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View Full Version : Ok now AE

01-15-2010, 02:29 PM
So far NPA and Chikira did not

work.. I know I need to test them more..

I tried Liquid Trust today for work and nothing really happened.

Tonight Im going to chicago with a friend who is a girl. so I will try AE and see what the reaction will be.


01-15-2010, 05:28 PM
Well let us know how it

goes and if there is any reaction on the car ride there with your friend. Would love details on enviroment try to

stay away from places that allow smoking. I read that it may dull effects.

01-18-2010, 04:28 PM
Nothing happened with AE and or

Chikira... I mixed them, I tried one without the other, and nothing....

I even OD on AE but still nothing...

01-19-2010, 02:40 PM

happened with AE and or Chikira... I mixed them, I tried one without the other, and nothing....


with mones 'less is more'. It is best to put a little on & then work up from there.

There is no automatic

response to mones which can cause disappointment, but if you apply the same product every day for a while at a low

dose .... Sometimes hits occur when least expected, depending on the circumstances you are in. A little patience,

and trial & error are required but worth it in the end.

AE is quite an effective product so perhaps start with

that one - a couple of swipes on both sides of your neck & back of hands.

01-19-2010, 06:22 PM

happened with AE and or Chikira... I mixed them, I tried one without the other, and nothing....

I even OD on AE

but still nothing...

How long has this girl been your friend? Has she shown any interest in you

previously? The thing about testing mones with female friends, especially long-term friends, is that the mones will

not cause them to automatically jump into your arms.

However, they MAY produce subtle behavioral changes like

becoming more chatty (SOE, WAGG), fumbling of words (NPA), more kino (NPA, SOE), posture mirroring (NPA, SOE),

following you around (A314, NPA) and the like. You need to keep both eyes open to pick up on these behaviours. Did

your friend exhibit any behaviours that were a bit more different than usual?

I agree with chas, try test-driving

each mone by itself for 5-6 days of a week and observe, leaving 1-2 days of "rest" before moving on to the next
