View Full Version : OD effects-None, Rone and Nol

12-31-2009, 03:52 PM

would love to get some input on others experiences
Here is my experience
I I use too high of a nol ratio for

me-people really like me, are very friendly but give me a little less respect and women seem to see me as a little

too much of a friend. Might make you seem a little gay or like one of the girls.

Too high of a Rone ratio

for me-I get immense respect, everone calling me sir, a gentle alpha perception but people see me as a little too

serious. Think about it, women want a father figure to a degree but not too much, they want a fun guy not an overly

serious guy. I think too much rone spells too serious. Not the worst OD but overly serious won't get you women.

Too high of a none ratio- I think we know this one, people aren't sure what to make of you, you come across

as a neanderthal porn star. Most guys will kiss your ass but if you run into an aggressive alpha they may feel the

need to challenge you. suprisingly lots of women still seem very interested when I od on none, but they seem a

little nervous, scared.

01-01-2010, 01:25 PM

you name it ..... ;)

i absolutely agree to your findings ... i am a big fan of overdosing for fun purpose .. hehe
lots of nols get

you nowhere ...like you mentioned ...
and to much rone.... i´d let a girl sniff my neck where i applied a rone

product and asked her how she liked it ... and she told me it smells like her daddy when he´s in bad mood


i´ve noticed that especially guys which are on steroids .. you know them with the big false muscels ..

the react agressive on to much none... and they seem to be aware of the none stink more than other guys.....
