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View Full Version : hello, i'm wondering whats right for me?

09-15-2011, 11:37 AM

Here's a brief summary of the products i tried in their samples

( sorry for the spelling errors English is my third language )





i got the chikaras and i really could not notice anything, if something it kind of makes me jumpy and kind of Bleh.
Can't really describe it.

SoE seems to work at times, i can notice some definite things about it, but i'm more treated as a : let me help you as much as i can type, women will be helpful and thats pretty much it.

Edge was a disaster, the smell is so strong. i have no clue if it worked tho because every time i think i was OD. dont quite know how to use that one.

Perception tho, i really like the smell, and it seems to make me chill, i think it has some effect but not too sure since i'm way too chilled out to even bother to notice.

i also ordered Liquid Trust, it should be here within 2 weeks and im wondering how that would work with me or how it has worked with others.

now my question is what would be the best for me for Classes/Work ( in very social environment with LOTS of females) / Outings.

im Lone wolf type, i dont like to make dumb jokes or be the clown or the center of attention.

Eastern european, medium tall, dark hair, early 20s.

very good with people once i know them just a bit, not very good with them when i don't.

09-15-2011, 12:08 PM
Hello dsun,

Welcome to Love Scent. Yeah, I'm sorta of a lone wold type myself and definitely not the center of attention. I'm sure you can find a good match for yourself.

I think you are on the right track with your experiments. I wouldn't give up on the Edge so quick though; just use VERY little. If you are in your early 20s, you don't need that much.

Thanks for posting,

09-16-2011, 07:56 AM
Don't give up on SoE, and I agree with Bruce on using TE lightly. TE/SoE was my favorite combination when I first started.

Once you know the individual characteristics of your products you can begin to use them in combination with each other to get the desired result. SoE is very social, as you discovered. TE is very sexual, and you may have ODed, given your age.

I suggest a generous application of Soe with just a small dab of TE. They work very well together in the correct dosage. You must experiment to find the right balance for you.

Hope this helps, and welcome!

09-16-2011, 12:58 PM
thanks, any input on liquid trust? any combinations thing i should do shouldn't do?

10-03-2011, 03:34 PM
I was shy total shy, and did not know what to talk about or jokes, then i came here and i started using SoE gel pack and A7. I tried lot on woman specially young girls, if they are Asian girls they are not good fan of smell so if u overdo it will leave u to no were. Best I found was 2 SoE and gel peck and 2 drop of A7 without smell. And that did good job for me. Not only I have smoking hot gf but I got lot of good complement and lots.of hugs and kiss.

Don't gave up on SoE. It does work but need little user input. Make her laugh or smile be helpful and talk to them. I asked my gf how she smell my sent on perfume ( I did not told her I am using stuff to attract girls ). She said smell is like make her turn on, and made her feel relax. Let's just say it takes time to get them used to SoE. Do not over do A7 More then 4 drops or u will push tme back. It takes around 1 week or to as I was shy. So keep on 1 balance for week. After week or so let's just say I get what I want from them now.

10-03-2011, 03:56 PM
Good advice.
