View Full Version : Bath Challenge

01-25-2010, 12:16 AM
Alright. I have

been doing research on soaps, shampoos etc. I found out that modern soaps contain chemicals and dyes, to create

sales, lower the cost, and dry out our skin of natural moisture. I now make my own bath solutions out of Olive oil,

coconut oil epsom etc... Check here (http://www.aromaweb.com/recipes/aromatherapybathbombsrecipe.asp) for


Now here is a challenge. Like the essential oils since their stronger and come in little bottles, I

wonder if you can add phermones to our baths. Juss an expierment. :lol:I would if I had some.

Let me know how

this works if anyone is interested...


01-25-2010, 03:00 AM
Pretty cool idea, I don't see

why you couldn't put a drop or two of an oil-based pheromone product in there. You'd have to make sure its

thoroughly mixed so the product is distributed evenly in the solution. You'll have to do the math to get the

dosage right, which might be a little guesswork, but go for it and let us know how it works!

01-25-2010, 04:25 PM
Yea yea fasho. Comeon

people. I know someone is interested. Let me know. :) :rofl: