attractive, it is then possible to experience the arousal as being caused by attraction to that person.

03-23-2002, 04:05 AM
Reading this clinches what I suspected in your other post. 1 out of 4 US males can not smell androstenone, and there is quite a bit of it in npa and quite frankly it stinks if you use very much and don\'t mix it with cologne. Those folks you asked for a test sniff were smelling the alcohol I\'d say. Just for experiments sake, up a healthy amount on your wrist, let the alc dry out completely and then have friends report on the smell to you. Let us know what they say, but I don\'t think you are going to hear any \"hospital smells\".

Next, get it away from your nose. Breathing pheromones, according to vast numbers of reports does create a kind of \"high\" or \"buzz\", but while sticking it under your own nose may be great for an anemic product, it is waaaay too strong for most folks with a kick ass product like npa. If you are feeling iritable, you are overdosing on something you are not used to anyway and can not detect as a conscious smell. I am not surprised at all. One hot cappucino makes me feel great; ten and I would start getting a tad paranoid. Cut back and enjoy!