View Full Version : HELP! please!

12-21-2009, 11:47 PM
first im a complete

noob with mones. i ordererd chikara unscented with SOE. I wanted to use it on the love of my life. Im 20 years old,

fairly attractive decent build. Me and her have been friends for a very long time and i know for a fact there is a

mutual attraction and feelings to each other, the only problem is there is a wall of timid feelings between the both

of us. The first day i used this i put a spray of soe on my wrist and rubbed it on the other, another on the left

side of my neck, and one spray of chikara on the right side of my neck. I picked her up one day and she couldnt stop

talking to me about herself and she was very anxious and fidgety and sitting extremely close to me for the most part

of the night. it wore off by the end of the night but i was reassured it was working. 2 days from then I decided to

go with the same combo except apply the chikara later on (i also have been applying it during that two day break so

maybe i OD'd). We went out to see a live DJ except this time she was somewhat avoiding me (sort of?), i would

always catch her glancing at me and when i made eye contact she would instantly look away. she even said she was

going to the washroom and i saw her go off to the top balcony of the venue and start staring at me, i made eye

contact and she ran away...? later on when the effects wore of she wasnt as distant but from that night she has been

distancing herself from me and ive felt like ive ruined something that ive worked so hard to build up. What can i do

to patch things up and get back the meaningful connection we once shared. Any other mones i should try? I was

thinking beta-nol/liquid trust/my current SOE on its own

12-22-2009, 12:32 AM
bump for help

12-22-2009, 02:02 AM
you been friends for very long

time:think: . Maybe thats the problem.
Spice Weed (http://syntheticweed.org)

12-22-2009, 04:45 AM
chicago may be right. You've

suddenly introduced a powerful new pheromone signature to someone who knows you very well, and its scaring her. Try

using SoE on its own, in small doses, and if things get back to normal try the C7 on its own, in small


It can be very difficult to move from the Friends zone, good luck.

12-22-2009, 07:30 AM
Yes, may have used too much too


It seemed to be working. Now she may be getting confused.

Back off for a while on pheromone use and

ease into it again slowly. Start with the more social Soe type product.

Remember less is more, so to speak. You

may have greater succes with very small amounts of added pheromones. It doesn't take much sometimes. In fact you

may risk making things worse if you use too much.

Also remember that you and others may react differently to

pheromones from day to day, week to week, due to natural body changes. Female monthly cycles can, but not always,

affect reactions as well. Pay attention and maybe keep a journal or diary. Just don't let her find it...

12-22-2009, 10:07 AM

im a complete noob with mones. i ordererd chikara unscented with SOE. I wanted to use it on the love of my life. Im

20 years old, fairly attractive decent build. Me and her have been friends for a very long time and i know for a

fact there is a mutual attraction and feelings to each other, the only problem is there is a wall of timid feelings

between the both of us. The
first day i used this i put a spray of soe on my wrist and rubbed it on the

other, another on the left side of my neck, and one spray of chikara on the right side of my neck. I picked

her up one day and she couldnt stop talking to me about herself and she was very anxious and fidgety and sitting

extremely close to me for the most part of the night. it wore off by the end of the night but i was reassured it was

working. 2 days from then I decided to go with the same combo except apply the chikara later on (i also have been

applying it during that two day break so maybe i OD'd). We went out to see a live DJ except this time she was

somewhat avoiding me (sort of?), i would always catch her glancing at me and when i made eye contact she would

instantly look away. she even said she was going to the washroom and i saw her go off to the top balcony of the

venue and start staring at me, i made eye contact and she ran away...? later on when the effects wore of she wasnt

as distant but from that night she has been distancing herself from me and ive felt like ive ruined something that

ive worked so hard to build up. What can i do to patch things up and get back the meaningful connection we once

shared. Any other mones i should try? I was thinking beta-nol/liquid trust/
my current SOE on its

ownDoes SOE come in a spray version now ? or did you transfer it to a spray bottle ect, then how

many drops per spray would you be dispensing ?

12-22-2009, 10:57 AM
I agree with Chicago. Pheromones

may not help you. There seem to be other issues that are involved.

12-22-2009, 12:24 PM

may be right. You've suddenly introduced a powerful new pheromone signature to someone who knows you very well, and

its scaring her. Try using SoE on its own, in small doses, and if things get back to normal try the C7 on its own,

in small amounts.

It can be very difficult to move from the Friends zone, good luck.

are you

im almost certain she has mutual feelings.

12-22-2009, 12:41 PM
i was also wondering if that

night would leave a lasting impression

12-22-2009, 02:25 PM
Hi dudeman !

Strangely it sounds

like you have to win her trust - although you have known her a long time.

Ask her what she would really like to

do/go to & take her out for a day. Once there buy her something she would like - e.g. box of chocolates. Remind her

that you have known each for a long time & so you can both relax.

Ask her if she has a favourite cologne on a

man & (if you like that cologne as well) ask her to help you to choose it. Get her to relax with you by getting

involved in a easy going atmosphere.

Just a small spray/dab of SOE on your chest for 'background' support


Sounds like you have to win her over ...