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View Full Version : Noticeable Hits from Perception at a Halloween Dance

10-31-2009, 04:58 PM
On Friday night this week, I went to a Halloween event at a dance studio about an hour away

from me. I put on half a packet of Perception, as much as I could rub onto my jawbones and neck. I got mildly

concerned about the smell, so I covered with Pherlure. Then I put on my doctor costume, and headed out to the


I got to the event a little late, so the room was getting full by that point. I took a spot on the flood,

where they were teaching dance lessons. The class rotates partners every few minutes to allow singles to

participate, so I ended up dancing with a lot of women. They smiled at me more than usual, and complimented me on

my costume.

After the lessons, they had open dancing, where everybody could dance with everybody. A few women

who I seemed to click with during the lessons actually approached me to ask me to dance. They also seemed somewhat

oblivious of the half-arm-length rule (something that the instructors encourage people to follow to make their

partner comfortable). Two or three of them even danced close enough to occasionally bump into me with their chests

or hips. When I said "sorry" (more of a dance etiquette thing than anything else), they just smiled and said "oh,

that's OK". One woman, however, did pull back when I tried to dance too close; oh well.

Later during the night,

there was a costume matching contest, where you had to find a partner with a costume that goes along with yours, and

dance with them. The winner is a couple whose costumes go together, either as a best match or as an ironic match.

I ended up dancing with someone dressed as a witch, as a word play on the term "witch doctor" (there were no nurse

costumes). While she flirted with me a little during that time, we didn't win the contest.

Either way, it was a

fun night, and the hits were clearly there, albeit subtle. Good job, Love Scent. I have yet to try the other

products that come in the sample pack, but I'm definitely looking forward to doing so.