View Full Version : Selling stuff to people

07-14-2010, 01:19 AM
If I wanna

sell stuff to people, from life insurances to tea pots, what should be my mone signature ? More nol ? More rone ?

Oxitocin ?

07-14-2010, 05:59 AM
I think it will depend greatly on

your customer base. In some instances you may want the "fatherly" vibe of -rone. In others the "social" vibe of

-nol, and in some cases even the "domineering" vibe of -none.

Although in any sales situation I would venture to

guess that some "Liquid Trust" would be of use.

Some say dating/approaching the opposite sex is a form of

salemanship as well. You are selling yourself, or the experience of being with you (reminds me of a travel agent

selling some exotic vacation spot...). The pheromone combinations may very well turn out to be rather similar in

either situation.

And don't forget to consider A-1. I think it is being terribly under rated.

