View Full Version : AndrostEnone vs. AndrostAnone

05-15-2009, 09:33 AM

guys, i read some claims that
-Anone is more effective that -Enone..does anyone know what are the differences and

what products contain -Anone here at LS?

05-20-2009, 10:02 AM
Tons of stuff in the Phero

reference library. Good luck!

http://pherolibrary.com/ (http://pherolibrary.com/)

05-24-2009, 01:07 PM

of stuff in the Phero reference library. Good luck!


I doubt you'll find anything in the

phero library about that. I've seen no reliable information anywhere on that, though I have seen the chemical

mentioned, mostly on the other site. The problem is that everyone uses code words or keeps silent on ingredients. We

may have used it extensively, or we may never have used it. But too few have tried many of these alternative

chemicals or given them a fair test, to draw any conclusions. I seem to recall that not everyone was ecstatic about

androstanone, though some had a sort of shiny toy fascination with it, probably just because the spelling of the

name. Your best bet is to buy some "anone" and try it out. there is probably a use for it of some kind, or in some


05-25-2009, 10:06 PM
I bought some androstanone from

LS a couple years back. I played with it a few months and found it mildly useful and interesting as a standalone. It

smells like (e.g., stale pee) and has many properties similar to androstenone, but seems mellower and somewhat

restrained. I found I greatly prefer straight androstenone. However some buff young buck whom ODs off his natural

mone output might find androstanone more useful, e.g., a more PC androstenone substitute.

I suspect androstanone

is at its best as a component in a complementary mix.