View Full Version : NPA Help

05-19-2010, 12:51 PM
:think: Hi guys,

Newbie here with NPA, not Pheromones. I am currently a owner of Instant Shine/Honesty/Opener, A314, Ammo,

Spaceland and some MX products. I wanted to give Love-Scent a try and i ordered NPA, had it now for about one week,

every morning i put my finger on the top and turn it over, in my mind equal to one to two drops. I make sure i

don't over do it, during the past week, i have covered it with IH/IS and my favorite cologne "Hani Mori", my only

thing is that i can't tell if it is working!! I am 44yrs old, so do i need to have two drops of this stuff to get

it working, not sure, maybe someone can help...

Thanks in advance....

05-19-2010, 01:19 PM
:think: Hi guys,

Newbie here with NPA, not Pheromones. I am currently a owner of

Instant Shine/Honesty/Opener, A314, Ammo, Spaceland and some MX products. I wanted to give Love-Scent a try and i

ordered NPA, had it now for about one week, every morning i put my finger on the top and turn it over, in my mind

equal to one to two drops. I make sure i don't over do it, during the past week, i have covered it with IH/IS and

my favorite cologne "Hani Mori", my only thing is that i can't tell if it is working!! I am 44yrs old, so do i need

to have two drops of this stuff to get it working, not sure, maybe someone can help...

Thanks in

advance....I take the plastic stopper outa my NPA bottles and then

proceed to use a standard rubber ended glass phero dropper.

The pheromone dropper that i use does dispense a larger drop than the

standard small Alter Ego or Essence of Woman dropper.

Using my dropper then it gives me 60 drops per mL of


NPA contains 0.48 mg/mL thats 480 mcg/mL

divided by 60 drops gives a total of 8 mcg per drop, which 4 mcg is Androstenone and 4 mcg is secret enhancing


Therefore seeing as i am middle aged i

use 3 drops and that gives me 12 mcg of Androstenone and 12 mcg of secret pheromones.

This works very well and i do get many good

noticable hits when using NPA still have to have a keen eye for body language because of the sexual nature of the

NPA type of attraction.

Thomas Magnum
05-19-2010, 03:22 PM
:think: Hi guys,

Newbie here with NPA, not Pheromones. I am currently a owner of

Instant Shine/Honesty/Opener, A314, Ammo, Spaceland and some MX products. I wanted to give Love-Scent a try and i

ordered NPA, had it now for about one week, every morning i put my finger on the top and turn it over, in my mind

equal to one to two drops. I make sure i don't over do it, during the past week, i have covered it with IH/IS and

my favorite cologne "Hani Mori", my only thing is that i can't tell if it is working!! I am 44yrs old, so do i need

to have two drops of this stuff to get it working, not sure, maybe someone can help...

Thanks in

advance.... Seeing as though your in your forties you should be able to go up to three dabs of NPA. As one

gets older his pheromone level will decrease so you will have to add more NPA than say a twenty something year old.

I would suggest one dab behind each ear and a dab on your neck. Continue to spray lightly some cologne over those

areas as well. Reactions from women should be staring, smiling, possibly brushing up against you as she passes by

you. You must be able to recognize a woman's body language. Stand near your target and look approachable, smile

and stare back at her if she does the same. And start up a conversation as well. Good luck. \o/

05-21-2010, 10:46 AM
NPA is a product which worked

for me if i used in it once in a LONG while, then after using it the next few days I'd be in a crappy mood and

tense as hell.

I recall a tine I wore nothing but Soe with a 10/10 blonde model who I talked to. She'd just

be a gabber but after about 2 weeks I curiously used Chikara Spiked with NPA and she almost raped me in public ! He

godo looking friends were after me too to the point I could't get rid of them :-) My SO was with me so of course I

bailed. That was definitely a chikara/NPA hit.


05-21-2010, 02:17 PM
Thanks guys for your help

and advice...