View Full Version : NY Times Article

07-31-2009, 10:48 AM
This (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/30/fa...+vC1UCljBgvyTQ) is a NY Times article on pheromones and

Dial "Magnetic Body Wash" that mentions Love Scent an J V Kohl.

07-31-2009, 12:15 PM
That link was a dead end, which

happens alllll the tiiimmme with the NYT. Try this




If that doesn't work, here's a quote.

Three men had just showered using a body wash with

synthesized pheromones, three had used a body wash without pheromones, and the rest had worked up a sweat and not

washed at all. They then rubbed their arms on scent strips, and handed them to the women to sniff.


participant, Michelle Hotaling, 24, chose a man who had used the pheromone body wash. “In appearance and

personality he was not someone I would otherwise be convinced to go out with,” she said, once her blindfold

came off. “But his scent was a factor that would push my decision to say, ‘Yes.’ ”


was just what Dial, the event’s sponsor and maker of the new “pheromone-infused” Dial for Men

Magnetic Attraction Enhancing Body Wash, wanted to hear.

“We don’t claim using our product

you’re going to hit a home run,” said Ryan Gaspar, a brand manager. “We say, ‘We’ll

get you to first base.’ ”

06-12-2010, 12:15 PM
Hey man thats a really good


Thanks for the link.