View Full Version : Epi-Androsterone

07-07-2011, 11:14 AM
Hey folks, I am testing epi-androsterone for about two weeks now and my experiences reaches from repellant to totally attracted. At first I have used just 22 mcg, but nothing exceptionally were happend. Then I have increased the dosage to about 44 mcg and this amount definitively shows reactions by other people.

Unfortunately these reaction were not only good but also negative. When reactions were good: people (especially women) take long eye-contact, a short body-distance, playing with hair, body contact..... But often reactions were negative too. Then people keep a huge distance to me, are nervous and are angry.

Unfortunately I can not smell mones generally and so I can not say if I do stink when wearing 44 mcg Epi-Androsterone. I have used no cover-scent.

07-07-2011, 11:19 AM
Has anybody here has experiences with epi-Androsterone? Does it have a unpleasant smell?
