View Full Version : Hello everyone. I have a question about my recent purchase.

Loose Cannon
04-15-2009, 02:55 PM
Hi everyone. I have been wearing mones for about 10 years now. Not a pro though but,

I've started thinking about taken the combos more seriously. I recently purchased Liquid Trust (standard) and

Chikara (unscented) do you think that's a nice combo? I'd appreciate any tips and I look forward to getting to

know you all.

04-16-2009, 12:57 PM
Hi everyone. I have been wearing mones for about 10 years now. Not a pro though but, I've started

thinking about taken the combos more seriously. I recently purchased Liquid Trust (standard) and Chikara (unscented)

do you think that's a nice combo? I'd appreciate any tips and I look forward to getting to know you

all.:welcome: Liquid Trust has worked well for me when i have used

at least 4 good sprays to my shirtfront at chest level and remained close to my target audience, the LT loses its

strenght very fast for me even after the first hour and i consider the product an expensive option.

Chikara has been effective for others and is not one of my favourite products, i have

gotten some action from it when i have used it with a couple sprays of Edge Sandlewood.

Perhaps if you discribe your self and also more of the effects you are

looking for then you may have further responses from forum members.

04-16-2009, 05:12 PM
Welcome to the forum LC. C7 is

a favorite as a standalone or as a "tweaked" mix with additional -None for sexiness or -Rone for a more solid

respect vibe.

LT is, as Terry said, short lived and limited in usefulness. It works very well for a last

minute spritz before an encounter, but does not last very long.

If it were me, I'd use the LT for special

purposes, and use your C7 with NPA or TE for -None puposes, or A314 for a more respectful and less sexual mix. It

occurs to me to think of a C7/A7 mix. I've not seen that spoken of here, but I could be wrong. :) To me, A7 is

one of the best products out there for a lot of reasons. YMMV

04-16-2009, 07:22 PM
I think that Alpha 314 is just a

wonderfull all round little workhorse.

Its great for garnering respect and also influencing others to co-operate

with you.

Wear A314 as your tradmark phero for a period of time and others in

general includung females will remember you as someone


With A314 the wearer will get the benefits from approaching and opening

the conversation with others

Wearing several

drops of A314 and a drop of Alpha 7 has all the makings of an excellent seduction formula, Yeah it works very well

providing that the wearer takes the initiative and does a little smooth talk, i can ashore you that the dames will

not want to depart from you with the above combo working in your favour.

Loose Cannon
04-16-2009, 11:25 PM
Thank you for all

responses :)

I'm 5 foot 10 and about 210 lbs. I'm muscular (but, could lose about 20 lbs right now). I'm of

course looking for something to attract the ladies but, my main goal is over all friendliness and comfort factor

with them and people in general.

04-17-2009, 12:49 AM
Thank you for all responses :)

I'm 5 foot 10 and about 210 lbs. I'm muscular (but, could lose

about 20 lbs right now). I'm of course looking for something to attract the ladies but, my main goal is over all

friendliness and comfort factor with them and people in general.You

say that you have been using pheromones for around 10 years so therefore what age approximately were you when you

started using pheros ?

Also what products have you previously used that work for you ?

Also i wish you good luck with your order of LT and Chikara , enjoy the

testing :thumbsup:

Loose Cannon
04-17-2009, 03:07 AM
You say that you have been using pheromones for

around 10 years so therefore what age approximately were you when you started using pheros ?

Also what products have you previously used

that work for you ?

Also i wish you good luck

with your order of LT and Chikara , enjoy the testing :thumbsup:

I am 30

years old now. In the past I've never really used any pheromone more than once. Meaning, once the bottle was

gone, I would find something else. It wasn't until I got to Europe and I found this stuff called "Hot Man Phermone

Perfume" (great title huh?) that I was noticing the most hits and I'm not sure if it was because of the stuff in it

or just because it smells awesome. So when I ran out of that, I would go buy more :P

Well now I'm in a place

where I can't get that stuff anymore and I'm looking for a replacement. Preferably non scented so that I can wear

my colognes.

04-17-2009, 05:38 AM
I am

30 years old now. In the past I've never really used any pheromone more than once. Meaning, once the bottle was

gone, I would find something else. It wasn't until I got to Europe and I found this stuff called "Hot Man Phermone

Perfume" (great title huh?) that I was noticing the most hits and I'm not sure if it was because of the stuff in it

or just because it smells awesome. So when I ran out of that, I would go buy more :P

Well now I'm in a place

where I can't get that stuff anymore and I'm looking for a replacement. Preferably non scented so that I can wear

my colognes.
Wow, I googled that stuff... It doesn't say whats in it, but I found a shop w/ it and a

bunch of other weird things in it.

Loose Cannon
04-18-2009, 10:46 AM

I googled that stuff... It doesn't say whats in it, but I found a shop w/ it and a bunch of other weird things in


Did it say where I can buy it online?

04-18-2009, 11:15 AM
Hey Loose Cannon,
Im in the

same boat...

I'd be happy to find out where I can buy any of these options in Central Europe.

Loose Cannon
04-18-2009, 06:42 PM

Loose Cannon,
Im in the same boat...

I'd be happy to find out where I can buy any of these options in Central


Are you in Europe now?

I bought this stuff at a "sex store" lol!

04-18-2009, 09:01 PM
Love-Scent ships to Europe.

What country are you in?

Loose Cannon
04-18-2009, 11:54 PM
I have already purchased

some love-scent stuff and it's enroute right now. I'm curious now if there is any place that I can find/or has

anyone hear ever heard of "HOT man pheromone perfume"?

My real question here is about my purchase. Do you think

the Chikara Unscented and the Liquid Trust are going to be a good combo? Also based on my description and goals,

what do you think I should try?


04-18-2009, 11:54 PM
Hi Loose Cannon and idesign!

I live in the Czech Republic and will be here indefinitely.

LC, great minds think alike! I was just thinking

this morning that the only place here that would likely sell pheros would be a "sex shop", (of which there is one on

every corner)! :D Love this place...

idesign, thanks, Ill check out the shipping options from Love-Scent.

04-19-2009, 01:40 AM
Ahoj Brenn

Should be no

problem to get your moanes from LS here to Czech.
I recommend to take a better shipping option ... this means not

the cheapest and not the most expensive.

Where are you hiding at this nice country .. me i live in Bavaria close

to the Border ... 2 hours to go to Plzen and 2 to Budweis ...

Go for Czech girls with Soe Gel packs and Chikara

.... add nice A7 and you´re going to get them ..

Na shledanou ... C ya


04-19-2009, 11:20 AM

real question here is about my purchase. Do you think the Chikara Unscented and the Liquid Trust are going to be a

good combo?


Actually I was thinking along much the same lines for an experiment. As soon as I

can recover from some tax bills and medical bills I was going to order up some Liquid Trust to try in combo with

various products, including both the scented and unscented versions of Chikara.

I think it's certainly worth a


Also waiting for that "Hooray hooray the First of May, outdoor *ing starts today" discount code...


from the musical Camelot "The Lusty Month of May" song playing in background...)

04-21-2009, 11:05 PM



Cao, Pago! Jsem v Praze. Im working on the Czech language, but it's rough as you can

see, the grammar, man!

Thanks for the advice, Ill check out those products!

Yes, the women here are

excellent!Some are just shy and not speaking Czech well is no help. But a lot of aggressive ones whos speak English

in the meantime, so no worries:lol:

Cheers and Cao!

04-22-2009, 02:49 AM
Hi Brenn

Czech Grammar ...

horrible ... definately ...
i speak German, English, Portuguese, French, taking Czech lessons

had and have

seval girlfriends ....aaahm mltr in Plzen .. lot of success with pheros ..

and i really like Phraha... will

inform you when i´ll be around next time .. should be in 3 weeks .....


04-22-2009, 12:06 PM
Yeah, let me know when you're in


I understand, I love it here and the women are excellent, Plzen is nice too.

Nice going on the

languages, Man! You can give me some tips on how to learn this horrible crap!

I have one almost-girlfriend, we

spend a lot of time together and it has potential, but too early to tell for sure. And a couple sides-girls, though

one is leaving for a year in Chile. Which sucks. Time to call in a replacement! :)