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View Full Version : Rats! An Old J&J Baby Powder mystery solved :)

12-15-2010, 02:01 PM
Does anybody remember, way back, like several years ago; when a discussion raged here about

Johnson's Baby Powder? The gist was that a number of women liked it on men, especially if they somehow thought it

was applied to the, um, "globular nether regions". They found it sexy, or a turn on.

What was this apparent

aphrodisiac property of JJBP about, people wondered? So, for what it's worth, here's something that occured to me

when smelling the stuff:

It contains an animal musk, specifically from the muskrat.

Having worked with

the stuff in perfuming, I recognize it. I don't know why it took me so long, frankly. I'm pretty confident that

accounts for the sexual reactions some have.

If you want to temporarily, or permanently, ruin the "attractive"

part of this for yourself, smell a room that has a "mouse problem". You may or may not be unfortunate enough to

already know what this smells like from life experience, and can omit this step. Then smell some baby powder. You

might notice a faint but, suddenly disturbing similarity.

Humans are such disgusting creatures to be attracted by

the smell of rats! :rasp: Of course, knowing this makes me like it even more. (I use it to take oil off my

hair roots on days I don't want to shampoo.)

Anyway, there might only be one or two of you that remember the

thread. But, FWIW, there you go.

12-15-2010, 03:09 PM
I remember the thread. Very useful

info., thanks. I've always liked the smell. Why would J & J put it in a baby product ? You can't apply it anywhere

visible though because of the 'white' effect.

I'm still trying to pinpoint the smell in TE/m gel packs. Any

advice Dr SmellThis ?

12-15-2010, 04:40 PM
I wonder if other brands that have a

similar overall scent also have that "muskrat" element?

And actually I have a suspicion that when I applied JJ

talc to some of my nether regions and then worked up a sweat, later in the day I would detect a rather unpleasant

"stink" in that area... connection? Didn't seem to get the same strength of stink when I didn't use the powder, or

used something like Gold Bond (that has a different scent).

12-16-2010, 07:53 AM
Wow, a family reunion! Dr ST, Chas

and Rbt. Where have we all been? DST, you still in Portland?

Yeah, I remember the baby powder thing from the

attractive smells research done by Dr. whatshisname in Chicago. Actually the name is on the tip of my tongue.

I'll think of it here in a minute. I thought it had some subliminal connection to the maternal instincts.


12-16-2010, 11:10 AM
And we

put that stuff onto babies?! I wonder if they have since changed the formula or is it the same?

12-16-2010, 12:39 PM
And we put that stuff onto babies?! I wonder if they have since changed

the formula or is it the same?We're talking about the newest version, but I suspect it's

always been there.

Perfumers have always tried to put musk into almost every scent you could imagine. It just

isn't talked about, for obvious reasons. Usually artificial musk is used nowadays. But the cheaper animal musks

(cheaper as compared to rarely used deer musk or ambergris, etc.) like muskrat and castoreum (beaver musk) are still

used as a fixative and exaltant (something that improves the smell of other substances in a mix).


believe animal musks are way healthier to have on your body than the chemical synthetic musks, some of which have

been implicated in a number of health concerns. So our babies are safe. I personally love that mothers have been

smearing ratbutt on babies for the last century. Just my weird sense of humor.

12-16-2010, 12:50 PM
Wow, a

family reunion! Dr ST, Chas and Rbt. Where have we all been? DST, you still in Portland?

Yeah, I remember the

baby powder thing from the attractive smells research done by Dr. whatshisname in Chicago. Actually the name is on

the tip of my tongue. I'll think of it here in a minute. I thought it had some subliminal connection to the

maternal instincts.

BHey Bruce. Good to see "your old cyber self" again. Yes, I'm still in Portland

working on a new recording project. You still remodeling houses?

Good memory, Bruce. Was that the Good & Plenty


12-16-2010, 01:37 PM
Hello old friends!


interesting about the baby powder. I think I'm more interested in being passionate when I've used the stuff, but I

never thought had anything to do with the powder!

Happy Holidays to you all!


12-16-2010, 01:39 PM
I remember

the thread. Very useful info., thanks. I've always liked the smell. Why would J & J put it in a baby product ? You

can't apply it anywhere visible though because of the 'white' effect.

I'm still trying to pinpoint the smell

in TE/m gel packs. Any advice Dr SmellThis ?I've never used Edge gel packs, so I don't know. I do know

there are two rather smelly pheromones in Edge, one of which is -none, and the other of which Bruce is under verbal

contract not to disclose.

12-16-2010, 03:09 PM
could also be an NLP Anchor

point from when mummy or daddy used J&J babe powder on us, bringing on feelings of love and security...

12-16-2010, 06:44 PM
One other thought.

In the "olde"

days most "baby powder" IIR was talc-based (a mineral). From what I've seen recently most "baby powders" are now


Would that "base" ingredient perhaps have any effect on the response/diffusion/whatever of the

scent/fragarance? Or could the base also be part of of what people are reacting to?

And DST! We are working on a

"new" Pheros-type product aren't we? (Not to worry though. I still have one "virgin" bottle laid down in


12-18-2010, 05:52 PM
Hey Bruce.

Good to see "your old cyber self" again. Yes, I'm still in Portland working on a new recording project. You still

remodeling houses?

Good memory, Bruce. Was that the Good & Plenty study?

Yes, I think it was

the good/plenty study.

I just finished my last house for a while I think; market is too slow. Been spending

my free time with my kids and flying these days. Would like to start playing music again; bought a new fiddle and

an electric guitar, but not playing much yet.


12-21-2010, 12:10 AM
Johnsons baby powder is one of the best ant repellents that you will ever find,

sprinkle some around an ants nest and they will not enter or cross its path it works on big black ants and also the

smaller variety they will not venture wherever it has been sprinkled, just go check it out and you will see for


12-21-2010, 01:18 AM
Johnsons baby powder is one of the best ant

repellents that you will ever find, sprinkle some around an ants nest and they will not enter or cross its path it

works on big black ants and also the smaller variety they will not venture wherever it has been sprinkled, just go

check it out and you will see for yourself.
That's interesting! I wonder if it's a

chemical repellent thing or do they just get pissed off with the fine powder sticking to them. Maybe they choke on


12-21-2010, 03:37 AM
That's interesting! I wonder if it's a chemical repellent thing or do they just get

pissed off with the fine powder sticking to them. Maybe they choke on

it.They will not venture in amoungst the powder when given the chance

because it sorta repels them at the first sniff or the first initial contact with the substance so i would say it is

chemical or possably a negative alcalinity factor involved which causes the ants abrupt reaction to the


Sure just go and surround a bull ants nest with a sprinkling of the powder

and it will stop them from venturing in or out of the nest, they just stop dead in their tracks and prompty back off

with their first encounter with the powder.

12-21-2010, 11:13 AM
Very Interesting Stuff!

12-21-2010, 02:46 PM
Very Interesting

Stuff!You are interesting
