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View Full Version : 'Ammunition' v L-S products

11-14-2009, 06:18 AM
Which of

the LS products compare to 'Ammunition' at 'the other place' in types of mones & strengths ?

What are

people's opinions on Ammunition ? Thanks.

11-14-2009, 07:03 AM
IMO the closest match is Chikara, as

they are both pretty much a basic "all-in-one" type product. Alter Ego may be a close second. Not sure about

Pheromax as it may be a bit heavier on androstenone and also includes A-1.

I've been trying Ammunition for some

time (had it for quite a while so it may be an "early" formula/scent package version).

I think Ammo is probably

a fine product. Top quality and all. However I have never gotten the feeling that it is doing me any better than

Chikara in terms of pheromone response. It may be closer to Alter Ego, which has "kinda" worked for me (in that it

did give me what I feel are my only DIHLs).

I'd certainly give it a try, but for me it is just one of many.

Remember that you and your target audience is probably different than me and my target audience (and desired


Their IFM is good stuff, and some of the P series are good for using as "suppliments." The do make

a314, but there is a fair amount of debate as to whether they have played with it too much in an attempt to

"improve" it. I get the feeling many are of the opinion the "LS" version/formulation sold here is still the best of

the version lot.

So to answer the original question again, Ammo is okay, but to be honest, I find myself

personally reaching for LS products most of the time (Chikara, SoE, AE, A7).

11-14-2009, 01:34 PM
Rbt - Thanks for the info.
Do you

know which 3 mones are in Ammo - are they the classic 3 - 'nol, 'none, rone ?

If so, that sounds like Alter Ego

as Chikara has more (x7 mones ??).

11-14-2009, 04:50 PM
The actual content is a trade

secret, but it's a fair bet the Big Three are represented. Plus who knows how many other pheromones, putative

pheromones, and assorted things from the alchemist's shelf were tossed in as well. I've heard some batches of a314

contained upwards of 16 ingredients, and no doubt something like Ammunition has it's share as well.

I think I

also heard that Chikara and AE both have a mess more ingredients too. Chikara was originally abbreviated as "C7" on

the foums as it was billed as having 7 pheromones in it, but later formulations may have been tweaked and could have

even more now.

11-25-2009, 07:03 PM
I am quite keen to find out

too... how do the products "here" compare to the products at "the other place". Are they better, not as good as, or

the same, just different product name?

11-26-2009, 08:18 AM
I am quite keen

to find out too... how do the products "here" compare to the products at "the other place". Are they better, not as

good as, or the same, just different product name?

Pheromone products being what they are, some items

will work better for you than others. LS has some that work well for me, they have some that work well for me. LS

has some that don't do squat for me, they have some that don't do squat for me.

Subtle differences in the

mixes can make differences in how they work. Chikara, Alter Ego, Pheromax, Perception, Ammunition... all pretty much

similar. Share many of the same "notes" to use a musical metaphore, but the resulting tune can be quite different

depending on the composer (manufacturer) and the one playing them (you).

11-27-2009, 02:35 PM

products being what they are, some items will work better for you than others. LS has some that work well for me,

they have some that work well for me. LS has some that don't do squat for me, they have some that don't do squat

for me.

Subtle differences in the mixes can make differences in how they work. Chikara, Alter Ego, Pheromax,

Perception, Ammunition... all pretty much similar. Share many of the same "notes" to use a musical metaphore, but

the resulting tune can be quite different depending on the composer (manufacturer) and the one playing them


I agree. The only thing you can do is to amplify the effects with an advanced product

according to your goals.

I've found that the all-around products are OK to establish your main pheromone

signature, as an open or socially available person, which is good to make everyone likes you at some level, also to

buffer the effects of aggressive pheromones such as androstenone.

That's why you have to plan your phero

usage; as some are good for business situations (A314), other for close encounters (Alpha 7, Instant Honesty) and

the hardcore ones, for "special" occasions (Primal I, The Edge, NPA and even Alpha 7). All of them in combination

with the social ones, tailor good results.
