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06-04-2009, 10:54 AM
Hello! I'm new here. Read so much about Pheromones here and had to try it out.

I ordered Chikara,

The Edge unscented, SoE unscented, and A314.

I tried Chikara for the first time with a friend (somewhat more than

friend)..and definitely had a positive results. She was way more friendly and relaxed than usual. But she did say I

smelled strange at first.

Combo's I'd like to try:

C7 + TE
C7 + SoE
A314 + TE
A314 + Soe
SoE + Te


1) DROP vs. DAB VS " (inch) - what is the different between a dab and a drop? Is a dab where you

turn the bottle upside down, cover the top air tight with your finger and then distribute to skin? If so, then what

is a drop? Is a drop distributed with an eye dropper? Lastly, what do people mean when they say they have applied x

number of " inches? How do you measure inches with a spray, dab, or drop?

2. COVERING - Do I still need to cover

Chikara scented with another scent like a cologne? For example, does C7 scented + TE unscented need another cologne

on top of those two? Wouldn't that be strange mixing two different scents? Any recommendations as to what "normal"

cologne would mix well with the above combos? What about the jean paul gotea (the green and blue human shaped

bottle) that I already own?

3. LAYERING - If I were to apply one of the combos listed above, do I apply them ON

TOP of each other? For example, one spray TE unscented to my throat and then spray the SAME exact spot of my throat

with C7? OR would I simply spray my throat with one spray of the TE and then 2 sprays of C7 on each forearm for


4. COMBOS - Any other "killer" combos that people have tried with the above 'mones I purchased?


WORK - I am very interested in trying A314 at work. Would that work well alone at work? What about possibly mixing

it with liquid trust?

Thank you!

06-04-2009, 11:26 AM
1) DROP vs. DAB VS " (inch) - what

is the different between a dab and a drop? Is a dab where you turn the bottle upside down, cover the top air tight

with your finger and then disribute to skin? If so, then what is a drop? Is a drop distributed with an eye dropper?

Lastly, what do people mean when they say they have applied x number of " inches? How do you measure inches with a

spray, dab, or drop?

Just as you say, a drop is a drop from a eye dropper or a "dropper" style

bottle (a314 for example). Dabs are as you say. Roller top bottles like SoE, Masters, etc are measured in "length"

eg inches or centimeters.

2. COVERING - Do I still need to cover Chikara scented with another scent like

a cologne? For example, does C7 scened+ TE unscented need another cologne on top of those two? Wouldn't that be

strange mixing two different scents? Any reccomendations as to what "normal" cologne would mix well with the above

combos? What about the jean paul gotea (the green and blue human shaped bottle) that I already own?

Cover scents are often just a matter of choice. As I like the scent of scented Chikara I personally

don't add any additional cover, but it's up to you. Combining multiple products may indeed need an extra cover

"boost" in some cases, although you need to watch out for "scent clash." Some users prefer to purchase the unscented

varieties (if available) to help avoid such problems (cover with your own preferred fragrance). There are really no

firm guidlines as to what fragrance to use with what, as it depends a lot on your own body chemistry and


3. LAYERING - If I were to apply one of the combos listed above, do I apply them ON TOP of

each other? For example, one spray TE unscented to my throat and then spray the SAME exact spot of my throat with

C7? OR would I simply spray my throat with one spray of the TE and then 2 sprays of C7 on each forearm for


From what I have gathered you can also do as you please here. You could apply directly on

top of one another if you want the products at the same spot, or spread them out. Only experimentation will tell you

if there is any real difference.

4. COMBOS - Any other "killer" combos that people have tried with the

above mones I purchased?

Experimentation is probably the best way.

5. WORK - I am very

interested in trying A314 at work. Would that work well alone at work? What about possibly mixing it with liquid


SMALL amounts at first. See what happens. LT doesn't seem to last very long so may only be

useful for first time meetings (reputed to only be effective for about 30-60 minutes). Again, experimentation is


My opinions.:think:

06-04-2009, 08:38 PM
My first real night

ever with mones.

Two woman on train talking next to me- their stop comes up and one jokingly waves good bye to

the other (even though it was her stop too) b/c she wanted to stay and talk with me..

At the bar, I say hello to

a girl, shaking her hand AND she doesn't let go...for about 3 minutes and i've never met the girl before! Her

friend then whispers something to her and the friend asks me to go outside with her and smoke cig.. these kinds of

things NEVER happen to me.

Then this cute asian girl (about as tall as my throat - right where i sprayed the TE

and C7) was almost dazed and smiling at me. I felt like I could have kissed her right there...but I was too shocked

myself at the reaction I was getting...I need to live up to the new opportunities that i'm not used to!

I used 1

spray TE on the throat, let it dry a minute, then sprayed that same spot once with C7. I then sprayed one of wrists,

rubbed it on the other and then rubbed both wrists on my the sides of my neck..so in total 2 sp C7 and 1 sp TE

worked shockingly well for me!


06-05-2009, 11:26 AM
Good results!

Just remember

results can vary from day to day, person to person, so you may not get the same or similar results consistantly. But

this experience should show that you are on the right track. Just don't expect "regular" miracles.

06-08-2009, 07:38 AM
very nice! :)
giants, can you

please describe yourself? (age, height/weight, ethnicity, alpha-maleness, what is your usual behavior (without


tnx :)

06-08-2009, 07:45 AM
Had another

amazing day yesterday - this time 2 sp of TE on neck and 3 sp of Chikara. Met a new girl at an event yesterday - we

ended up talking for 3 hours and then walked around outside and then had dinner...She then emailed and texted me

that she had a great time and wants to see me again.

This is so rare for me....One reason it's rare is because

I *think* I have a low NONE count. I am 28 yrs old, Jewish, slightly introverted, white (Poland and Russian roots),

and very skinny - only 120 pounds. I think because I am so skinny I do not sweat / stink a lot and therefore do not

give off a high NONE count. What does everyone think about that kind of reasoning??

06-08-2009, 08:20 AM
the reasoning is in place, but

its not all about pheros or the lack of them. a guy could raise his "luck" with the girls a lot by acting more like

an alpha-male, by being more social, clean-up properly etc etc.. i think its important to remember that pheros are

not the ultimate, crucial one-and-only factor when it comes to scoring with girls. its just another factor.