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View Full Version : Androstenone and alcohol

01-02-2010, 05:52 AM

lengthy observation of applied amounts of androstenone and the amount of consumed alcohol I come to the conclusion

that alcohol has an important effect regarding how effective / strong androstenone is working.

Sometimes there

are weeks in which I do not drink any alcoholic drinks. In other times I do drink beer and redwine at least two or

three days a week.

In times of abstinence I am going very easlily to OD and the amount of best results are very

low. Other than in times in which I drink beer and wine I can apply much more None without ODing and low dosages (as

worked in times of abstinenz) are practically worthless.

It seems that alcohol has a strong effect on the body

chemistry - at least at me. Has anybody noticed this effects too?

01-02-2010, 09:17 AM
After lengthy observation of applied amounts of androstenone and the amount of consumed

alcohol I come to the conclusion that alcohol has an important effect regarding how effective / strong androstenone

is working.

Sometimes there are weeks in which I do not drink any alcoholic drinks. In other times I do drink

beer and redwine at least two or three days a week.

In times of abstinence I am going very easlily to OD and the

amount of best results are very low. Other than in times in which I drink beer and wine I can apply much more None

without ODing and low dosages (as worked in times of abstinenz) are practically worthless.

It seems that alcohol

has a strong effect on the body chemistry - at least at me. Has anybody noticed this effects

too?It could be that the relaxed effects of the drink could make you look

more approachable and also relax you into being more congruent with the alpha Androstenone signals.

I would just love to try it out for myself but i have had a problem with my

advancing age that drinks now make me too sleepy. :cheers:

01-02-2010, 11:54 AM
It could be that the relaxed effects of the drink

could make you look more approachable and also relax you into being more congruent with the alpha Androstenone


I have the same thoughts as Terry but I would say being relaxed and

approachable will actually soften the none intimidation factor which is a good thing.

01-02-2010, 01:11 PM
When going in a club / on

a party I mostly I do not drink anything (because mostly I am the driver). What I have meant is that in times in

which I drink alcohol, I can apply much more None even if have drank no alcohol at this moment. Curious, or?

01-02-2010, 04:38 PM

seems that alcohol has a strong effect on the body chemistry - at least at me. Has anybody noticed this effects


Alcohol can be expelled out of the skin with perspiration. I think the body decomposes the alcohol

into something else. Also the alcohol consumed would be in higher amounts than what you mentioned.

I did a summer

job as a student working alongside a local authority gardener. He drank beer heavily at lunchtime but he sweated it

out of his system & was never 'under the influence'. I could smell the alcohol coming out of his skin - a sweet


So maybe a trace amount of alcohol comes out of your skin & effects the 'mones ??

The relaxation

effects of the alcohol would have the main behavioural effect with different & more welcoming body language, but

substances do exude from the skin - curries, etc.