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03-24-2009, 04:47 PM
Any updates of hits from


09-27-2009, 10:29 PM
bump........... anybody?

09-28-2009, 08:25 AM
bump........... anybody?Whilst some WAGG users

have reported favourable results from it i can say that i noticed no real action from the bottle i had used


I did have slightly better results when using SOE alone rather than WAGG


09-28-2009, 09:07 AM
Hmm. not such a popular product.

I wonder whether it's A1 or EST or maybe some putative pheromone in there.

09-28-2009, 11:29 PM

not such a popular product. I wonder whether it's A1 or EST or maybe some putative pheromone in

there.At a guess it probably has a simple Androsterone/Alpha androstenol


The results i noticed were similar to that of

another low action product that i tested some time ago called P****** M11 except that M11 does contain 1mg

Androstenone and an additional 4 mg rone/nol combo in 10mL.

Probably WAGG N would be something similar to M11.

But hey you may well be on the money with your idea that WAGG could contain

EST, however i didn't notice any self effects.


must admit that androstenone works well for me alone or in combos and this probably due to my age and


I have been testing Androstadienone

10mg/10nL at between 2-4 drops for around a week and have seen some very interesting behaviour from women thus

putting a good grin on my face when i notice definite behaviour responses from the random personalities that it

workes on.

09-29-2009, 05:30 AM
Oh man you're right about

Androstenone. It's the most obvious pheromone to notice a difference. Gotta love it!

Did you get your A1 from

P*****c**d*****.com ? Cos I've got some bottles from there wonder whether their stuff are legit.

2-4 drops of A1

had how long of an effect?

09-29-2009, 09:57 AM
Oh man

you're right about Androstenone. It's the most obvious pheromone to notice a difference. Gotta love it!


you get your A1 from P*****c**d*****.com ? Cos I've got some bottles from there wonder whether their stuff are


2-4 drops of A1 had how long of an effect?I didn't get my

A1 from P........d....., I have used some of Chris's pheromones and the last one was Alpha Maschio its is very

concentrated and the full 4 reccomended sprays was too much 4 me and 2-3 was


You may send to my email addy for where i got my A1.

I have received results easy 6 hours after 1st


09-29-2009, 10:45 AM
just dropped you an email ;)

09-29-2009, 11:40 AM
Havent seen REAL hits, but

seen much more friendly behavior.
And thats from BOTH male and female..
For me it does what it's called..
What A

Great Guy!

Actually its a part of my work mix..
Used it for my job interview the last time, and everyone was

smiling like :twisted: and was saying all I say was good, and I fitted really good into the business etc.
Some was

me, but I still use this because its just a great mix..

The other day I had to buy a new screen a couple of hours

after starting at work.. So went over nearby to buy it before they would have sold out of the good offer, and the

girl at the desk where I should pay was really friendly..
I didn't say that much but she kept wanting to talk to

me and was more than just clerk-friendly..

My work mix is:
- 1 drop of PI, split - on both sides of neck right

under my jaw line where your main arterie is located.
--> This covered with (an old product not sold here

- WAGG approx 3 drops (flipping the bottle on the head while finger on top because its to thin to get real

drops - but 3 tilts) smeared on each upper side of hands.
- 1 line of SOE accros the top of my wrists.

I use

this on the upperside of my hands as they face upwards most of the time and to my logic it makes the mones evaporate

good in a room.
I usually also cover the WAGG and late at the day you can still smell it when the cover is gone.

09-29-2009, 12:28 PM
WM, have you ever tried it on by


09-29-2009, 12:48 PM

have you ever tried it on by itself?

Yes I have.. Both the WAGG and the WAGG-N.
Both seem very good but

to me at least WAGG works fine without the extra umph from the -N.
As said in my previous post, in general, WAGG to

me seems to make people - male or female - much more friendly and think "What A Great Guy" about you.
They talk to

you with ease and interest and always seems like they are interested to get to know you and be your friend..


use it to work everyday and the work inviorment is a lot like that with greeting new people and being very friendly

but still I get a feeling that WAGG does something for me..
People try to talk to me and get me involved in

conversations when we eat event though I have just meet them 2-3 times, and trying to get eyecontact and also

agreeing a lot with me..

A thing I remember is that people that say the same words as you are unconsciously

trying to be more like you to make you like them..
Learned it through some physiology thing, but I have really

started noticing that when people talk and cant find a word I speak my mind and say what I think they wanna say, and

they always say the same word instead of saying the same with another word..
Or if I have stated something, or

commented something we have talked about or heard in the radio, when they comment back they often use the same

sentences and words as I do almost exactly so I cant stop thinking WAGG does things here..

From day one I tried

it (years ago) I fell in love with the way it makes people act around you..