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View Full Version : Semi-Noob

09-03-2009, 04:03 PM
So about a month ago I

bought some C7 and received some TE samples. I'm defiantly sold on pheromones. I found that it much easier talking

to women while wearing C7 and even had a hit with TE. I was walking through the bar and a woman(25) literally

stopped and we locked eyes for like 5 seconds. At the time I didn't even realize it was a hit and just shrugged it


So now I've upgraded my collection. Went all out. Bought SOE, NPA, TE(gel packs), A7, and some AE and

perception samples, in addition to the C7 I already have.

I understand that its basically a trial and error

process when it comes to mones. However, I'm hoping some of the experienced users could help suggest some combos to

start with.

Im thinking SOE on the wrists, A7 on the neck and couple sprays of C7 on the chest.

Just a little

extra info. Im 25, caucausian, 6ft, 250lbs(still have some baby fat to lose), and super hairy.

In addition, when

applying SOE, when someone mentions 10", is that 10" per arm or total application.

Finally, I have a little info

to share. My buddy was making fun of me for buying mones, however his GF(Asian) couldn't stop smelling me. She

absoutly loved C7.

09-04-2009, 01:19 PM
Since you're having good

results with C7, I'd think of that as a base, and work from there. You can tweak it up a bit with A7 or TE and get

a little more sexual with your mix, but I think SoE would be a little redundant.

I've had good results with

SoE/A7, so that might be a good mix to try later. Yes, 10" usually means 10" total unless specified


Good luck!