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View Full Version : Problems with "red dot" Primal resolved?

03-25-2010, 05:09 PM
Hello all.

I am considering purchasing a bottle of Primal Instinct with my next order.


the last time I bought one it was the ineffective scentless "red dot" version (which, I hasten to add, Bruce was

kind enough to replace with the then new Alpha 7).

Does anyone know whether that problem has been resolved? Is

the new Primal as effective (and as stinky) as the older pre-red dot version? Have any of you used the newer

batches of PI and found them to be effective?

I love Alpha 7 but I feel the old PI was more effective for blatant

sexual hits, provided that I got the amount just right (not easy with the none build up).

The Alpha 7 seems to

be a little less sexual and more like A314's respect vibe for me.


03-26-2010, 08:05 PM
Hello all.

I am considering purchasing a bottle of Primal Instinct with my next order.

However, the last time I bought one it was the ineffective scentless "red dot" version (which, I hasten to add,

Bruce was kind enough to replace with the then new Alpha 7).

Does anyone know whether that problem has been

resolved? Is the new Primal as effective (and as stinky) as the older pre-red dot version? Have any of you used the

newer batches of PI and found them to be effective?

I love Alpha 7 but I feel the old PI was more effective for

blatant sexual hits, provided that I got the amount just right (not easy with the none build up).

The Alpha 7

seems to be a little less sexual and more like A314's respect vibe for me.

Mark.One of my buddys did gift me with a couple a mL of old PI

and this juice certainly did kick arse yep it was real good shit man.

I did some years back also have a bottle of unscented PI exchanged for a

bottle of the slick magic Alpha 7 ..... 4 the same reasons as you, Bruce was so good about it all, and thats what

makes Love-Scent special.... great honest service....

However i did order in two bottles of PI ylang ylang back in May of 2009 and

i can say that this juice has given me some good hits and a major DIHL/hit, yes my 2 drops of PI did really hit this

really beautiful young natural blond girl hard i would say, i had never seen her before that day and in the space of

under 10 minutes of being near me she approached me all red faced and blushing massive DIHL and she moans sorta " i

know you "

She was a really classy young dame and

as pretty as, yep the type of girl that a man would take hold of and run away with forever and a nignt.

Therefore i do give the PI a blast every now and

then whenever i manage to get a break from new formula testing, and it is comforting and exciting to know that with

using it i am in the running for some genuine Alpha pheromone action..... :whip:

03-27-2010, 01:16 PM
One of my buddys did gift me with a couple a mL of

old PI and this juice certainly did kick arse yep it was real good shit


I did some years back also have a bottle of

unscented PI exchanged for a bottle of the slick magic Alpha 7 ..... 4 the same reasons as you, Bruce was so good

about it all, and thats what makes Love-Scent special.... great honest


However i did order in two bottles of PI

ylang ylang back in May of 2009 and i can say that this juice has given me some good hits and a major DIHL/hit, yes

my 2 drops of PI did really hit this really beautiful young natural blond girl hard

Hi Terry... What was the difference with the old PI ? Was it a different formula

or something ?

How/where did you use the 2 drops of ylang ylang PI ?


03-28-2010, 03:40 AM

Terry... What was the difference with the old PI ? Was it a different formula or something ?

How/where did you

use the 2 drops of ylang ylang PI ?

Thanks.Well the old PI did have a

distinctive Androstenone smell about it and then they created a version that did not posess the typical none odour

and it was just to my nose and also to others it had no smell, well i didnt like it so Bruce swapped it back for a

bottle of Alpha 7 which was just great and it smelled like the real


So after after a couple years i go and get the

PI ylang ylang and the scent is very nice and even my girl likes


Now i find that a small drop below each ear is

just fine even without a cover its a really good wear scentwise, and the very real pheromone action makes this

product a winner in my book, it is a must for anyone who appreciates Androstenone action.