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View Full Version : sexualkey review

01-22-2011, 09:08 AM
Hi Bruce, i

noticed in 2002 you asked for some opinions on the e book called sexualkey.

i purchased it yesterday and used a

technique on the internet. not what it is intended for,but i gave it a whirl. a woman replied inviting me to my

first threesome. i declined because it was a mmf...ahem...not my cuppa.

i made this thread because i was not

allowed to reply on the actual thread..

so,for me,it has already shown results and now i am off to read the rest

and get into those bookshops and university libraries to chat up those gals. wish me luck.

01-22-2011, 08:29 PM

Bruce, i noticed in 2002 you asked for some opinions on the e book called sexualkey.

i purchased it yesterday

and used a technique on the internet. not what it is intended for,but i gave it a whirl. a woman replied inviting me

to my first threesome. i declined because it was a mmf...ahem...not my cuppa.

i made this thread because i was

not allowed to reply on the actual thread..

so,for me,it has already shown results and now i am off to read the

rest and get into those bookshops and university libraries to chat up those gals. wish me luck.
Hey dude, I

am familiar with this and a lot more.

01-26-2011, 02:41 PM
Captain, Thanks for the info. keep

us posted.

Goldcoaster, you can post info about books here, no problem. I'd rather that than posting email

addresses. Thanks,


01-26-2011, 07:33 PM

Thanks for the info. keep us posted.

Goldcoaster, you can post info about books here, no problem. I'd rather

that than posting email addresses. Thanks,

Yeh sorry Bruce, my bad.

01-28-2011, 08:33 AM
No worries. I'm sure you didn't

mean any harm. We had famously big problems with that years ago.